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Germans need to get out more.

But not as far as Poland this time.

That English thing is hilarious. Mind you, at first I was having a fit – its not the sort of thing I'd put past Blair. All I could think was "Shakespeare must be turning over in his grave."

Originally posted by Blashy:

OH and if one is built for Canada, it should also mean we cut you off our oil.

It's Alberta's oil, paws off. tongue.gif
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Dollars are actually Austrian... original spelling is "Thaler" but hard "th" sound. Became silver bullion coin of choice for traders all over the world.

Interestingly the phrase "the almighty dollar" originally did not refer to the US dollar, but to the Chinese version. (the Chinese always had a preference for silver coinage over gold)

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Originally posted by Normal Dude:

Maybe if we could control our own friggin border I wouldnt have to worry about people trying to pass legislation to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

I don't see why people are so against illegal immigrants. I mean, if you and your family were living a harsh life would'nt you be seeking a better life abroad? Immigrants are the reason this country (USA) is the way it is. Illegal or not.

PS- Hey, you live in Sacramento, I live in LA. I have to deal with, well actually my parents have to deal with terrible drivers. I mean, we've seriously been stuck behind asians going 20 MPH countless times. After containing myself so much, once we changed streets and pass them, i go to the wheel and give them a nice, long honk, even if there are police. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Fartknock3r:

I mean, we've seriously been stuck behind asians going 20 MPH countless times.

Bring your true nature to life, lad. Start knocking those farts and those Azn dudes will press the pedal to the metal to escape the stench ;)
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Well I do believe we are in the midst of a culutral revolution.
Sure are, Rolend.

Began, this time, for real,

With... the Renaissance.

Man placing Self @ center of the Universe.

Rationalism solves all, LOL,

How arrogantly absurd, and

Hence, as countervailing Spirit-wish,

The "romantic revolution"

Best exemplified by the poets

In England,

Most notably Wordsworth, Byron,

Shelley and Keats.

If you are talking about

The current "cultural upheaval" in America,

It was the "beat" writers and "film noir"

Directors who started that "impolite debate."

How much "freedom" is there REALLY to be?

(... now that leisure is, virtually, insured,

at least, for a little while)

The beat goes on, won't

EVER stop, and that's cool,

So long as we don't regress

To some sort of draconian perversion

Of our current small-d "democracy."

Some of us want to become isolationist again (I am in that camp) some of us want us to 'rule' the world (I think Rambo falls into that camp) and some of us want to become globalist (I think DD tends to lean this way)

I'm not knowing what a "globalist" is,

So I'll say this much:

If anything,

I could be... an existential Theist.


I, and I alone am responsible

For every single thing that I do,

And every NEXT instant

Contains within it

The very real possibility

That I might realize

A better truth.

In which case, I'll gladly

Throw over my old, and incomplete truth.

Intricately enmeshed in my "world view,"

I believe in "God"

(... though not caring to belong to

any "organized" religion)

For one simple reason:

You cannot, IMO, get


There is no way, in my understanding,

That this can possibly occur.

No theory thus far put forth

Even remotely satisfies.

Thus, for me, "prime mover" or "first cause"

Has to be

Beyond any logico-rational capability.

It must originate

Out of heart & soul,

Or, should you prefer it,

From innate instinct/intuition.

PS forgive me if I have put any of you in the wrong camp and that goes for me asking myself what camp I am in, see I can't even figure which way to go so you expect outsiders to know LOL.
LOL as well, I am with you

On that, San Diego.

Probably best, right now, and since

Very unfortunately,

We have a one-party system in our America,

(... and have had since November 22, 1963,

when a slight crack appeared in the heretofore supposed as: "friendly Universe," and

FEAR began to DOMINATE most Americans thinking; as it does now, IE, we perceive ourselves to be MORE vulnerable than we ALWAYS ARE, anyway)

To remain committed, yet open-minded

And above all, concerned ENOUGH

To not just... give it up


Whether that be a religious group

Or monolithic and impersonal Government,

At ANY level,

Or even, our closest mentor, friend,

Mate, brother or sister,

Overly influence our personal impulse

Towards... the right relation

With ALL of Nature, since

Too much is now at stake.

The Earth is gasping, grasping

At it's near-to-last breath, IMO.

The time for "tribalism" is past,

Or ANY limiting "idealogies,"

Or any solution arising

Out of primal impulses.

[... I have to laugh at those who espouse such simplistic notions as "behaviorism" where we each are ONLY liable to re-act to some outside stimulus; utter nonsense... the "WILL to power" is Neitzsche's greatest contribution, though, admittedly some might foolishly imagine SuperMan as a mere "martial, destructive artist," instead of the "creative artist," that EACH of us can be, and I'll say it another way... we CAN over-ride descent into Apocalypse, or Maelstrom through CONSCIOUS choices]

It IS time for something startling

And new.

Who can articulate that?

No "Philosopher King" on the horizon,

That I can see.

I haven't liked ANY "Democrats"

Since Bobby Kennedy.

I haven't liked any "Republicans"

Since Teddy Roosevelt.

There, apparently, ain't NOBODY

Out there

Who can soar ABOVE the puny & pitiful

Self-ish-ness now crassly rampant.


Has to be... each of us, alone.

Eventually, all them lone "best natures"

Will aggregate, and coalesce

Into a commonly apprehended "epiphany."

And the problem of our dying Earth

Will easily and naturally

Solve... ITSELF. :cool:


Well enough of that there juke & jive! :rolleyes:


How about them - San Diego Chargers!

Got a shot at the play-offs, this year? ;)

[ June 29, 2006, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by R.J.:


But not as far as Poland this time.


LMAOOOOOO You know in all good humor there is a ring of truth, after the 'fall of the wall' and Germany became one again, I thought now we have to keep an eye on them again ;)
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Originally posted by Desert Dave:


Who can articulate that?

No "Philosopher King" on the horizon,

That I can see.

I haven't liked ANY "Democrats"

Since Bobby Kennedy.

I haven't liked any "Republicans"

Since Teddy Roosevelt.


Well as history has shown great leaders as well as cultural changing events can come out of nowhere and seem to come when we need it the most, so don't give up hope, so far man has seemed to be lucky, I mean it is lucky we arn't already all 'glowing in the dark.' Just maybe someone is watching over us?

Yea the loss of Bobby hurt bad and I have always liked Teddy, I think he was one of the best Pres. the US has ever had. Hummmm it is scary to think that DD and I might think more alike then I at first thought LOL.

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Yea WW was ok but you have to look at what he did not what he thought. TR got almost everything inacted that he wanted on the other hand WW failed at most. He wanted us to stay out of WWI, and for VERY good reasons but failed, heck the League of Nations, his biggest dream was not even ratified by the US congress. I think he was a great man but a failure as a US president.

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Miles are much better then kilometers because it shortens your trip. Wouldn't you rather only have 25 miles to go instead of having to go a hole 40 kilometers?

Of course your sports car goes faster if you go kph instead of mph. You just can't win I guess.

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Hmmm, wasn't it Teddy that said "Walk softly and carry a big stick".

A "big stick" could actually be:

Your committment to: honor and integrity.


A DOOM GUN that you would, privately,

Never intend to, finally, use.

BTW, SM, I have already sent you 2 EM's WRT to the North Afrikan scenario.

Have you not gotten them, or, have now?

Decided you'd rather not play?

Yea the loss of Bobby hurt bad and I have always liked Teddy, I think he was one of the best Pres. the US has ever had. Hummmm it is scary to think that DD and I might think more alike then I at first thought LOL.
It's like I mentioned, San Diego,

Nobody REALLY knows

Who is what or why,

On an inter-net Forum.

The other evening my Son and I sat down

(... he imagines himself to be MORE

"conservative" than his old man smile.gif )


Point by (... talking) point,

We went down the usual list.

Turns out I am MORE "conservative"

Than he.


Ah, and so, it HAS to be, I guess.

We prefer, apparently, to MAGNIFY

Our differences,

And minimize

Our commonalities.

Question being?

Do we really NEED some "other"

That is posited as "evil"

Or "lesser?"


We don't.

And, I shall NEVER "give up hope,"

It's not IN me,

Same as you. :cool:

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"Mr. Gorby, tear down this wall!" --- Ronald Reagan.

I wonder if the German people liked us helping them, while they diss our efforts in Iraq! It took us 40+ years to finally crush Russia, yet the Germans expect instant results in the Middle East, while they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR OTHERS.

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Goethe's interpretation

Of Doctor Faustus,


THE best one I've seen.

MANY lessons in that little tale

Even YOU would likely like, jjr,

Especially the consequences

Of selling yer Soul

For the sake of materiel enhancement.

SUV's included, I would imagine. ;)

Not to mention!

Boris Becker!

Age 18 to 22, THE best tennis player

I ever saw! smile.gif

**Personal note: I am enchanted

By the GErman contribution

To "Gestalt Psychology,"


That's eclectic and I leave it at that.

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No No No DD, definitely want to play. I have just not been at home much lately, except to sleep.

I run a 24/7 business and we had some new Russian Crude enter the port for processing. Lab's been busy ascertaining its characteristics.

Plus life's many demands, especially from the rampant incompetent humans that inhabit most of this planet, I'm trying to help them, I'm sympathetic and hopeful.

Please don't give up on me, Blashy and Agamemnon can vouch for me. My play is inconsistent, be patient. I looked at your scenario setup...very ...very interesting...shall we do an AAR?

Come to think of it, our fellow forum members probably don't care and it would be a "long and winding road". But from the Axis perspective I could really elaborate in the role of Rommel.

I'll PM you tonight....unless?????

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It's not a sin to own an SUV. It's not a sin to work for a house, car, or for a copy of SC-3. Forget Becker, give me Johnny Mac, Sampras, & Agassi.

"Image is everything" --- Agassi

"You've got to be kidding me, that ball was out!" --- Johnny Mac.


Ah, I was right,

This ONE time, anyway, jjr,

You ARE mostly... a "show-man!"

PT Barnum would've LOVED you in his

Traveling Circus,

You coulda been THE pitch-man

Of all time! :cool:


Come to think of it, our fellow forum members probably don't care and it would be a "long and winding road". But from the Axis perspective I could really elaborate in the role of Rommel.

I'll PM you tonight....unless?????

Oooops, SM,

A bit too impatient again.

I'll wait until you are all set, yes?

As for AAR,

Yeah, considering it may indeed turn out to be

A long drawn-out contest,

Maybe we ought not.

Take yer time, I'll be around even if not

Posting for awhile,

As I sometimes like to take a break

From it all. smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

yet the Germans expect instant results in the Middle East, while they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR OTHERS.

do yourself a favour: think before you write.

Germany paid their dues, with money, hardware or soldiers (Israel, Desert Storm, ISAF, OEF, KFOR, ...).

And btw:

Agassi is married to whom?

And a SUV is a sin, because your big petrol-thirsty friend makes you buy oil from some real evil arab countries...

[ June 29, 2006, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Originally posted by Fartknock3r:

I don't see why people are so against illegal immigrants. I mean, if you and your family were living a harsh life would'nt you be seeking a better life abroad? Immigrants are the reason this country (USA) is the way it is. Illegal or not.

PS- Hey, you live in Sacramento, I live in LA. I have to deal with, well actually my parents have to deal with terrible drivers. I mean, we've seriously been stuck behind asians going 20 MPH countless times. After containing myself so much, once we changed streets and pass them, i go to the wheel and give them a nice, long honk, even if there are police. tongue.gif [/QB]

I have not lived in Sacramento all my life, and immigrants don't just stay by the border.

I sympathize with the immigrants. Most of them at least. They are looking for a better life. But that is not the point.

Point 1. The problem is that we are taking on the load of problems of the countries whose streams of illegals are coming from, and they are not doing jack about it. Why? Because it is now our problem, not theirs. Plus going out on a limb they probably just dont give a s**t either. Nothing is going to get fixed unless we put the ball back in their court.

Point 2. It's a major national security and civil security risk. Oops, I said the "NS" phrase, now I may get marked as a hawk. Anyone, anytime, can cross the border. I have BP friends that can attest to this. Not to mention a BP friend who is dead because of the price on their heads - after all they interfere with the smuggling lines. If a poor family trying to find a better life can do it, imagine who else can.

Point 3. It is grossly unfair to the folks who are applying legally to live here. Granted, I think that legal immigration laws and practices are really screwed up and need revision.

Point 4. Uhhhh.... it's ILLEGAL?

I can keep making points if you so request, but I just realized that I posted a political post in a non-political forum, so I'm off to spank myself as punishment. tongue.gifredface.gif

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@X-Wormwood --- Dude, you lost your mind? This is the SC-2 Forum, not your circle jerk buddies from the GF/PF, nobody to hold your hand. Your anti-USA rants just aren't cutting the mustard here.

Why don't you & I meet in a game of SC or SC2? That's where I'm at my best.

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yet the Germans expect instant results in the Middle East

Weird. I always thought the contrary.


Weird. I always thought the contrary.

Funny thing is, many Euros think the same way about Americans.

I wonder if the German people liked us helping them, while they diss our efforts in Iraq!

We told you, that we did not believe your weird stories about Iraq. We believed that you lied to us. - We were right.

We told you, that your plan was crap. That you can't go in there and make a simple "hit and democrate". We believed, that you were going to make a terrible mistake for iraq and for yourself. - We were right.

I don't want to do america-bashing. But because of you, dear friend, I have a hard time trying so. You are the type of American Europeans love to bashing on.


Another topic:

Girls, you may critizize Germany because of many things, I really don't take it as offense. But the Hasselhoff-thing was really mean. That was not nice. Not very christian. Not very... human.

Truth is, Hasselhoff is liked by many Germans. Truth is, many Germans are older women. Truth is, nobody cares for the tastes of older women.

Please let's keep it that way. ;)

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