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Patton Lives! Check this out seriously

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Now there is one seriously silly notion that some guy named Adam who none of have ever known and some woman named Eve who we know as well as Adam committed a sin by eating an apple.

That this apple eating is so bad that all men and women from that time are born as sinnners.

That is one of the dumbest things anyone could think of. Then they write this in there book to account for why you must be saved or you are a sinner.

Wake up. I have faith there is a supereme being but to think that he would be that ignorant and arrogant is just stupid.

If this is your pearls then dont pass them along. Please attempt to base something on not only faith but intelligent thought also.

Regretfully your religion seems to base everything on faith and nothing on common sense. It is not a bad thing to be born by a woman. You dont need to make up a virgin birth. Finding a legitiamte way of feeding people is also not a bad thing. But dont tell me you feed 5000 people on 5 fish. That would leave 4995 people to starve. Water to wine so you found so not so great water and want to make it a miracle okay.

The believe that a God who is all knowing and all good would not create man simply to send him to hell for eternity. That is not my kind of God.

My God is loving, charitable and wants all men to live a good life. He doesnt force you into a mode but simply lets you decide never considering placing you in hell for bad choices.

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@targul --- Okay, typical non-believer thoughts, thanks for sharing them.

1) God doesn't send anybody to Hell, people send themselves. God finds to pleasure in the punishment of the wicked. Jesus came to save "whosoever". If you want to get saved, get saved. If you don't want to get saved, then don't.

2) Yes, Jesus did miracles. Walking on water, water to wine, curing the lame, blind their sight, raising the dead...Ah, that kind of sews up the Deity thing smile.gif

3) Yes, Jesus was born of a virgin. God ain't going to be born of sin. Kind of fits nicely with the Adam & Eve story. You ever met a person who hasn't sinned? You ever met somebody that is perfect. Well, the Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect life while on Earth. He was tracked, hounded, examined, beaten, mocked, and gave his life up for sinners. That's God exhibiting his love, manifest in the flesh, born in a manger, etc.

4) Ah, never says apple.

5) If your god doesn't have a negative side, then why is there "bad stuff" going on? Guess it's tough to run a universe when you're made out of clay, the hands of man.

It's all Jesus,


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You are the one calling me a non believer after I just stated I belive in a supreme being. Read before you write.

I just do not accept your Jesus. He is simply not the only way to heaven. To think such a thing is naive.

Also you should investigate you Jesus closer. Check out his teen years. Those years not discussed in your Bible. You will find he was a teenager. Teenagers are not all good they are wild and so was your Jesus.

Guess you didnt attend Biology class on conception. It takes two. Makes for an interesting story but only if we could check the DNA could you validate that tale of virgin birth. Otherwise it is an interesting myth.

But then you see women everyday having virgin births if you ask them.

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@targul --- You do not accept the Jesus of the bible as the only way to Heaven or "to the Supreme Being". Since you do not believe that, that is why I call you a non-believer in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, your Buddha is your belief system, so "you are a believe in that".

You are a believer in the Buddha stuff.

You are a non-believer in the Jesus is the only way. Correct? Now you should be able to understand that.

You cannot say you believe in Jesus, but do not believe in Him as the only way to heaven. Jesus himself made the claim, not pridefully, but in a way as God. He died for us, isn't that enough to show love for you?

Far as the virgin birth, of course it's a miracle. If we had miracles everyday, they wouldn't be miracles. Comes down to definition. Remember, God the Creator can make "something" out of "nothing". Yeah, doesn't make sense to us mortals.

Have you ever read the questions that Job asked God? Job questioned why he was even born, why God does certain things. It's a big book, a good read, give it a shot buddy.

Far as Jesus teen years, the only account is when Joseph & Mary were looking for him. Jesus answered,"Where do you think I was? In my Father's House" smile.gif We don't know where Jesus went to Temple to learn, lol, God learning from man? I'm sure he aced any tests smile.gif We do know that God manifest in the flesh did experience things of a man....Jesus wept, he got ticked at the traders in the temple, he was tempted (but didn't sin), he felt extreme pain, etc.

The virgin birth, is the virgin birth. Necessary to hold the glue to the whole bible. Without a virgin birth, Jesus is just another man, born of fallen man. Can I prove it? No. Can I understand it (as a man)? No. Can I believe it? Yes.

Bottom line, I don't know who your god is, but you better get the God who walked out of a graveyard!

"Brothers & Sisters, TESTIFY!" --- Legend

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