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After having played SC2 a few times, I have to say that I´m extremely grateful this game exists. It stands head and shoulders over SC1 and even beats my old favorites "Clash of Steel" and "Pacific General".

Actually, I only found one thing wanting (apart from the AI, which will hopefully be improved), and no it´s NOT the tiles. I was worried about them, but they play ok. My problem is rather the movement rules. Let´s compare things to Clash of Steel and Pacific General for a moment: In both these games you could not only move and then attack, or attack and still move, but you could also (if you wanted) first move all your units into position and THEN attack in sort of a "second phase". Personally, I find this much more intuitive than the movement system chosen for SC2 (which is somewhat in between "Panzer General" and "Pacific General" I would say).

Firstly, it is annoying if you somehow accidentally "declick" a unit after movement or attack and then lose the rest of your action point.

Secondly, it is much more convenient and ergonomic if you can (if you want) bring your forces into position before attack.

Thirdly, it is also more logical: for we are speaking turns and the action that goes on in a turn is supposed to go on simultaneously or no? (I can´t imagine that if we move two tank groups within a turn that this is really to be seen as the second group waiting until the first has finished its movement).

Fourthly, and finally, a system where you can position your units and then strike also has the advantage that you can implement another intriguing form of attack: the combined assault (like it is in Clash of Steel).

I am fully aware that the rules of movement are as they are, and probably will not change with new patches. However, I would like to know whether the concept I just expounded was considered and why it was not used (SSI for example changed the system while going from Panzer General to Pacific General!) I also would recommend to think about the movement rules again should there be plans for an SC3.

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I will say that losing the rest of a units action points after you have attacked or moved by accidentally declicking is a pain. I don't understand the reasoning behind taking away the rest of a units action points once it has been deselected. I think it is one of the only turn based games that does this and it can be annoying at times.

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I agree. It would be nice to be able to move a unit some of it's action points, go move something else, then go back and finish using the action points of the 1st unit.

I suppose that one could get more info this way so would put the AI at a further disadvantage, but it would be less aggravating.

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Guest Mike

Ditto - units should be able to attack as often as you like......but it should cost AP's each time - especially naval units!!

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Multiple attacks is more for tactical games and not on a strategic scale... Panzergeneral IV had this, but is was tactical.

But I also agree... it should be possible for an army to move, attack once and then move again in two weeks time... it`s not too unrealistic. As long as there are enough movement points, this should be possible.

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I think it would be realistic, though. However, if there really would ensue a game balance problem with motor tech, then this could be avoided by restricting units to one attack per turn. If we would be allowed to use the remaining action points of a unit (that had already moved or attacked) somewhat later during the same turn, this alone would be much more convenient already.

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I am not so sure I like the idea of multiple attacks but losing action points before or after an attack just beacuse you want to check something out or by mistake just does not make any since to me.

As for having more 'must have' techs, well personally I think they should all be must have, that way you have to make hard choices and tailor each game around those choices. By only having one or two 'must haves' then of course every game and every player will have those techs.

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Got to agree with Rolend, Blashy. More must have techs accent replayability.

Besides, motorization is expensive and blitzkrieg is about movement and attack or some combination of, with a focused force of arms.

This variability will only add to the realism of an already great game and add to the strategic contemplation.

Doesn't have to be an immediate concern, but later after HC has had a vacation or two, the SC2 evolution can continue.

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Another problem involving movement is that sometimes a unit cannot move to where one thinks it should be able to. Selecting a unit will highlight where the unit can move - except for the places where another unit is. If the other unit is moved to allow the 1st unit to replace it the unit cannot always enter the space even though it could move a similar distance in some other direction.

This can be very detrimental to one's plans. It would be nice if the highlighted locations the unit could reach include the spaces under other units.

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Alex that is another good point. I don't run into it offten but sometimes I will move one uint thinking that another can fill that spot only after I do I can't smile.gif This is a good suggestion to highlight all possible spots a unit can move to inculde those already occupied.

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