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My main favorite game

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Until we get some news, ANY news, from Hubert (COME ON HUBERT!!!! :mad: ) about SC2 I’ll say something about rival Gary Grigsby World at War game. SC2 WAS my main favorite game before GGWAW is released and SC2 STILL IS my main favorite for a great game. GGWAW is a not bad game, on contrary, it is a good game but this is not it. I loved Axis and Allies game (still do) and GGWAW is, lets say, Advanced (a lot) Axis and Allies but something is missing. It has no feeling like SC1 had. So Hubert, you are my last chance to play a game of my dream. Take your time as many you want I’ll wait but give us some news. We don’t have any themes for discuss on this forum. ;)smile.gif:D:(

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GG games aren't made for TCP/IP. Far as where is SC2, I can only guess. From the sounds of some of the people's posts, I'm guessing some testing is going on. Dude, you ever work on a firmware project? It's not like painting a fence. Chill out before you pop a blood vessel. And for sure don't compare your love (SC/SC2) to some other GG-crap, that sure isn't going to motivate Hubert share the info.

So Hubert, when is this dog going to hunt?

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it is a good game but this is not it.
Nope, vveedd, it ain't... much.


It's the way - the West invests.

You get some thing cool, :cool:

And then a bunch

Will huddle and wonder?


To "capitalize" on a hot market? :confused:

Then aggregate and engage in "group think,"

And viola!

Another! worthless dreg of dross!

You want to see some thing so creative

It'll take your very first breath away?

Put a "schizophrenic" (... well, so designated

by the "official" controllers,

them... Psycho-illogic flunkies)

In a large room with clean, white

Washed walls,

And hand him a box of plain old... Crayons,

And give 'im a day or two,

And then!

You'll see some thing

That even van Gogh would admire. :cool:


A new! game that would allow you

To get from - Black Hills, S Dakota,

Clear out to that hidden grotto

On the dark side of Alpha Centauri,

IF only!

You'd roll out... double-ought "9's"

On yer 6-sided dice.


The finest creations oft

Arrive from out of... commonly

Mistrusted, if not

Despised - minds. ;)

How does this relate to WW-2 you ask?

Well, one of the major reasons

GErmany lost the war, and,

Why - ANY Nation begins to

Spoil and fester and degenerate

(... examples abound, even today, just

look around you),

Them strutting dunce Nazis ran off, or

Incarcerated or murdered MOST of their creative

And supposed... "crazy" folks.


The West got great benefit. ;)

[... then, the question you gotta ask, as is very appropriate - just now,

Why? did the everyday ordinary Volk think that Hitler & his cronies were... "sane enough"

to be allowed ANY power?]

[ April 17, 2005, 09:01 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by vveedd:

Until we get some news, ANY news, from Hubert (COME ON HUBERT!!!! :mad: ) about SC2 I’ll say something about rival Gary Grigsby World at War game. SC2 WAS my main favorite game before GGWAW is released and SC2 STILL IS my main favorite for a great game. GGWAW is a not bad game, on contrary, it is a good game but this is not it. I loved Axis and Allies game (still do) and GGWAW is, lets say, Advanced (a lot) Axis and Allies but something is missing. It has no feeling like SC1 had. So Hubert, you are my last chance to play a game of my dream. Take your time as many you want I’ll wait but give us some news. We don’t have any themes for discuss on this forum. ;)smile.gif:D:(

Are you on drugs, stop doing weed.
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Guys, guys be cool. Just wanted to share with you my GGWAW game experiences and my frustration because we don’t have any news about game for a long time. Didn’t mean to offense Hubert or anybody else. On contrary, I am a big Hubert and SC fan. I have compared GGWAW with SC2 only because I have had great expectations for both games. GGWAW was a little disappointment, hope SC2 will not be. What was good about GGWAW game was AAR from beta testers on Matrix forum. I would like to see something similar for SC2 or at least some new screenshots from time to time. You are taking this too serious, I have been kidding in most part of my previous post. I understand really good that Hubert and his guys are working hard and fast as they can.

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Guys, guys be cool.
LOL, fine advice vveedd!

You cool.

We cool.

Chilling-out is usually better by far

Than getting all hot & wrought. :cool:

[... unless you need some X-treme speed so to

over-take that fender-flamed '63 'Vette

that just nitro-fired past you

(in an eco-friendly Minor Mini)

going 120 MPH + ;) ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I think you deliberately went out to nail Hubert and kick dirt on his sc 2 effort.

You are right. It was honest try to wake up and provoke Hubert to get some news. But as I saw, you guys are much more jumpy then me (or Hubert) :D:D:D
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I personally like GGWAW to some extent.It has for jest soem serious issues => look for the victory conditions and the research area.

Still I think SC is more fun though I am really looking forward for SC2. It is fine that Hubert is busy working and coding etc. but I really would like to have from time to time an update, an AAR or least something.

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I just couldn't resist commenting that I've now uninstalled and packed GGWAW. I can't imagine that I'll ever take it back off the shelf.

Honestly, Axis and Allies is a better game. The complications that have been added to it to make GGWAW are just that, complications.

Maybe I'll crack open SC1 again... Civil War: Bull Run is still got me thinking, and Stronghold 2 ships today, maybe that'll be diversion enough...

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Whewww We!!!! you guys(ole timers) sure are protective of HC's ego.......as it should be, but not necessary, HC is focused...he knows his calling.

Your right vveed, WaW is not in the SC league, not in the least, but WaW does have a decent Pacific theater. It has a good rock-paper-scissors theme and good PBEM(team) dynamics and it will fill the bill until SC2 arrives....I am playin it. And see....I don't need no updates on SC2, cause I know the team is hard at it and it has a complicated foundation, what with us wanting the do everything editor and Edwin asking for a "to die for" AI......it ain't coming soon...but the wait will be worth it.

So take a "chill" pill everyone and lets crank up some WaW team PBEMs and post our inspired ideas for HC to incorporate into SC2.....and wait some more.

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Thanks for the response Hubert. Feed us peasants some crumbs of the development, that would be cool.

Far as the rest of you guys, I'm one of the loyal old school types. Hubert gave me a game I'm addicted to like crack or betting on sports, so I'm not going to diss the man.

"That's right Iceman, I am dangerous....I'm not leaving my wingman" --- Maverick in the movie Top Gun.

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