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I'm trying to grasp supply issues. I pretty much understand the supply/HQ/HQ chain concepts. As such, am I correct in this statement:

Given a supply source of strength 10, one HQ ten action points from that supply source, and then another HQ within 5 action points of the first HQ - then that's the same supply value as an out of supply HQ, namely a supply value of 5.

So beyond 15 action points from a supply source, no HQ could ever have a supply value greater then 5.

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any help.

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1. I'm pretty sure that it's not "10 action points from that supply source". That would mean that you get Supply 10 from a city 10 ten clear tiles away. In reality, AFAIK, you only get that 10 supply 9 tiles away.

The way I work it out is start at supply 10 at city tile and then count down as you move away (based on terrain cost). So in this example an HQ 3 tiles away would have supply input of 7, therefore as 7>1 it has a supply output of 10.

2. Although the manual talks about the "increased supply" of HQs when linked to an in-supply HQ, as TaoJah says it's for that HQ's action point calculation only. Also as he says, an HQ will always have supply of 5 or more.

3. The range would be worked out the same way as in 1. So a 10 supply HQ can raise the action points of another HQ as long as it's within 4 tiles of the HQ. So I make that 13 tiles.

If C is the 10 supply city and all the tiles are clear, H represents where the HQs would have to go. The first is supply input 1 from the city, so it's a 10. The second is out of supply, so it's a 5. However, as it can draw supply 6 from that first HQ, it has all its action points (usually only really needed to cross mountains).


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I have a situation like this:


Where C = 10 strength city.

The second HQ is at supply level 8.

So what you're saying is that all the other units are drawing supply from the first HQ. They get nothing really from the second HQ. So supply chains are useless for all other units?

[ February 09, 2007, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: gwgardner ]

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Originally posted by gwgardner:

I have a situation like this:


Where C = 10 strength city.

The second HQ is at supply level 8.

So what you're saying is that all the other units are drawing supply from the first HQ. They get nothing really from the second HQ. So supply chains are useless for all other units?

Euh... They should get something from the second HQ, where the second HQ acts as a level 5, no ?

If you would have this (where A is an army) : C98765432H98765432H432A

The first HQ gives supply 10.

The second HQ gives supply 5 and can move 2 hexes.

The Army has supply 1.

If you would have this (where A is an army) : C98765432H987654321000H432A

The first HQ gives supply 10.

The second HQ gives supply 5 and can move 1 hex.

The Army has supply 1.

So, indeed, the chained HQs only affect the movement of the second HQ not the supply it gives.

Note that it only works with 2 HQ : a possible 3th HQ will not get the movement bonus.

If you would have this : C98765432H98765432H432H432A

The first HQ gives supply 10.

The second HQ gives supply 5 and can move 2 hexes.

The thirth HQ gives supply 5 and can move 1 hex (like all HQ do all the time).

The Army has supply 1.

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Not to belabor the point, but just to confirm: 1) supply chains are thus only useful for specific situations when one needs an overextended HQ to be able to move a bit faster/farther than it would if not in the chain ( e.g. over mountains)

2) for all non-HQ units, if they move beyond normal supply, then an HQ chain does nothing.

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