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Random Variants for SC2

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What I'm looking for is a feature that parallels that undying human characteristic of hope. No matter how bad it gets, there is always the possibility, however remote, that a light exists at the end of the tunnel.

Here's where that random event(s) come into the equation, unknown by either side, not necessarily changing the game, but providing for "that light".

Long post. I'm starting another thread for this topic. To illustrate some of the event capabilities, here's the basic structure for the unit event, which is typical of the structure for most other event scripts:

; Basic structure for a unit event:

; {

; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game)

; #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs)

; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0)

; #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]):

; A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0

; B) Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1

; C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2

; #COUNTRY_ID= Country ID that will be owner of unit's in the event

; #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100])

; #DATE= Failsafe date for the event to occur, i.e. regardless if #CONDITION_POSITION checks have been satisfied (format yyyy/mm/dd)

; #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= Resource destination position for units listed by #UNIT_ID

; #CONDITION_POSITION= Map positions that will serve to trigger the event as well as distance and

; number of enemy unit ranges.

; Format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_enemy_units, max_enemy_units] [alignment]

; #UNIT= Units to be created as well as a name (optional).

; Format: unit_id [strength] [experience] [name]

; }

The #FLAG can be toggled on/off at game start regardless of whether you set an event as default or not. So players could create a whole series of what-ifs which they can easily use or not use for each game.

#TYPE is used to define single checks, multiple checks or reoccuring checks once conditions are satisfied. #TRIGGER sets the chance that the event occurs.

Now, a random event could be easily added to the game to give Italy a free Tank Group, or USA a free Bomber, or whatever. This could represent an emphasis on a particular doctrine or perhaps that "light at the end of the tunnel." For example, Allied ground units within 3-5 tiles of Berlin could trigger a release of hidden panzer reserves.

There's a lot that can be done with all this. A trigger of 1% per turn would have a very good chance of not occurring at all within a particular game, and could become that "unknown by either side." Ditto for a higher percentage but as a single one-time check only. Not only would this surprise human players, it would also introduce a new condition for the AI to evaluate and may prompt some interesting offensive/defensive reactions from the computer opponent.

On the flip side, here's the concern about introducing too many random events. What if too many happen during a game which skews things one way? Unlike the old Third Reich variant chits where each player selects an equal number of supposedly balanced events, the fickle finger of fate in SC2 may deal an uneven hand. Statistically, even those 1% chances can occur quite frequently!

So. My take is that SC2 will offer a few surprises but a lot of the more creative development will happen after release. Some folks will want a crazy anything-goes game while others won't. Some will want historically realistic what-ifs and others won't care. The good news is that the SC2 Editor offers enough flexibility for most everyone to be satisfied eventually. :cool:

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Question - could one write a unit event that would only trigger if the USA was at war?


Event: MacArthur arrives at Cairo

IF Axis units within 3 tiles of Cairo before Oct 1941, 3% chance that General MacArthur (HQ Unit), his Marines from the Phillipines (Corps), and the US Battleship Iowa (Battleship Fleet) arrive in the Red Sea if the USA is at war.

This would simulate what could have happened if the USA entered the war early and the fleet was not occupied with the threat from Japan.

#Name=MacArthur arrives in Egypt

#Popup=American reinforcements lead by General MacArthur have arrived in the Red Sea






PS: With the current structure one could have the AI issue appropiate pithy comments to the human player, if only there was a condition check for the AI. ;) But this may not matter as the AI will simply ignore the popup.


#AI= Will this event occur for all players, only for the Allied Human, for the Axis Human, for the Allied AI, for the Axis AI (values range [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; All=0,Allied Human= 1; Axis Human = 2, Allied AI=3, Axis AI=4)

Example: IF Axis AI Units are in Paris before date XX/XX/XXXX you could have a 25% for a popup to the human player that says - "Human, to win you must fight harder to defend France."

Example: If AXIS AI Units take Moscow the AI may say "Human, the end is near."

[ January 03, 2006, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I was wondering Bill, is there a mechanism to disable the event?

Sort of an opposite to the #DATE which designates the event to happen regardless of the triggers.

What I would like to be able to do is delete/disable the event and its definitions on a certain date and then reintroduce a similar event with a greater/lesser percentage of a trigger for later game play.

In other words, change the definition of the event midgame if it hasn't happened or the eradification/fulfillment of an event activates a new event(a link).

#LINK, #NAME deactivates(dd/mm/yy),#FLAG=0; #NAME activates(dd/mm/yy),#FLAG=1.

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Multiple #TYPE= 0 single checks could be used. You could have a 1941 event that possibly does one thing, and it happens or doesn't. A different 1942 event could do something else. So that's an option.

Most of the political activation events have conditions for country alignments. These can be tailored to follow historical events to some degree. Like France surrendered or not surrendered would affect whether an event could trigger or not.

Obviously every possibility is not going to be covered (sorry, Edwin!) but you'll probably find more than enough flexibility with all these event scripts.

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Any news on what the AI scripts can do?

I assume that you can assign research and production priorities in addition to assigning research areas and units that a nation will not pursue. Am I correct?

Example: Russia will not build naval vessels. Russia will not research ASW.

Example: US Research Priority > IT then IT then Long Range then Mechanization then .....

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Any news on what the AI scripts can do?
I've seen the AI script templates but it's too soon to comment on them. My initial reaction was Wow! Although there are only four different script types (production, planning, research, and diplomacy), there's a lot of depth to them - and lots of flexibility.

Once we (playtesters) get a sense for how the generic AI works in SC2, how well the scripting actually works in practice and Hubert lets us discuss some details, then we'll have something to talk about. Let's all give Hubert the time he needs to get the AI working first, yes?

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Note: Iceland only became a US base after the Brits invaded, until then it was persuing a policy of neutrality. Of course, it did not have an army with which to resist an invasion.

In my view, if you want to control Iceland you should be required to invade it. Invading Iceland will incurr no diplomatic penalty and you will face no opposition along with no partisans.

[ January 09, 2006, 05:52 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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