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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Full price product? Not really...

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Ordered my full version for 44,99 Euro on german Amazon.de last week..... got it yesterday. Guess what happened.. right, today it comes for 34,99!!!

Basically I am willing to pay that for Huberts good work, but couldn`t they have done a bit earlier?

Pls don`t get me wrong.. I think it deserves to be a full price product, but everyone who bought at 44,99 Euro now feels like getting a payload in the brown saloon.

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In your case you're probably right.

But if you had received the game at the earliest possible delivery date (around 10th of April in Germany) I'd say two weeks of play ist worth 10 Euros.

I had ordered one copy full price for my personal use a.s.a.p. and another copy at reduced price that I've just received today to get a local friend to join me h2h.

Btw a question regarding the german version: Will it be patched to run without the cd in the drive? I thought I read somewhere that SC2 wouldn't require the cd to play (just as SC1).

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The Battlefront version does not require the CD, but that does not apply to the german version. Likewise, the english version will remain at $45 (but then that's basically EUR 36 or something like that due to the crappy exchange rate).


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Most likely there will have to be separate patches for each language version. There will be no patch to fix the "cd issue". Our German distributor is using the cd check as his form of copy protection.


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Originally posted by Moon:

Most likely there will have to be separate patches for each language version. There will be no patch to fix the "cd issue". Our German distributor is using the cd check as his form of copy protection.


Sorry, just to clarify: buyers of the german version don`t get any patches because the german distributor thinks we are to stupid to use a CD Copy programm? Well done...
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Hyazinth, I don't quite get what you mean, but of course there will be patches for the German version. You will just require to have the CD in drive when you start the game, that's all. Most games I know of work in this way.


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