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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Guess we're off to the expansion pack soon enough...

@DesertDave --- That was some of your finest material. Old School.

Yep jjr,

Won't be long before you will be able

To whip the daylights outta everyone!

With this most amazing! new!

Version of SC too! smile.gif

Ah, ack & alas,

X-cept... you know who! LOL!


At least you NEVER quit TRYING

To take down the (... temporary,

as ALL things ARE) reigning champeen,

The Cassius Clay of... SC 1 & 2!

Yea, that's... "old school" too. :cool:

BTW: If every forum member wrote

Of their experiences here,

And out there, of

This & that,

Them there nuts, bolts & nails

(... clench and wrench and hammer!

like hell! Grit Cats!)

I gotta admit,

I'd read your story-book - first.

PT Barnum has got nothing on you! ;)

Hmmmm... seems my thread

Has got hi-jacked!

LOL, EVEN - by me!

OK, Old School - as you would say,

Is ---------------------> OUT!

**[... though I'll continue to X-press

same as I have for 5+ years now and if'n

some some body ain't liken it, well,

tough titty, kitty Cat,

they can rock me or sock me,

can me or ban me, nah, nope,

makes no - big deal diff, to me ;) ]

Back on topic:

That OTHER game is nuthin'

BUT! Utter and useless... JUNK!

Now! Down-graded to value of $12.95


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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

I think someone here need to take his pills.

As per usual,

Grown VERY Old, Dude,

You got it all wracked

Around - back-*sswards! ;)

As a licensed "addictions counselor,"

I do my damndest

To get them there unfortunate users,

(... to include across-the-counter

EQUALLY as deadly - "legal prescriptions")


The pills.

Live lean, live and let live,


Mind yer OWN piddling bidness,


While yer at it,

Go - holistic! :cool:

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OK, returning - on topic,

Been doin' somemore research,

And now, shoot the man in the moon,

Gotta down-grade

That OTHER game... to... $7.95

As a bike-riding pal a' mine

Once shouted across

The fast-blasting wind - to me,


We were approaching a PO-lice

Barricade - was stretched

Shoulder to shoulder

Across Route 66 Road,

"How LOW can we go?"

(... you know, drop the hog and slide

the gravel, then get right back

up, again and - ride like the dickens!

red or blue lights a'flash, no matter! ;) )

LOL, well, pret' soon here

They gon hav to PAY

Me to play that thang. ;)

[ June 24, 2007, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Please meet - Dick.

Also meet - Jane.

See their little dog - Spot.

It is elite, created

Out of - anti-matter.

See Dick & Jane chase

Sprightly dog Spot!

Daytimes, yippee! It's fun! :D

Night times, alas,

They can search and search

And search and search, but,

Can find,

The turned-dark dog... not.

That work for ya? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

what is the problem with writing in a way so everybody can understand what you are saying?

Because there is nothing there to understand? This thread seems to have been started in order to express dissatisfaction with C:EAW. I do not have this game, and would be very much interested in hearing things that are wrong with it, instead we get stuff like

Been doin' somemore research,

And now, shoot the man in the moon,

Gotta down-grade

That OTHER game... to... $7.95

four lines that could be rephrased "the game is bad but I'm unable to say why".
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Borsook game is nice. It is not ready to buy. Give it a patch and ask this quest again.

TCP/IP is not working well. PBEM does not have playback so not very good. AI is asleep. Good in Russia but otherwise it snores so loud you cant play the game.

Hope this helps.

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Well my resistance crumbled and I bought the game-I'm such a sucker. No doubt it has it's fair share of niggles, BUT this game has sucked me in like SC2 has never been able to do. The last game to make me say "Wow" like this was actually SC smile.gif

I think it's a great game and it will only improve with a patch.

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Originally posted by borsook:

I do not have this game, and would be very much interested in hearing things that are wrong with it, instead we get stuff like

No diplomacy, even more boring graphics than SC2, even worse AI, poor impementation of leaders, poor strategic movement system, no paratroopers, patisans only if country is not conquered - so no yugoslav partisans after conquest.

Many things are very similar to SC2 - either in actuality or in effect:

supply - done different, but essentially the same effect

Air & sea essentially the same except worse sea transport and amphib

Research - possibly done better than SC2 in that investment continues to give returns and you can massage which areas get priority a bit, but poor "feel"

Lots of things are done better - manpower, oil, shock combat

Overall I found it to have poor "feel" - it could have been really good, but they went for the easy/simple/cheap options

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four lines that could be rephrased "the game is bad but I'm unable to say why".

not forsaken forsook:


I AM able to say - WHY, but,

Choose - not to, at least

Just now.

You guys figure it out for yourselves,

I am ONLY interested

In helping Hubert in whatever way

That I can.

I have said it before, but will

Say it yet again - I wouldn't

Spend all this time,

In this, my one & only Life... for ANY OTHER

Game-maker now alive - claimed famous,

Over-rated, or hardly even beginning,

No matter - NO INTEREST!

So, there you go. smile.gif

I will however, mention a couple things:

1) The game is WAY over-priced

For what you get, IE, essentially,

The near identical thing - and,

I mean that literally,

That Hubert put out - all by himself,

(... most of the testing included)

For... $25.00

And, what do you know?

Now I hear tell that there will be


Add the price of those - another

$60.00 bucks each?

And you'll soon enough have to pay

A couple hundred dollars

For something that should have been part

Of this half-*ssed game

To start with.

It's like this one board-game I - mistakenly,

Purchased - awhile ago... see,

In order to get ALL

The assorted unit types,

You had to buy "add-on" packets.

Well, the game sold for $30-40 bucks, IIRC,

BUT... each add-on pack - and there were about

4 or 5 of 'em,

Cost $15-20.00

What do we call THAT? :eek:

Scam job.

Conning the gullible (... at first).

Commercial exploitation.

Royal rip off.

Just like that OTHER game, IMHO.


**[... yeah yeah yah! I ken hear ya,

You IMAGINE this is what is happening here,

With SC1 -> SC2 -> SC2, WaW, yes?

Well, best to keep in mind that Hubert

Codes - all by his lonesome! Has

NO coterie of computer-schooled Dudes!

And, has been pressured!! - all along,

From the SC Community, from places

Higher up, even, and, no doubt - him being

A "perfectionist"... taking SUFFICIENT time,

Wanting - nay, personally insisting!

He would indeed put out

The VERY best game that he could manage,

Given the time-pressures,

And those ever-present forum demands, IE,

I want the new! Game - NOW! ;)

Best to keep in mind also, the TOTAL investment

For SC1 + SC2,

Thus far -> $25 + 40 = ABOUT the same

As what Smithereens is asking for... JUNK!]


2) At the moment, I am creating

A scenario (... actually, updating

an old one - 1941-42 North Afrika)

And adding in many changes, IE,

Much different OOB, using

Almost all!

Of those new unit types,

As for instance,

GErman 88's as anti-tank,

Mobile anti-air,

TAC bombers, etc.

**[... and here, I want to express immense

THANKS! to Brad - AKA: SeaMonkey,

For his VERY helpful and quite informed input WRT the OOB's! :cool: ]

And unique terrain,

And some more scripting, for "events"

AND - for the AI.


I can make a complete map

Of ANY WW-2 scenario, as for instance

I am currently considering doing

"The Battle of the Bulge,"

At the same scale as '41-42.

I can do it,

GIVEN what currently is available,

WITHOUT resorting to units/resources/terrain

Paint-created by some other Mod Cat.

And so - I have to ask?

Can we do such as that

With that OTHER game?

New map,

Damn near ANY sort of unit,

Like stand-alone Arty or anti-tank?

If not

(... and keep in mind,

We are talking... $60.00!)

Why Not?


To go a bit further,

I have ALWAYS favored having

ALL "experience" gained by a unit

EQUAL, whether you win, tie or lose.

How not?

The losing soldiers HAVE indeed become

"Combat hardy" every bit as much

As the winners, IMO.

In my VERY strong opinion.

(... the losers have to reinforce with MORE

"green recruits," and so, the unit will LOSE

more experience in the process; also,

we already have "morale" so that should

surely suffice, WRT the winner's

newly achieved combat superiority, and etc)


Listen up!

I go into the Editor,

And with merely one little mouse-click,

Takes - oh, maybe 3 or 5 seconds,

I have "equalized" ALL experience,

On the CRT (... combat results table)

As I personally believe it should be.


So it WILL - in that aforementioned

1941-42 North Afrika scenario. ;)

OK, enough.

As said - I have absolutely NO interest

In helping Smithereens make their game


I only have so much time,

And I can think of a couple thousand

Other things I'd rather do.

YOU go back and tell them what's WRONG,

What's a-historical,

What's freakish and needs immediate!

Attention and improvement, yes?

Though, Stalin's Organist has

Done a pretty good job,

So I agree with his assessment,

As of - now. ;)

[ June 25, 2007, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by n0kn0k:

I don't think he even has the game Borsook ;)

Although I do think the same about it as DD does, and I have bought it.

About his writings,

I love them.

Although it's hard,

to debate with a poet ;)

Thank you for that Green Door.

Tho, not many, I am guessing - based

On prior commentaries,

Would agree with that last part, LOL! ;)

You - much more so than I,

KNOW what zazen sitzen IS,

And how to survive in this

Going coo-coo corrupt old world.

(... my apologies to those who don't get this

reference - it's from another forum)

And you - far more than I,

Have courteous wit - merely exceeded

By - considerable patient grace. smile.gif

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@ DD - few points that need addressing - while I too think CEAW is too expensive it does not cost 60$ but 50$, see here http://www.slitherine.com/games/ceaw Also I doubt looking at past slithering projects that the expansion if there ever is one will cost more than 50% of that. Also, not to take any credit for Hubert, CEAW was made by 2 people as far as I know and it's their first game so we should compare it to SC1 not SC2 with patches. Anyway from what I read here and elsewhere the game could have been better, but still has some interesting elements that SC2 lacks (e.g. oil, non-random research) and I do remember Slitherine adding few campaigns for free (i.e. in a patch) to their Legion, so CEAW may get better in time at no cost.

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Damn DD, you've got my attention now, I concur about the sentiments you have expressed about CEaW.

Don't have the game, but have been following the comments, reviews and AARs on 3 different forums and have concluded this game needs a lot of work.

Now back to the real gem, SC. WoW!!! 2nd most favorite WW2 battle for me after North Africa is B of the B.

DD we are on the same page and I would love to assist you in its recreation with SC. Actually I did a port of Watch Am Rhein (SPI mega game) to TOAW, never quite finished, but needless to say, I have many opinions about the presentation.

Of course you all know that Panther is coming out with "Battles from the Bulge" using its highly acclaimed AA engine. This will be the ultimate "Bulge" game, although it will only be set piece battles from that campaign and not the whole scenario, which leaves room for the SC creation.

To reiterate the age old cliche', "It doesn't get much better than this", in referral of the value SC represents.

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Even if it is their first game you can't say compare it to SC.

That would be like saying compare the latest MMORPG made by a new company the Ultima Online , just because it is their first game.

Anyone making a WW2 Turn based game now in the beer & pretzel category has TONS of resource material from previous games to study from, so if you make one and it is equal to a game made 5-6 years ago, you did not do your homework.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Even if it is their first game you can't say compare it to SC.

That would be like saying compare the latest MMORPG made by a new company the Ultima Online , just because it is their first game.

Anyone making a WW2 Turn based game now in the beer & pretzel category has TONS of resource material from previous games to study from, so if you make one and it is equal to a game made 5-6 years ago, you did not do your homework.

Yes, still I say compare it to SC1. SC series is one of my favourites but it did not change anything in terms of the genre. The reason why we should compare it to SC1 not patched-SC2 is that when you do the first game you have to write everything from scratch, in the sequel you can use large part of the old code and just add to it and improve it. I am sure that CEAW will be a different game after a few patches let alone expansion/sequel.
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Originally posted by borsook:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

Even if it is their first game you can't say compare it to SC.

That would be like saying compare the latest MMORPG made by a new company the Ultima Online , just because it is their first game.

Anyone making a WW2 Turn based game now in the beer & pretzel category has TONS of resource material from previous games to study from, so if you make one and it is equal to a game made 5-6 years ago, you did not do your homework.

Yes, still I say compare it to SC1. SC series is one of my favourites but it did not change anything in terms of the genre. The reason why we should compare it to SC1 not patched-SC2 is that when you do the first game you have to write everything from scratch, in the sequel you can use large part of the old code and just add to it and improve it. I am sure that CEAW will be a different game after a few patches let alone expansion/sequel. </font>
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Dave is way off here. I like SC2 but for Human play you cant beat CEAW if you want a historical playing game. It is exactly what I have been looking for. It is missing a end of turn show for the opponent but that will be fixed.

I presently have many Human games with it and simply find it great to be able to finally play a game that plays very historically by Humans.

SC2 has the best AI in the business hands down. But the Human play for me is seriously lacking as I have said many times. I find SC2 when played with Humans to be fantasy WWII.

Hexes are a huge pull for me. Squares simply are 50's wargaming. The convoy system is significantly better. The shock movement is really kewl. Much larger map.

Dont get me wrong SC2 has some great things. Weather, best AI of any wargame, much better looking map and awesome support.

Since I can afford both I have both and will play both. Human for CAEW and solo for SC2. Life is good.

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Originally posted by borsook:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> patisans only if country is not conquered - so no yugoslav partisans after conquest.

Wait, are you saying there are partisans but not in conquered countries? If yes, then where?? </font>
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