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Tutorial hints (need suggestions)

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Hi all,

I'm currently working on a tutorial for SC2:WaW,

and I'd love to hear some input from the players on various popups.

The popup series is called "Did you know?"

I'm really after a variation of topics,

from the basic stuff for new players to the more advanced issues.

So it basicly comes down to "what do you think a player should know about the game".

Here are some examples of what sort of hints I'm talking about.


Did you know? (Big font size)

That you can rightclick units with your mouse?

You are able to do several things this way.

- Reinforce / repair units

- Upgrade units

- Operational movement by train

- Transport by regular naval transport (port to port)

- Transport by amphibious transport

- Rename units

- Lookup unit properties

(Info graphic - rightclick menu)


Did you know? (Big font size)

That storm tiles at sea will reduce your movement range.

They are also able to cause damage to your ships.

Stay near coastal waters if you want to avoid damage.

(Info graphic - storm and normal sea tiles)


Thanks in advance for all the feedback.

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This guide should be a great source of info.

How about on weather? I'd be curious what the % chances are, to get particular weather on a turn. Summer is pretty easy, with the clear turns. But for example, Oct or Nov. It can be clear, mud, or snow. Is it based on the season? Does each week in the winter, have a different % to get snow, or are all weeks the same %?

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Open Editor, go to scenario in particular:

Go to toolbar

Campaign --> Edit Weather Data

There you will find all the weather info.

To see the actual weather zones on map, click the "lightening" button just below the tool bar.

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Good idea Nok,

in my experience I found out more playing than reading the book. The Books often collect dust...

Any number of hints would be nice, many people do not understand the movement and operational system of SC2... Understanding what your units are capable of is at the fundamental heart of SC

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I've already suggested a namechange to Operational movement.

I don't know if it will be changed though.

I've got some more planned out like weather types etc.

And a step by step guide trough the basics like, upgrading, operating, moving, attacking, embarking, disembarking etc.

The only thing I miss are the little tricks of the trade, that experienced players know, like garrison unit placement etc.

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NokNok you're totally right about the little tricks of the trade players who play 10 or 15 hours a week for 6 months pick up. Right clicking on an enemy unit use to give you all the secret information on a unit!!! They fixed that in the patches but it will still tell you things you wouldn't otherwise know...

I watched a guy smack my ships in Copenhagen Port from the adjacent Swedish Rocks, same in Gibraltar... So much so little time to learn. Perhaps a Hover tool or a Query tool much like in other indepth games to tell you secret tidbits about a Port or City, whatever.

Originally posted by n0kn0k:

I've already suggested a namechange to Operational movement.

I don't know if it will be changed though.

I've got some more planned out like weather types etc.

And a step by step guide trough the basics like, upgrading, operating, moving, attacking, embarking, disembarking etc.

The only thing I miss are the little tricks of the trade, that experienced players know, like garrison unit placement etc.

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This kind of help goes a LONG way to easing new players into a game like this.

I'd like to see some popup help for entrenchment and fortifications, and their general effect on defending against air, land and sea attacks. Doesn't need to be long winded, just so players will understand why three air attacks on it might not have produced any casualties.

Another popup would be about morale and readiness, and some general things that raise/lower them and their effect on a unit's effectiveness.

A lot of the hidden information is what probably stumps newer players, as a units effectiveness can literally go from maximum to minimum in a single turn depending on the circumstances.

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Could we even go so far as to include anecdotal historical information? We take for granted our knowledge of WW2. The first game that made me want to dig very, very deep into WW2 history was Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. Also during that time most WW2 games had thick manuals full of history as well as how to play. Aces of the Pacific, Aces of the Deep, B-17 Flying Fortress, V for Victory, etc.

At any rate, I'd like to see (optional) popups during the game that relate to what happened in history. Nothing long and elaborate, but popups (or side icons you can ignore or select) that have "This day in history" information, as well as contextual information.

Such as when the first Russian winter hits. Have a brief explanation of what effect that had on German units during the war. Or when the player first uses an Allied bomber, or an Allied bomber is used against the player, give some brief info on the purpose of massive Allied bombings were on Nazi targets. Not only does it give a bit of history but it'll give the player a hint as to a type of strategy to employ.

This can be used with just about everything. U-Boats, Italian surrender, why Romania joined, why Malta is such a pain in the ass, even when you first attack across a river.

Popups may get annoying after awhile, which is why a side icon (such as in games like Rome: Total War) would work better. You can access them if you want, quickly dismiss them or ignore 'em altogether.

I know it's mind boggling but not everyone knows a lot of these details about WW2. Without forcing them to read books on it, HC has the opportunity to educate 'em a bit while they play a game. Just like the good 'ol days. smile.gif

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I've made 3 custom tutorial maps, one for Naval, Air and Land.

I'll try to give a bit of a "authentic touch" to the story behind it.

I kinda liked that myself when playing Panzer General smile.gif

It's a longterm project to perfect it though, cause I'm sure I'll miss some obvious things that are hard for new players.

The amount of popups won't be that big, just the instructions each turn, and a "Did you know" one every once in a while.

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