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How to destroy the United States

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1) USA acceptance as co-existance with our enemies as a way to avoid nuclear war.

2) Develop the illusion that the disarmanant of the USA as an act of goodwill.

3) Allow free trade between all nations regardless of Communist interests or trading of war weapons.

4) Provide aid to all nations regardless if they were our enemies.

5) Set up East/West Germany as seperate states despite Russia's rejection of free elections as led by the US.

6) Allow all Soviet satelittes individual representation in the United Nations.

7) Promote UN as only hope for mankind. Have the charter rewritten to promote a One World Government with own armed forces.

8) Resist laws to outlaw the Communist party.

9) Do away with loyalty oaths.

10) Capture one or both of US major political parties to drive these agendas.

11) Use technical means within the courts to weaken basic US institutions by saying they violate somebody's civil rights.

12) Get control of the schools, teacher's associations in order to drive socialist/communist agenda.

13) Gain control of all student newspapers.

14) Use the graduates of these first student papers to inflitrate the press & get control of news media.

15) Get key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

16) Elminate all laws obsenity by calling them censorship & violation of free speech.

17) Breakdown morality by the promotion of pronography.

18) Promote relations outside marriage as normal & healthy.

19) Inflitrate churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Discredit the Bible and introduce intellectual religion which does not need religious crutch.

20) Eliminate prayer in school, claiming that it violates the seperation of church & state.

21) Discredit the Constitution by calling it old fashion, hinderous of relations with foriegn nations, and does not have a modern application.

22) Belittle all US culture & discourage it as it's only a minor part in the big picture by elminating the teaching of American history.

23) Eliminate all laws that interfere with the Communist cause.

24) Discredit the family as an institution. Rather promote relations outside marraige & make it simple to get a divorce.

25) Divide & show a need for children to be raised outside the influence of their parents.

26) Give the impression that violence is the way to improve social conditions as a method for the student crowd to gain their agenda.

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Good god Rambo what have you been smoking? Er Soviet satellites? The USSR collapsed over 15 years ago in case you didn't notice. That big wall thing in Germany? They smashed it down.Lots of men with mullets and bad purple tracksuits partying while listening to David Hasslehoff.Ring any bells?

Communist interests? you mean Cuba? They are the only ones left these days.

Can a moderator please shut this drivelling rant down please. I thought his holiday plans were bad enough.

Oh and No. 26 about promoting violence? Ha Ha what happended to give War a chance. Oh the Irony. Stick to the game Rambo, you're good at that.

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It's kinda sad that the auteur didn't mention anything about elections. One would think that that is a bit more important then student papers or porn.

Something like 27) The president won't be elected by a mayority but appointed by 11 in-crowd people.

Oh, wait...

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Sadly enough it is all true, schools teach a slanted view of history, "In God we trust" is on our money, that is the limit of christ in our society, the family is broken and that is the way the government wants it, they give subsidies for public child care and punish single income families for having a parent in the house to raise their children(hmmm sounds like government wants to raise children, sound familiar), China is not only communist, they are the largest population, steal copy rights, and peg their currency to the dollar instead of allowing it to float in markets like all non communist countries, we are not keeping the guard against all enemies, I used to believe we won the cold war, sometimes I think the price may have been too high. :(




Konigs, @ 2-08-07

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

17) Breakdown morality by the promotion of pronography.

18) Promote relations outside marriage as normal & healthy.

19) Inflitrate churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Discredit the Bible and introduce intellectual religion which does not need religious crutch.

20) Eliminate prayer in school, claiming that it violates the seperation of church & state.

Pardon me but how is any of that going to "destroy the United States"? Is the author a religious fundamentalist?

I though religious fundamentalism was the enemy of USA, not its cornerstone.

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Doesnt look very free anymore at least not from the UK but then were definately not now:(

Facial recognition

CCTV 1 for every 22 people here

No right to jury trial

Double jeopardy

Indefinate detention without trial

Suspension of right to peaceful protest

Human rights abuse in our name abroad

And thats without going into all the conspiracy theories round 9/11 and the madrid and london bombings

There used to be a cold war game Balance of power IIRC it always ended up in defeat or nuclear winter

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Battlefront --- How about a Cold War strategy game?

a coldwar-scenario or an update with a 1945-... game of SC2 (campaign starting 1945 or even better on your pre 1945 campaign) would be reaaaaaally nice

Another wish for Santa Hubert


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Originally posted by Normal Dude:

I have been designing a Cold War scenario, but stopped due to a lack of player interest in anything not 1939 Fall Weiss.

Keep working on it, I'm interested. NATO/Warsaw Pact clash would be a lot of fun.

The diplo would sure be interesting. Come on Frenchies, get in the game. ;)

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Originally posted by xwormwood:

a coldwar-scenario or an update with a 1945-... game of SC2 (campaign starting 1945 or even better on your pre 1945 campaign) would be reaaaaaally nice

Another wish for Santa Hubert


Oh, oh yeah. I'd LOVE to have an option to pick a side and continue the war now between Allies and the USSR from where the game was left when the Axis surrendered. :cool:
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I was surprised to see this thing posted, wondered about most of it's points but now that Brother Rambo has revealed it's source and when it was written, it makes a lot more sense. My impressions of it, as a gradeschooler during the 1950s, are:

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

1) USA acceptance as co-existance with our enemies as a way to avoid nuclear war.

2) Develop the illusion that the disarmanant of the USA as an act of goodwill.

What would the alternatives have been? There were a lot of people when I was a kid who felt the United States should have hit the USSR with a nuclear arsenal during the late 1940s, when mainland China went communist but before the Korean War began in mid-1949. They overlooked two things, of course, there was no justification for doing so and the United States didn't possess the kind of nuclear arsenal, nor the delivery system, that would have made such a plan feasible till after the development of the H-bomb in 1953 or 54. From there, they also forgot about the radiation factor, which would have contaminated much of the world, and possible brought on a nuclear winter, which no one knew about at the time. So the victory through nuclear war idea was never a valid one.

Nuclear Disarmament was a recurring theme from the mid-50s on. Probably the first Soviet Sputniks forced people to see the lihgt. I remember hearing the news bulletins and the first thing Americans suspected was that the Ruskies were orbiting missles in space. As far as I know the technology for that wouldn't exist till at least thirty years later, but people already felt the world governments had weapons technologies that were ultra secret and far ahead of anything the public knew about. I tend to think they were right, but wildly overestimating the true U. S. and USSR capabilities.

3) Allow free trade between all nations regardless of Communist interests or trading of war weapons.

4) Provide aid to all nations regardless if they were our enemies.

5) Set up East/West Germany as seperate states despite Russia's rejection of free elections as led by the US.

6) Allow all Soviet satelittes individual representation in the United Nations.

7) Promote UN as only hope for mankind. Have the charter rewritten to promote a One World Government with own armed forces.

East and West Germany was already decided on during the last year of World War Two. In truth the United States and Britain pushed for that specific arrangement because they thought the USSR would be at the Rhine whle the western powers were still trying to get out of France.

The trade part is nonsensical because restrictions were always gotten around through totally neutral countries. Also there wasn't any definition of which countries were, or weren't, our enemies.

U.N. Representation for Soviet satalittes? The United States had far more of them than the USSR, so there was never a reason to quibble.

U.N. having it's own army and being looked upon as mankind's savior? Strange remarks as the only cause U. N. troops had fought against at that time, was the North Korean and Chinese communist attempt to overwhelm Sout Korea.

And the other remark, true, a lot of people were very hopeful that the United Nations would guide the world past the kind of stumbling blocks that led to the First and Second World Wars. It avoided many of the mistakes made by the earlier League of Nations and, overall, I think it's functioned pretty well during it's sixty years existence. Of course it hasn't served as an American tool, and I don't claim it's been anywhere near perfect, but it was never supposed to do the bidding any one country and no reasonable person should expect any organization to work perfectly.

8) Resist laws to outlaw the Communist party.

9) Do away with loyalty oaths.

Outlawed it would have been more dangerous that it was as a legal entity. Same with the American Nazi Party, which in it's earlier entity as the German American Bund actually was made an outlaw organization after the U. S. entry into WWII.

Communist and other political groups were outlawed in czarist Russia. A lot of good it did them.

Loyalty oathes? Are people really struck dead when they later betray them?

10) Capture one or both of US major political parties to drive these agendas.

11) Use technical means within the courts to weaken basic US institutions by saying they violate somebody's civil rights.

12) Get control of the schools, teacher's associations in order to drive socialist/communist agenda.

13) Gain control of all student newspapers.

14) Use the graduates of these first student papers to inflitrate the press & get control of news media.

15) Get key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

Anyone who actually lived through the McCarthy era, even as a child, remembers the insane and pathetic witch hunts, black lists, and the rest of what went on in the name of democracy. God, even we don't believe in him, save us from such wonderful patriots as those people.

16) Elminate all laws obsenity by calling them censorship & violation of free speech.

17) Breakdown morality by the promotion of pronography.

18) Promote relations outside marriage as normal & healthy.

Who writes those laws anyway? What are the penalties and who enforces them? Do we go back to stoning women who committed adultery? And, in any case, these are matters the state is not supposed to be concerned about, unless Americans want to bring back people like Cotton Matther and put them in charge. Before doing so, they should ask themselves why people crossed the ocean to come here in the first place.

19) Inflitrate churches and replace revealed religion with social religion. Discredit the Bible and introduce intellectual religion which does not need religious crutch.

20) Eliminate prayer in school, claiming that it violates the seperation of church & state.

Lock me up, I support all those things except for having any form of state religion. People should be free to form their own beliefs. And should be free of having those beliefs forced on them.

Prayer in school was a big issue when I was about ten or so. Every day we faced the United States flag, with it's 48 stars, put our right hand over our heart and said:

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Probably that stopped when I was in the fifth or sixth grade. Despite my strong views on the separation of church and state, I don't personally object to the reference to God here. It can be anybody's God, or Gods, or no God at all if the person wants to think of it as something else, perhaps a universal power or The Force or whatever. I used to like taking that pledge every morning and we used to say it pretty loud and clear. I think we all liked saying it. It meant something. We had something when we talked about being Americans.

Bring it back. Please.

21) Discredit the Constitution by calling it old fashion, hinderous of relations with foriegn nations, and does not have a modern application.

The Constitution, as originally written, stated specifically that women, Native Indians and Blacks had a questionalbe social status, if any at all. Slavery was stated as being legal in the states that wanted it and slaves were counted as fragments of people.

I guess those views were a bit old fashioned, even in the late fifties.

Also, as I remember it, the Founding Fathers made some sort of provision for the document's periodic revision and they even advised doing so from time to time, as needed.

22) Belittle all US culture & discourage it as it's only a minor part in the big picture by elminating the teaching of American history.

During the 1950s U. S. culture still included such things as lynching black people from trees and being photographed with a big smile as part of the crowd milling about the corpse. I remember large photographs of recent lynchings being shown in such communist rags as LIFE and LOOK magazines.

American History? Well, let's see, I seem to recall a lot of those lessons turning out to not be quiet as true as the textbooks made them out to be. Of course, many of my communist teachers pointed much of that out to us while telling us what the correct answers were for tests -- but it hadn't really happened that way, of course, with a wink. I think that worked pretty well.

23) Eliminate all laws that interfere with the Communist cause.

I don't recall there having been any anti-communist laws in the first place.

24) Discredit the family as an institution. Rather promote relations outside marraige & make it simple to get a divorce.

25) Divide & show a need for children to be raised outside the influence of their parents.

When did the federal, state or local government ever do any of that? Oh, yeah, that's right, the special IRS tax reductions for adulterers and those who handed their children over to those huge state youth organizations we're all so familiar with. The ones that teach amorality and communism. :D

26) Give the impression that violence is the way to improve social conditions as a method for the student crowd to gain their agenda.

And that was years before Peckinpaugh made The Wild Bunch. I wonder what student crowd this guy was talking about?

Anyway, thanks again for posting this, Brother Rambo, it's good to turn things like this over every once in a while.

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@Sir Jersey --- Figured you'd like this topic. Out of all the posters here on Battlefront, you could relate to Cold War stuff, have interest in history, personal experience during this era.

Here's the link to the list:


Simple search on the book title or author will give you all the info.

Why do the Buntas like David Hasslehoff so much?

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Brother Rambo

Many thanks. smile.gif I'm sure there are other members about my age, or older, with similar views, experiences and an equal interest in history, but they don't seem to have read this thread yet. I hope, when they do, that they'll have something to add. Despite all it's screwy paranoia that was an interesting, and enjoyable, time to be a kid.

Went to that website and got a kick out of a post someone made there about the man's other book, The Naked Capitalist, written later on. The poster added to the theme that the United States has been taken over by communists who have subverted the churches and government and all the rest. Strange, last time I looked the Bible Belt, for better or worse, was packing more political clout than it's ever had before. That post is even more amazing than the list because it was written now and not 45 years ago. When did communists suddenly re-emerge as the boogyman?

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Sure, and I agree. ;)

That's why today, having shunned violence for so long, especially witin the family, we haven't got celebrity sons swinging at their fathers with fireplace pokers and hitting their girlfriends instead, prompting the father to pull a pistol and firing a warning shot -- in the ceiling of his own house! ;)

I liked the video I saw a few minutes back of Ryan O'Neil rushing around the garage at his house and a newsman asking if he took a shot at his son. Ryan, not turning around, said, "Oh shut up!" One of his best lines ever. :D

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You only need one.

Let them continue on their imperialistic venue which started around the early 1900s and has pretty much followed the Monroe doctrine since then.

They'll just fall apart like every other country in the history of mankind who has tried to do so and not ONE ever succeeded...

I just never thought I would actually see it happening in my lifetime.

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True, Blashy, a lot of people have been calling it for a long time, at least since the mid-60s and our tragedy in Vietnam.

The big difference between now and the pre-1970s United States is those people were better at manipulating things (except for Vietnam). The country used to control countries economically, without military occupation.

That was bad, of course, but we've been moving backwards for a long time now, as evidenced in our horrible failures in Iran (backing the Shah), Iraq (backing Hussein against Iran), Chile (killing the rightful head of state and replacing him with a military dictator -- Pinochet) and in many other cases too numerous to go into -- and nobody knows how many others that didn't backfire, but were still wrong and carrying us down a doomed path.

But, for the first time in ages, I feel optimistic about the future. When your country has this much hostility directed against it, when it's mistakes are so well documented, it would seem that the only way to move, is upwards. Anyway, that's whay I'm hoping for. smile.gif

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

we've been moving backwards for a long time now, as evidenced in our horrible failures in Iran (backing the Shah), Iraq (backing Hussein against Iran), Chile (killing the rightful head of state and replacing him with a military dictator -- Pinochet)

You kinda forget the biggest mistake of them all : Afganistan (backing Osama Bin Laden against Russia).
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but that achieved all of its goals - it drew the USSR into a land war in Asia that they lost - so how can it possibly be a failure?? ;)

Sure there were other consequences - but they were never thought about by the people who set the goals.

Err.....haven't we heard that before??....

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Originally posted by TaoJah:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

we've been moving backwards for a long time now, as evidenced in our horrible failures in Iran (backing the Shah), Iraq (backing Hussein against Iran), Chile (killing the rightful head of state and replacing him with a military dictator -- Pinochet)

You kinda forget the biggest mistake of them all : Afganistan (backing Osama Bin Laden against Russia). </font>
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