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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

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This may get long-winded but it's something I've been thinking about for quite awhile. Due to HC being pretty much a one-man army this is obviously one of those "future wishlist" things.

One thing that always struck me with SC 1 and 2 is that the history IN the game is just, well, dry. There's not a lot of connection to the real war. In HoI for example, there's a ton of photo's of real generals. Doesn't sound like a big deal but it adds a level of authenticity.

Right now we have brief pop-ups of events, such as when France surrenders or sides declare war. There's no people involved. What made the war so interesting were the faces and names on every side. Sure, you can click on Patton's HQ and see his name, but how about a mug shot of him chomping on a cigar to go along with it?

In the pre-gen Madden games (non Xbox 360/PS3 versions), they had a National and Local Newspaper you could look at each week. It changed depending on not only what happened around the league that week, but also featured your players and how they did during their game. I loved looking at it to see who made the front page. It personalized your game.

I would love to eventually see a Dynamic News ;) system in SC. Instead of a generic pop-up that says, "France Surrenders", it would have a huge headline with the classic weeping Frenchman on the front page. And instead of a pop-up, just create a seperate section altogether that you click on to bring up. This way you could ignore it if you wanted to.

Not only would it include major events, but it would summarize most of the major (or minor) actions happening in the game (and within FoW rules of course). It could detect when x amount of units within x amount of tiles loses a combined total of x strength, it would register as a major battle if the numbers were high enough. "Russians on the offensive near Smolensk!" if it detected enough Axis units destroyed and/or damaged in the area.

Same with Allied landings in Norway, countries being "swayed" diplomatically, such as a photo of Franco and Hitler together if they are moving towards the Axis, major naval battles or dogfights/bombings over the Western front.

There could two papers. One national that both players can see, and the other local which would be more personalized. The local may have an article about a Army group that just received one bar of experience, showing a photo of a decorated soldier within that unit, or a tally of an air unit's combined kills so far in the war. Just something to blend the real war with the game war and make it feel that not only are you a part of history but you're changing it in the process.

I know that WaW is adding options for images and sounds, so hopefully that'll go a ways towards what I'm talking about in the time being.

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And - not only that!


You can likely ADD in yer own

Public domain PICs


Or, lacking some elemental tech-skills,

As I myself often am,

Some body else could do it for you!

Most Amazing!

New! Creation on the way!

BTW, Timskorn,

Hubert has had some rather deft assistance

All along and especially,

These latter days... though,

You are right in yer assumption

That ONLY Hubert has done

The coding, the final decision making.

Green Door

And Normal Dude for only two

(... of a dozen or so)

Have done some mighty fine work

WRT interface/graphics,

(... as you'll soon enough see

then the end-game credits

roll out ;) )


This I know - and, appreciate


I bet! You and, many,

Will also - as well! :cool:

[ July 06, 2007, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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IM GLAD that this aspect of the game is finally being seriously discussed, and to also hear that some of these request's are in-fact being considered!.

The game need's to move out of 'Drone-Mode' into 'Rocket-Boot-Mode' as far as making the Game LIVE!.

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