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Changes I have Made

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Other changes I made to add realism, some historical accuracy and just plain fun:


Added Vienna, 4 point BB in South Atlantic (Graf Spee), 5 point bomber near Essen, 4 point corps in each of the forts along the Maginot line, Rommel and Kleist as 1 point HQs to arrive in May 1940, CV to arrive on January 1, 1945 representing the Graf Zeppelin. Gave tile 78,19 to Switzerland. Added 1 point experience to an air fleet near Poland to represent the Condor Legion experience. Separeted Austria and Czecholsovakia out of Germany to be 100% annexed nations. Czech units can then purchased after a liberation of Prague.


Added Birmingham, Glasgow, Jerusalem, Toronto, Montreal, Cardiff (port only), Plymouth (port only), Belfast (port only), Haifa (port only) an extra 8 point air fleet in Manchester (at the beginning of the war the RAF was just as large as the Luftwaffe), an extra CA in Cairo and CA in Haifa (the current game setup for UK Med fleet was too weak), separated Jordan out of Egypt to represent Trans-Jordan, added a 5 point corps to Jerusalem to represent the Palestine corps and a 4 point corps in Ottawa to represent the Canadian army. Also added Cdn Engineers to arrive in June 1944. (The Cdn Royal Engineers were vital to the march across France and Holland after D-Day) (Yes, I am Canadian) Added a small fortification in to represent El Alamein.


Added Naples (City and port) and deleted city of Bari. Added a 5 point corps to Venice and a 2 point HQ to Naples. Added a 5 point armour near Tobruk. (The Italians were actually well equipped with tanks at the start of the war in North Africa)


Deleted city of Portsmouth and added Philadeplhia and Buffalo. Added a 5 point air fleet and ½ strength SS, BB and CA to represent US Atlantic Fleet. Added Eisenhower and Patton HQs to arrive automatically in 1943.


Added 5 point cruiser to Archangel to represent Soviet Arctic fleet and added Murmansk to North Atlantic Naval loop. Added port of Riga.


Added ports of St. Nazaire, Cherbourg and Calais-Dunkirk. Added Damascus and port of Oran. Added HQ De Gaulle to arrive in June 1944.


Added Cracow and port of Danzig. Moved corps in Sothern Poland to Cracow.


Separated Netherlands out from Benelux, added Amsterdam and port of Rotterdam. Added 10 point corps to Amsterdam and 4 point cruiser to Rotterdam to represent Dutch fleet. Added 2 point cruiser to Antwerp to represent Belgian fleet.

Updated Free Unit script to allow for transfer of Dutch fleet to UK on surrender.

Updated activation scripts to allow for changes in activation of USA and Netherlands/Benelux on invasion of one or other.


Added 2 point cruisers to Turkey, Romania (on new Black sea port) Greece and Norway. Added 1 point cruisers to Denmark, Poland and Portgual.

I would love to have a map that uses up all of the available tiles in the editor and then have options such as major and minor ports, major and minor cities and divisions. But until then these changes I have made work out really well.

I do plan on stretching the bottom of the map out to accommodate Abyssinia and Kenya and the fight there in 1939-40.

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All those additional units make me think of the horror that was SC1 in terms of having too many troops for the size of the map.

Remember that this map is to represent a grand scale, so details like 1 point cruisers don't mean anything or even 4 point units here and there. It could severly unbalance the game just by the sheer size of units ratio to map size.

More units require a much bigger map. I look forward to a full editor map size replica of Huberts standard campaign.

I'm not dissing your hard work, the editor is their to play with, I'm just speaking on the possible (most likely) issues I feel will come up.

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So far so good. I just finished a game last night and no real problems that a few changes to the starting techs and MPPs couldn't fix. I look foward to a full map as well. I played simultaneous with 14 day normalization.

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I'm interested by any scenarios that increase the OOB, map or realism. Can you post a link to your scen Honch?

I really long to a bigger campaign '39 scenario. What is the maximum map size? I tried in the editor and it seems you can make a europe map with at least 4x the surface of the standard one, and this is great!

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Hi SMG42

I am working on that bigger map too, i just have some problems with the scale. Basically we have to make 4 hexes out of every one hex of the standard campaign but this is easier said than done. WOuld be finde if we had the chance of drag/drop in the editor or how would you approach that?

Fire (Fireball, just dont have my password at work ;) )

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So far so good. I just finished a game last night and no real problems that a few changes to the starting techs and MPPs couldn't fix. I look foward to a full map as well. I played simultaneous with 14 day normalization.
Interesting map changes and OOB's, Honch.

I've made some of the same

Ones as you have done. :cool:

I'd be curious to know

How did the game turn out?


And if so,

Could you elaborate a little more

On what CHANGES you made

In the Editor?

Also, and if you are able to do so,

Could you post up a screen-shot


From France to Poland,

England to Italy? smile.gif

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I will upload the scenario to CMMOds tonight. In the meantime, in an hour or so I will add my script changes to this board for easy cut and paste as well as another update of my changes.

I thought about maxxing out the map size using the editor but realised that there are too many scripts that use tile specific loacations and I'd rather let the pros do that.

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This is probably the last set of additions until we get a new, larger map of Europe that works with the scripts.

Additions and Modifications as of April 19, 2006 2:36 PM PST

(Scenario to be added to CMMods tonight and script changes to this board later)


Added Vienna and Stuttgart

Port of Rostok

4pt BB in South Atlantic (Graf Spee) (surface raiders and air interdiction of convoy routes please Hubert!!!!!)

5pt Bomber near Essen

4pt Corps in each of the forts along Siegfried Line

1 experience point to AF near Poland to represent Condor Legion experience

Gave tile 78,19 to Switzerland

Created Czechoslovakia and Austria as 100% annexed nations allowing creation of units after liberation

Rommel and Kleist as 1pt HQs to arrive May 1940

CV to arrive in April 1945 (Graf Zeppelin)

Upgraded Corps to arrive in January 1940 (1st SS)


Deleted cities of Halifax and St. Johns

Added Montreal, Toronto and Jerusalem

Cdn oil on western edge of map

4pt Cdn corps in Ottawa representing Cdn Army

Cdn engineers to arrive in June 1944

Added Birmingham and Glasgow

Added ports of Belfast, Haifa, Cardiff, Southhampton and Plymouth

Added fort on North African coast to represent El Alamein

CA to Haifa, CA to Suez (initial scenario UK med fleet was too weak)

5pt Corps to Jerusalem to represent Palestine corps

Separated Jordan (Trans-Jordan) from Egypt as 100% Allied nation, made Amman the capital (Please add Palestine as a country Hubert)

Added Jordan River between Jerusalem and Amman


Deleted city of Portsmouth.

Added cities of Philadelphia and Buffalo.

Added 5pt SS, BB and CA to ports to represent US Atlantic Fleet

Added 5pt AF

Added paratroops to arrive in 1944 (82nd airborne)

Added Patton and Eisenhower HQs to arrive in 1943


Deleted city of Bari

Added City and port of Naples

5pt Corps in Venice

2 pt HQ in Naples

5pt armour near Tobruk

Added city of Benghazi


5pt CA in Archangel

Added Murmansk to North Atlantic Naval Loop for UK and USSR units only

5 pt Corps in Baku

Baltic States:

Added port of Riga


Added port of Dubrovnik

HQ to arrive in 1945 (Tito)


Added city of Damascus

Added ports of Cherbourg, St. Nazaire, Calais-Dunkirk and Oran


1pt CA

Increased both corps to 4pts (I don’t like odd numbers other than 5)


Reduced corps to 2pt

1 pt CA


Separated Netherlands from Benelux

Added port of Rotterdam and city of Amsterdam

8pt corps to Amsterdam

4 pt CA to Rotterdam

2 pt CA to Antwerp

Added sections to scripts to deal with these changes.

Netherlands Free Unit option.


Added Black Sea port.

2 pt CA

2nd Corps to arrive in 1942

2pt armour to arrive in 1941


2 pt CA


2nd Army to arrive in 1942


Deleted cities of Bilbao and Valencia

Added city and port of Barcelona

Added mine north of Madrid


Free units option

1 pt AF


Added Cracow

Port of Danzig

Free unit option

HQ and another army to arrive in 1940 (if not conquered)

1 pt CA

Once again, a full size map of Europe using the full editor size would be great along with the updated scripts would be great.

As well, surface raiders, air interdiction of convoy routes, major and minor cities, major and minor ports, divisions and the bomb!

No pressure Hubert!!

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As for palyability it was great! I played hotseat with FOW (its amazing how you forget where you had moved the enemy fleets last turn), simultaneous with 14 day normalization.

The battle for NA was awesome. The Italians swarmed in and surrounded El Alemein but it didn't crack. By end of 1940 they were pushed back to Tobruk by the increasing UK presence until Rommel swooped in and pushed UK back again to Alexandria. Germany overcommitted to NA, defeating the UK and taking Egypt but then not having enough to make a big dent in USSR by end of 1941.

I tried Netherlands in 1939 and Benelux in early 1940. Amsterdam was a bitch to conquer through the mud and held out until the same time as Benelux which fell in 2 turns by April 1940.

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I would do a larger map of europe if somebody could give me a hint how to. I mean i cant just take the 39 campaign and make it 4 times larger just by klicking. How do i handle the scale and where exactly to put a forrest or desser etc..


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You need to scan a map of europe in and overlay the tiles that are available in the game directory. However, even if you create a great map, all of the scripts need to be re-done to line up with the new locations of cities, ports, convoy routes etc. I think we all have to wait for the Big Cheese to do this for us.

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Its an 8 point corps, not an army. Easy to take out with a couple of air fleets and then an armour. The problem is the marshy terrain. If you attack in anything other than summer, it will take you two tunrs instead of one.

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yes, if you want to model Netherland army, give them A 3 strength corps, not much more. It was a walk in the park for Germans, and they don't needed 2 airfleets during 15 days + a panzerkorps to take the country!

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