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Terif is the Roger Federer & Tiger Woods of SC/SC2

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No doubt about it. Terif (aka Yoda or Yodl) is the top player of SC/SC2. Anybody beat this guy yet? As usual, I feel like the Andy Roddick (don't you love that name Kuni?) & Phil Mickelson of SC/SC2.

His current Allied strategy is becoming cookie cutter, because many of your other clones (Attack of the Clone, episode #2) are using it.

Always the original, and sadly second best player on the planet.


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Terif and Federer are hardly in the same class. I played competitive tennis for 3 or 4 solid years, and 2 or 3 unsolid years after the age of 12. By that point it was a prerequisite to be Althetic fitness, stronger faster than anyone else to win. You had not only to learn to hit the ball wall, which requires 4-8 hours a day of constant hitting, serving, netpractice, etc... The Routine and scheduling is too much for mortals. You've got to dedicate your life to it and if you do not you're second class. I didn't have the opportunity to see the full potential though you would admire watching.

Any man can be as good as Terif, not neccessarily. The mental toughness required in SC, would apply for another game as well. It's a tough game, though it was created in the era of the Computer Age and it can be Mastered by others... He is the Top of his Sport but any one of us that put in the time he does and the dedication which I assume would be a solid a 6 months of NOTHING but Strategic Command and to inhale not just think it a little and practice a tiny bit... Would be Great as well..

he wishes to be Great and so he is...

Federer spent his life since the age of 4 playing tennis, 8 hours a day, he eat a nutritionist breakfeast and was likely taught by Proffessionals at some point. His parents likely invested tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in his creation. Otherwise it quite difficult to acheive greatness there... Tiger Woods smile.gif I would guess even worse a regiment

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

No doubt about it. Terif (aka Yoda or Yodl) is the top player of SC/SC2. Anybody beat this guy yet? As usual, I feel like the Andy Roddick (don't you love that name Kuni?) & Phil Mickelson of SC/SC2.

His current Allied strategy is becoming cookie cutter, because many of your other clones (Attack of the Clone, episode #2) are using it.

Always the original, and sadly second best player on the planet.

P.S. Terif is good at other games besides SC2, he must have mastered a few others. Chess, Wargames board games, perhaps something with intense puzzles?


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@Liam --- How do you know Terif hasn't been training for SC since age 4? Dude, that combat chart wallpaper in his bathroom is a fact! Terif trains like Federer. Also, time spent does not necessarily mean success. I mean, you've put hundreds of hours of gaming against me, and you ain't squat. HaHaHaHa!


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On a side note, Camp Rambo salutes/remembers the victims of 911, their relatives, and those who helped in the rescue on that sad day in US History.

"Lets Roll" --- Todd Beamer.

Is anybody watching this Monday Night Football game between San Diego Chargers @ Oakland Raiders? How stupid is Art Shell? How about throwing a pass down field to Randy Moss? How stupid is Arnold Swartzaggner? He says Raiders are giving an outstanding performance, with 45 yards of total offense? What's going on here on Earth?

[ September 11, 2006, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Bahhhh, I know that Terif probably has the 17 points of which Ports cannot transfer out though you can attack withn, the precise Actions Points per unit if zed tile and zed tile is occuppied Perodic Table Crunch Down, plus the calculated figures for the most profitable occupations for UK/England/USSR and USA... Hmmm, I'm not diddly aye? I beat you last time we fought and it looks like I may have you best 2 outta 3 for our last games tongue.gif Obi Wan, you underestimate the Power of the Dark Side and soon Master Terif will feel my wraith too

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Liam --- How do you know Terif hasn't been training for SC since age 4? Dude, that combat chart wallpaper in his bathroom is a fact! Terif trains like Federer. Also, time spent does not necessarily mean success. I mean, you've put hundreds of hours of gaming against me, and you ain't squat. HaHaHaHa!


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Terif, dude, you got yourself quite a bunch of worshippers here :D

To the other clowns, Yoda wannabees -> a simple nerd, who studies and learn by heart those scripts, won't ever be a great player. You need strategic thinking, common sense, patience and maybe some more qualities -> and Yoda has these qualities quite well represented, he takes his time to read the rules and scripts (available for anyone else, obviously) he practices various aspects, he refines his gameplay and it is adaptable to opponent's gameplay style.

Guys, these traits do not come solely from playing games - these traits come from education and born intelligence (maybe this is what bother a lot of 'OMG, I wanna wax Yoda' guys :D ). Most probably the guy benefits from them in RL as well - nobody bothers to develop these features only for playing games.

@Yoda - dude, I am back on tracks, had a few learning sessions with you to get my game rolling - expect soon some tough fights, once I grasp some more tricks smile.gif

Everyone here knows that I possess a unique ability: eventually I beat everyone ;)

@Rambo - dude, quit playing lazy-PBEM games, get back into the TCPIP world - save games are smaller, your dialup may be comfortable with it.

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Just finished a Hellish fight vs Terif this evening, whoa, I'm depressed about that one. I made some fundamental errors in not being more aggressive with the United Kingdom. Germany was maxed out in units by Late 1942 and I had was near maxed out infantry for the USSR, however no Infantry Weapons meant no Possibility of counterattacks. Once Terif broke through my lines his experienced units with 3 supply couldn't be countered. IW0 till the Summer of 1942 I believe, and I had tanks, yes, but he had antitanks. He anticipated my move there and hell, it was my only move, Germany had Maxed out land techs and a Huge Airforce... I think the Battle of Stalingrad was a skippy on the whole game, I break it down..

"Liam overlooked the map and saw the incoming German forces, The Caucasus-Line has broken, Rostov has fallen to the enemy. In the North We hold behind the Volga Line after the Fall of the Moscow Northern Front to the Might of the Wehrmacht. The Red Army's maxed out strength at this point was 6 armored armies level2, 5-6 Armies anti tank 1, IW1 and some five Russian Fighters. Opposing Germany then shows up with Several German Armored Units, Several Luftflottes all poised toward the remainder of the Russian Resistance.

Along with this Germany had a large quantity of Corps with Axis Minor Airforces, 2 Italian and some Minors... They wipe out the Defenses built Around Stalingrad, I think of a CounterAttack, perhaps I can bust a hole in the German lines, but then in steps reserves from the South and Any Russian counteroffensive will cost the whole of my army airforce. I barely attempt to kill of 1 army, 1 corps and a tank... all and all I think the Russians managed to kill 3 Axis Corps in the East!!!"

"in The West, Normandy was successful, With combined Air of the UK and USA, however Elite Panzer Corps reprisals were forthcomming destroying a British Corps and basically ready to ceil the Front there, no possiblity of a break out immediately!"

I basically messed up, Overteched and undernourished my Weapons in the field. Toyed Too much with Diplomacy and not enough with the weapons of War... Plus lacked a bit of luck but next time, I will be a bit better! smile.gif

I play I learn, we all do, some at different speeds. However was a Lt Col(should've been a Brig. General) in WW2online, I was before SC2 A&A Top 10 challenger. Also Fair in AOE2, and a Top10 Challenger in Europa Unversalis II

So I get around, SC was a side hobby.. I do not like scripts I prefer intuition and I beat most on here even without reading scripts, I suppose though to be very good you best read a few of them or you will be left behind that or watch Terif in action ! tongue.gif

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P.S. Federer is at this time the best Male Tennis player IMO ever to have played, I have watched Mac, Connors, Lendle(live), Sampras but not Rosewall, before my time... He is a Machine, still not a Claycourt specialist and he'll lose on that surface most of the time.. No 1 man monopilizes tennis on every surface!

Agassi could've been better than he was Rambo, I watched his first match ever.. He hit 90 mph forehands. I copied his take it early massive stroke, he was great.. He however was pushed out by Stronger Servers, and wasn't as fit and earned most of his fame too late in his career to be the best. He would've probably achieved as well as Connors or some other greats had he taken action earlier in his career. 1987 is when he appeared first

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

So Liam, your saying not even a 6-1 set in the match? Not even a few lucky shots? 3 sets at 6-luv. :confused:

Borg would take a few games perhaps. Not now, at 25. He might take more on Clay were it was slower and if he was using modern metal raquets... Borg had a comeback during the late 80s, he didn't manage to win a single title after his comeback he quit for good...

The style of tennis had changed, players became better and more althetic. They were more dedicated than him. Also he'd fallen behind the PowerCurve.

And Blashy you're right in one respect at least, Talent! Sampras lacked a lot of ethic some say,was lazy or just unfortunate to be ill with lots of cramps and naseau, truth he probably he was lax on his workouts.. Though he was sooooooo talented he won near vomiting...

Federer, Agassi have great talent and work ethic, one is too old now, he's lost the drive and fitness... Not the same as your 1st Wimbledon, after your 18th, much different! Federer is busy creating World Records...

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Equipment has changed. The serves are insane. Just watch the old footage with those wooden badmitten raquets.

Golf equipment & balls is a joke too. Guys hitting 350 yard drives with incredible accuracy. Athletes are on the juice, every sport.

People have made sports & their players into gods. Well, that's what the book said would happen...and you will become as gods.

Be careful with idol worship,


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I was born during the revolution between wood and graphite, I upgraded but I tell you this that tiny wood face racquet taught me, the strings were busted and it was from the 70s.. Without it I would've never learned. My Dad bought me a Kiddie racquet because the Men Racquets were messing up my wrist, I broke it on purpose because I was not going to be a Little Man, I was going to be a Big Man. 80 LBS 4ft10-5ft tongue.gif

I served 100 MPH then tongue.gif the evolution was I watched men like Boris Becker, and copied his serve, I watched men like Matts Wilander(sp) been 17 years..... and I copied his consitency. I watched Lendle's running forehand.. Agassi's ripping ground strokes.. I hit the ball like a 6ft2 180 lbs man

Size, Power, 25 Miles of biking a day... Super Diets, sports psychiatrists, proffessional schools, new and improved technology in gear ( only the metals have really changed) that's not what has done it, they work harder than they did back then. Mac was lazy, Connors had a work ethic and was winning at 36... At 29 you're an ole man in Tennis.. Very different in other Sports, you can play Golf at 45 and win consitently...

Meanwhile something like Strategic Command is more of a "hobby," until it becomes adopted like chess, though wargames live throughout history and sadly we do not get paid to PLAY THEM !!! ::pouts!!!::

But the Nazis did, and it was an evolution in Warfare Wargames, to understand the full sprectrum of possibilities before going into combat.. Interesting aye?

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Equipment has changed. The serves are insane. Just watch the old footage with those wooden badmitten raquets.

Golf equipment & balls is a joke too. Guys hitting 350 yard drives with incredible accuracy. Athletes are on the juice, every sport.

People have made sports & their players into gods. Well, that's what the book said would happen...and you will become as gods.

Be careful with idol worship,


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Pete Sampras had an incredible work ethic.

Just like Federer, they both look "lazy" out there. You wonder if they are half asleep.

But Sampras stated after he learned and talked to Ivan Lendl on preparedness he started the same dedication.

Throughout his career he had a much better work ethic than Agassi. Agassi really dedicated himself really late in his career. Had he done so throughout, he would have as many or more titles than Sampras.

Federer also started a little late, he's 25 and in 2003 is when he admits completly dedicating himself to his sport, he lost a good 3 years because of that.

And that is the difference between Tiger Woods and any other games top player, that guy has been 100% dedicated since he was born and has not let up yet.

No one in mens tennis has ever dedicated themselves in such a way for their whole career. While in the womens game we've had a few; Navratilova and Graff are prime examples.

Well that was way off topic, hehe.

Anyways, I think Terif has the same dedication and for that it has to be "fun" . I'm sure he enjoys knowing the game inside out.

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You're partially correct, at a time in his life Sampras did have such an ethic, but you're mistaken to believe that a man in Great Athletic Condition was eating, and working the same way as the other athletes and having issues in 5 set matches. I've known a lot of Tennis Pros to Lay Up, because they've already Done the Undoable. Sampras was laying up, it was obvious he had no energy for those Five Setters anymore. A man either mentally or otherwise just loses his edge, and he did. Much like Agassi, all this injury crap I do not want to hear. These guys have Laser Surgery performed on their tendons that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and can afford personal trainers to get back in the gig, they are common excuses the public hears..

I knew an ole dog who use to Play Stan Smith, could never take a Game from him, but took him to Deuce a few times. The Old Guard, I suppose I deflated his ego that I'd never had a proffessional tennis lesson but I beat every single one of his students including a 35 year old mailman who was 6ft2, 165lbs and a very competent hitter At 11 years old... The only time I layed up personally was against his secret weapon, a so so cute 12 year old... Oh Lordy!

Lendle did bring a discipline to the sport, he biked 25 miles a day. He worked as a Triathlete more so than a tennis player. I saw in Tennis magazine an image what he had for breakfeast lordy, It would fill you and me for a day, 2 thousand calories worth of all the right foods.

As Woods brought to Golf, Martina brought to Women's Tennis as did Lendle to Men's Tennis. Federer had a weak mind early in his career he needed to toughen up, he did. No man ever had the drive the "Fire" that say Connors had and he never layed up throughout his career, from the early 70s one of the few I could mention so you're wrong there too...

As for Terif, he brings to Strategic Command 2 a dedication unrivaled, this man runs the Hotseat, he runs the strategies and tactics we do not, he tests all the contigencies, he both mentally focused and mentally tough. He brings a discipline to this game that is something else, I'm proud to say I can take him to 1944 or 1945 in SC2 without losing.. I copy his moves, boy do they ever work. Already up 8 and 0 vs anyone but Terif in my last 8 matches

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I'm not wrong, Connors had drive, but training discipline, no.

He was not the complete package.

And later on in his career Sampras was not giving 100%, I never said he did, I just said that for a good length of his career he did, much longer overall than Agassi did. I would say Pete was 100% on and off the court dedicate for 7 years and even so he never won anything big on clay. I think one day a player like Navratilova or Graff will happen in the mens game and then we'll be blown away and have no doubt about who is the greatest of all time.

And injuries are injuries, the best treatment in the world can't fix everything. Athletes today don't listen to their bodies, they go to the doc and say "fix me" well they can't fix you, the body degrades and can take so much punishment especiall after being injected with drug after drug to keep going beyond the bodies capabilities.

As for Terif, what puts him in the league of "Tiger" of SC2. Even if you copy EVERYTHING he does, he'll still beat you 9 out of 10 times. Scary.

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As for Terif, what puts him in the league of "Tiger" of SC2. Even if you copy EVERYTHING he does, he'll still beat you 9 out of 10 times. Scary.

This is like fighting with swords, you can mirror your oppenent, but he will do one thing you are not prepared for, blammo, game over.
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