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I know this is really way to early, but somehow, something, has been gnawing at me.

This is obviously the next step, but for some reason I haven't a grasp on the naval aspects from a previously played wargame in my background.

I'm trying to get a connection of some good naval warfare simulations that could be adopted to the SC realm.

Its not that I haven't been searching, it just seems nothing is good enough ........... until ......... well I'm still not sure.

Alright...last night in a delusion of fever (i have the flu) I hallucinated about a game...a naval game, strategic, but operational, with an AI, to help me, to unravel the micromanagement.

What was the vision??? Where did it go??

I searched....that's it, remember..."The Search".

Finally... a fifty five page PDF downloaded file describing the mechanics...could it be.

I don't know, you guys....maybe...., just maybe it will help to focus on the mechanics necessary for the Coming.

NWS-online...Supremacy at Sea?

JDF...where are you...you know???? JDF2 tell us!

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Yeah, I am so looking forward to SaS; the 2nd in command function is good for those who wish to avoid having to do everything (even tho it may likely do things you don't want it to do), and my general impression is that it isn't quite the kind of micromanagement hell that is a Grigsby game, for example. SC is great for what it does but all the extra detail in SaS is making me drool (design your own ships?!). One thing which SC probably needs to add is sea supply, interdictable and all that.

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SC is great for what it does but all the extra detail in SaS is making me drool (design your own ships?!).

Now you can pretty much design unique

Naval units using the SC2WaW Editor.

Mighty Behemoths,

Everday average BB's,

Battle Cruisers,

Heavy Cruisers,

Light Cruisers,


Escort Carriers,

Fast Carriers, and,

Etc, etc.

Each with their own individualized ratings.

Can be done - by - anyone. :cool:

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Hmmmmm... thinking on it some more,

You CAN indeed have EACH

And every... single... individual ship,

Uniquely outfit. :cool:

You gotta sacrifice very little

In yer ordinary "game schematic," however,


Since the naval units are mostly arriving

Off the production queu

(... just too expensive, save for the subs

and DD's)

You can do this without losing

ANY thing vitally vital, IMO.

In my own mod, I have done it

And it works out great.


To me - that IS the main thing.

It is beyond simply - astounding!

How you can change so very many aspects

Of this X-tremely flexible game.

Said it before, will say it once more,

EVERYBODY gets to have their very own

Personalized WW2 GS game.

Should they really desire it.

And IF they aren't so inclined,

SOMEBODY will do a mod

That suits each Player... to a "T." smile.gif

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Hey DD, good to see you posting again.

You are possibly correct with the WaW applications to the Pacific and I'm sure the modders will help hash this out.

Here's the thing. Many vets on this forum have diplayed some displeasure with the current SC naval model. Now I've been kind of on the fence but as I am now intially beginning to think about the mechanics to take SC to the next level, ie the Pacific, I'm leaning into their camp.

The amphibious nature of the theater as well as the naval-air relationship coupled with the island supply interaction probably dictates a severe deflection from the present code.

I have some ideas, rudimentary at best, but I'm looking for additional realism as I'm sure my well meaning colleagues would appreciate also.

So this thread was to develop some creative juices with referral to some ongoing naval game advancements, if the present SC WaW model proves defficient.

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