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Tim I would once have posted as you did....only I would have been 16 at the time and there was no 'net.

Then I realised that I didn't believe in it at all. So I acknowledged that. I fail to see how this is destructive. I could have done much worse by "staying" in the religon falsely, and taking advanage of the honestly held beliefs of many people - would that have been better?

Perghaps yuo can explain to me how my way of thinking is as destructive as religous extremism?

BTW I do not "despise" it - I pity those who believe in it and I fear its effects on myself and the rest of hte world - again I find that those preaching to me are putting words into my mouth that I never said.

If you're all so pious then why do you lie so much?

"All" I've been doing is asking John to stop telling bull**** about what I said, and that I'm not interested in his religon, plus the reasons why. I have been honest. John has not.

You don't like those reasons - fine - that's your business.

I fail to see how Bin Laden and Pedophiles are relevant - or are you equating me to them?

I can mention Bin Laden believing he's doing the work of god, and no doubt some pedophiles probely do to in their warped way......as I'm sure you believe you are doing. Does that make you the same? Of course not.

YOU say sin exists - but it does not exist to someone who does not believe in god. Evil certainly exists - but it does not require god to define it.

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I do not believe in God and if some super powered being was to present himself and somehow prove he was our creator... so what? We have to bow to him now just because he created us? I would never bow to anyone or anything willingly.

And the biggest difference between non believers and believers? One side is most likely NOT going to impose his beliefs onto others while the other (religions) would if they could.

If Rambo was given power over law in USA he would create laws that do not respect others, for example; gay marriage & abortion & mandatory teaching in schools. He would create laws based on his religious beliefs.

He would therefore be IMPOSING his beliefs on others. A person who does not follow some doctrine of religion is very much less likely to have this view.

I don't believe in religion and would NEVER ban it, although it would get NO support from taxpayers and it would have to be to kept for yourself, home and place of worship.

I would not ban gay marriage as it does NOT have a negative impact on society (not ONE peer reviewed study has shown this, on the contrary).

You want to have wars? Let people with hardcore religious beliefs have total power and you'll have wars because a simple person like myself who despises war would go and fight for my freedom in an instant.

Imposing your religious beliefs on others is simply attacking freedom of others and people will fight to the death for their freedom.

That is the problem with religion and why it is the biggest cause of death in human history, it wants power and it wants their beliefs to be imposed on the masses.

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I will not say Rambo would do this or that if he was allowed to since he may actually be more sane then his posts appear.

Also you need not be threaten by this believe or not. As a Buddhist we also believe in one God. We dont really accept all of the Jesus stuff since that is left for Christians.

All of live eventually goes to what you call heaven. Sometimes they find they were not worthy in this life but you can try until you get it right.

Now we do have earth and our present existance. This is as close as we come to hell. Having been on this planet as long as I have I can say this certainly meets the requirements of hell.

It appears the arguement here has run its course. This is good. Airing the different believes or non believes has allowed us to know those who we play better. Most have kept from personal affronts so I have been happy with this particular line.

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Buddhism is IMO not a religion but a life philosophy.

It is funny how Rambo never answer my question, would you impose your religious values on others if you had total power in your country?

I have yet to know a priest or true believer (like Rambo) say no.

Arado, Greed is the most prevalent human emotion and instead of trying to control it, our societies feed it our out of control money at any cost capitalistic system being the prime example.

I always say: Greed will kill us all .

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Blashy the amazing part about greed is that when does it become enough? What would happen if one country did aquire all the wealth in the world?Then what?I would think they would find some other way to try and control us.What would wealth(money) mean if you did have it all?Yes i agree;monitary greed will kill us all(wars pollution etc).

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This whole 9 or so pages

Is a... what-you-callit,

A scarecrow man :eek:


Humans are, basically, animals,

Relying on their back-brain.

Very very very

Very very very

THIN veneer of civilization

Hardly hiding the lizard beneath.

If it wasn't "religion"

That everyone was fighting about,

It would be something else,

No doubt in my mind.

It would be:

The Nation

(... patriotism, chauvanism, jingoism)

Or - the State/area yer from.

The skin color.

The favored tree, IE,

Some tribes/groups

Would be "the elms,"

Some "the oaks,"

And, naturally - some "the weeping willows"

(... who like to hug the trees

and bemoan the FACT of rampant deforestation)

All this angst and absurd claims

About "religion"

Is pretty strange, IMO.

EVERYTHING, darn near, can be a "religion."





They all have:

1) Particular rituals

2) Certain ceremony

3) Adopted dogma

4) Charismatic figures

5) Baptism/indoctrination

6) Elders who uphold

7) Prayer (... or wishes, hopes, desire

to attach the non-corporal part of each

to some thing "larger" than themselves)

Etc, etc.

Yep, like I say - it's a Straw Man

Kind of faux contra-versy,

I mean to suggest,

Who is AGAINST - anything?


At one time or another. ;)

Far as who is going to kill us all?

Take a good long glance

In the looking-glass.

That threatening shadow you notice?

Is it - the Devil - trying to get - IN.


Is it - the Devil - trying to get - OUT.

[ August 05, 2007, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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@Blashy --- You are more concerned about political & temporal legal issues than you are belief in the Gospel. There is no higher calling than to preach the Gospel. What I believe about the law has no standing with salavation.

Fas as a bible believer. Yes, Homosexuality is a sin. Sodomy or copulation with a member of the same sex, is a very wicked thing. For that matter Adultery & Fornication is a very wicked thing.

Now, enforcement of such beliefs is well, a different story. Jesus never told any believer to force the law on anybody...because you can't. The issue is greater than "Thou shall not", the issue is with the individual's heart. Also, a sin is a sin is a sin in the eyes of God. Yes, some sin or lawbreaking is greater than another sin or lawbreaking...then law is to be imposed. What that should be, well, depends.

I'm not here to preach the law, but to preach the Gospel. The law never saved anybody. The law is for the lawless, and a schoolmaster unto grace.

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Blashy it is a life philosphy but it is also definitely a religion.

We go to the temple, we preform our rituals, and most importantly we believe in a supreme being. The Buddha's that people see are simply men who once lived that are considered great teachers. But all of them teach you how to get to God. Each Buddha has assigned duties by God. One protects the children. One teachs about evil. One happiness and love etc.

Our household primary Buddha is Quan Yin. She is the Buddha responsible for the protection and safety of children.

As to the philosphy that is true but it is really the same bases as all religions. Do good, help your fellow man. Do not seek riches but intead seek a glorious after life.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

It is funny how Rambo never answer my question,

He never answers any questions about religon directly - he'd make a good politician avoiding the point!! :rolleyes:

would you impose your religious values on others if you had total power in your country?

And he didn't answer this one directly either.
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Huh? Evil exists, but no God (or Devil?).

Sure...why not? I don't need to believe in supernatural old men and wierdo's in red body suits with attachments to beleive in evil and good.

Sin exists for some, but not others? See, that's why we have the KJV on the final written authority. It's His word.

Now I said as much a page or 2 back, and yuo said that there's no mention of 10 commandments in the bible, THE LAW is for Jews, and that quoting he bible made me a "legalist".

And yet this is the same bible as you now say is the word of God.

it's quite easy to form a conclusion that you are a convenient christian - that is you are a christian who conveniently ignores bits of hte word of god that you don't happen to like at any given point in time, but are happy to follow them at some other time if they are convenient.

As for hte KJV being the word of god......what's wrong with all the previous versions? The KJV was just another one imposed by the Anglican Church on everyone in their communion - it wasn't even accepted by all protestant Englishmen at the time.

It's quite amusing to think that the Episcopalean Bible is the one thumped by evagalests these days!!

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What is there to answer? Sodomy is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Fornication is a sin. There's no such thing as same sex marriage. Simply enough. You can find this in the New Testament.

The love of money is the root of all evil. You can find this in the New Testament.

People are going to sin if they choose so. God doesn't make anybody believe in His words, while at the same time, the Holy Spirit trys to draw people to getting saved from their sin thru the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. You can find this in the New Testament.

Far as previous versions being "the written word of God". Sure, the KJV transliterators used many manuscripts. If you want some real old stuff, go read the Dead Sea Scrolls smile.gif

Far as me "IMPOSING" with "ABSOLUTE POWER", what is that closed end question suppose to mean? Only God has absolute power. The intent of this question, is just like the pharisees asking Jesus such cornering questions. Are you asking about Gay Marriage? There's no such thing, it would not be legal. That's black & white. Other issues depend. I'm not about to type a 5000-page answer, because the legal field involves much. If you wish me to be more specific, the question has to be more specific.

Anyhow...being a preacher of the Gospel is GREATER than any purpose on this Earth. That is according to the Lord Jesus Christ. Loving the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, mind, spirit & soul. Love thy neighbor as thyself. These are the greatest actions one can do.

The Lord Jesus Christ's Kingdom is not of this world. His Kingdom come, His will be done...

I recommend you find a fellowship of bible believers to answer your questions in an interactive way. Jesus says, you will know him by the love that his people show towards each other.

It's this simple, the Lord Jesus Christ was virgin born, sinless, died on a cross for sinners, was buried, and rose again from the dead 3 days later. If you repent & believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved. The Lord saves by his Grace. His love was the reason he died. That simple.

Jesus saves,


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What do I say? That's easy enough:

It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve...nor Randy & Andy, nor Sally & Sue.

"Dude looks like a Lady" --- Aerosmith

Plus I must add, I'm happy I have no idea what a Hermanophote is?

Sounds like you live beside a couple of fruitcakes. I recommend you tell them how to get saved, then move! Don't forget your copy of SC2 expansion!


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Your problem isn't with me, it's with the Lord. Far as being born,"Ye Must Be Born Again" --- John 3:3

Ever since the Fall of Adam & Eve, mankind, the creation, etc. has had to deal with the wages of sin.

If you want to know why people are born with physical problems, read the Bible. This question was asked by pharisees in an attempt to entrap the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sadly, you guys appear to fall into that category quite a bit.

If you want Bible answer, then please let me know. If you don't care what the Bible says, then no reason to ask.

No reason to cast my pearls among the swine, if not interested in truth.

Let me know,


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