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@targul --- Good grief, you that much of a hardass not to understand the Forrest Gump quotes are for some humor. Yes, I've been to Asia, South Korea to be exact, was there this Spring. How do you like that, pal?

Far as understanding that there are Christians in China, DAH !!! Are you stupid or something? That's all you got? As a majority, they sure aren't Christian or the centuries, that's a fact pal. But of course we've sent missionaries there & people have been saved.

Now, far as Muslims, why do you compare us to them? We preach to share the Gospel. There is no "convert or die".

I haven't had to answer that low of a question in a long time...this sounds like 3rd grade playground Christ denying.

Now, far as your Plastic Doll & Mohammad prophet. Well, Jesus is God, they ain't smile.gif Far as the Koran, I read it, wasn't impress in the least. No prophesy. Not one word of prophesy, just a bunch of do's and don'ts. More or less the OT with Allah.

What part of what Jesus said don't you understand? He's the Savior, the truth, the life, the way. No man goeth to the Father, except thru the Son. Straight is the gate, narrow is the way.

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Actually the part I dont understand is why you protest so much against all things that are good. Jesus was a fine man as I have told you we consider him a Buddha. I do not believe he is the only way to heaven. Buddhist do not judge. We dont say one man will go to heaven and another wont. Sorry but it is simply not for any Buddhist to say.

Sure there are fanatic Muslims just like you being a fanatic Christian. That is how I compare them both sides have fanatics who do not read there Koran and Bible close enough to know that in each they preach love and caring for there fellow man. I have read both and did not find either to wish men to suffer poverty and sickness.

Not sure why the Chinese should be Christian. There believes have been around long before your Jesus was born. The Hindu, Buddhist and Confusus believes have never started or been the cause of a war. They are peaceful people.

Only two religions I know of who attempt to force there believes on others are Chistianity and Mohaddism. I do believe that if these two religions would stop causing wars the world would be better off.

As to prophesy there is only the last chapter where you destroy the world. Kinda of a downer chapter to an otherwise good book. Sorry but I cannot believe a God would do such things to his people.

I am sure that was put into your bible to control the people. Remove it and use one of the many other scrolls left out so that it makes for more pleasant and probably more accurate reading. But then I really dont care for Stephen Kings works either.

There is also little logic in this no man may go to the Father (God) except through the son. My father has never had me screen all his calls or the door. He speaks for himself as I am sure God is fully capable of also.

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Well, Targul, I got news for you. The God of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are no other gods beside Him.

Grace & Truth have come thru the Lord Jesus Christ, nobody else. The Bible says (not me), that even if you made to Heaven another way beside the Lord Jesus Christ, you'd just be a thief & a robber.

I don't know what you're reading, but you're obviously not reading & believing what the Lord Jesus Christ has said. He spoke 24 times about Hell, a place that you don't wanna go, that He is the only one that can save you from your sins & get you into Heaven. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. He's more than a good man, He's perfect, sinless, virgin born, etc. Your plastic doll, fortune cookie proverbs, & Kung-Fo Witchcraft is all but filthy rags compared to the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Far as those groups you've mentioned not causing wars, you kidding me pal? December 7th, 1941, a day which will live in Infamy! If that doesn't satisfy your false claim, get a history book, they fight each other all the time.

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The God of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are no other gods beside Him.
ROFL, God is just the imagination of a world gone mad.

Or people with too much free time on their hands.

Just give me one bit of proof that he's out there.

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For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.

Go read an Anatomy book, check out the design. Go outside, check the diversity of the creation...everything from butterflies, owls, dogs, cats, deer, mice, flowers, birds, stars, suns, whatever. Take a chemistry class, absorb yourself into mathematics, physics, read of the prophesy, fellowship with believers (by their love for one another, you shall see Him at work.), listen to the testimonies of those demonstrating the power of God over sin & the world. The list is endless.

God has given everybody a measure of Faith, a conscience, so everybody is w/o excuse. Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.....

Feel your heartbeat, something is keeping you alive. He is the creator, and substainer of life.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The God of the Bible is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are no other gods beside Him.

Thanks for showing exactly why religions in the end are no good for nothing but war...

As a friend of mine said of how religions behave towards other religions: "Mine is better than yours and I'll bomb you to prove it"

Also, virgin birth? Did you know that Ra the Egyptian sun god was also born of a virgin birth and his mother's name is similar to Mary.

Here is a list long before the new testament of gods born of a virgin mother and look at the name of that mother.

Adonis was born of Myrrha, Hermes of Maia, Cyrus of Mariana or Mandane, Joshua of Miriam, Buddha of Maya and Khrishna of Maritala.

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Go read an Anatomy book, check out the design. Go outside, check the diversity of the creation...everything from butterflies, owls, dogs, cats, deer, mice, flowers, birds, stars, suns, whatever. Take a chemistry class, absorb yourself into mathematics, physics, read of the prophesy, fellowship with believers (by their love for one another, you shall see Him at work.), listen to the testimonies of those demonstrating the power of God over sin & the world. The list is endless.
Done all that, the only thing I see is evolution... nothing mystical about it.

It's like breading dogs, mix it up enough times and you get all sorts of em.

Big ones, small ones, even some with 5 legs, that's how it works ;)

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Yeah, two dogs make another dog, don't need a formal education to figure that out. But two dogs ain't going to make a cat. Species have never been crossed to make a reproducing different species.

Wow, feel like I'm back in 7th grade with the mentality of the "educated lost ppl"! When I heard evolution for the first time, I laughed.

Here's there order:

1) Big Bang

2) Big Pond

3) Soupy premortal sludge

4) Tadpole

5) Froggy

6) King Kong

7) Grandma

8) Me

I politely asked the teacher. How do the genders evolve, LOL smile.gif Never got an answer. How can you reproduce, if you haven't evolved to reproduce? How do you know what to evolve too? If it's Darwin's Surivival of the Fittest, how did the weak survive? If it truly is survival of the fittest, why be good?

Never got an answer worth a hill of beans.

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I thought Dec 7, 41 was the Japanese. Wow now Rambo claims it is really the Chinese. Sorry man the Chinese had been at war with the Japanese long before your day of infamy.

The Japanese are most Shindo Religion with the next largest being Christian. I know very little of that religion. But they did not attack America for religious reasons. They attacked because we placed a military blockaid and would not allow them oil or other resources.

So trying to claim Buddhist started WWII is the same as Bush's WMD. Did believe it then and wont believe it now. Buddhist's have never declared a holy war against anyone. That would be just silly since we believe everyone should worship in the manner they choose.

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What do you think is going to happen when you get that gulping feeling while facing the judge?

If that gulp comes out anything, but the name Jesus you had better watch out!

What is it that any man can do to gain an eternity with an awesome God!

Simply call upon the name.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Species have never been crossed to make a reproducing different species.

Actually it has, on many occasions.

Even more with plant life.

Sometimes sterile offspring occurred, and sometimes not.

Enjoy reading this though, and watch the pictures ;)


Happy to teach you a bit, because as you said your evolution teachers weren't that good ;)

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The Lord Jesus Christ is my savior! Enough said. Why would the Chinese abandon their religion for an atheist Communist Government? Enough asked. Oh yeah, as far as pacifist, why would 250,000 Chiniese assualt UN troops saving the South Koreans from their agressive neighbors.... ?????

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Hey Waltero...got an extra seat?

I'll bring the popcorn!

Oh yeah...all this talk of Gods....I've got a question.

Since the scientific proof, simply the night is black, supports the universe had a beginning, could someone explain that to me?

"The Beginning".

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If I could explain the Trinity, it wouldn't be supernatural smile.gif How can God the Father become flesh as the man Christ Jesus? Instead of trying to figure out what is really difficult, why not start with what is simple.


For all have sinned & come short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.

Great thing is, He didn't say I had to understand it like a professor, just believe it smile.gif It's a matter of the heart as directed by the Holy Spirit to show you Truth.

Have you ever prayed about a matter? Why should God reveal something more, if you won't accept something little His already given?

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Originally posted by Konigs:

The Lord Jesus Christ is my savior! Enough said. Why would the Chinese abandon their religion for an atheist Communist Government? Enough asked. Oh yeah, as far as pacifist, why would 250,000 Chiniese assualt UN troops saving the South Koreans from their agressive neighbors.... ?????

Because they support there neighbors and had no reason to trust or depend on the UN which they were not a member of. Remember we are the people who gave Taiwan back to China in order to get China into the UN.

Once again not a religious war though but a political one.

Hell I am actually more confused why we went to South Korea then why the Chinese would consider us a danger on their continent.

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@ Rambo

You don't have to believe in evolution, you can watch it.

Go to a supermarket and compare the tomatoes there with those that you ate when you were a child.

You should note a difference.

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:


For all have sinned & come short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.

Eternal life wouldn't be a gift but a punishment.

It would be extremely boring.

Face the facts: This life is your last opportunity to do something useful. ;)

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Now, far as Muslims, why do you compare us to them?

Because "allah" is Arabic for god

We preach to share the Gospel. There is no "convert or die".

There's no "convert or die" in Islam by that same measure....their written word in the qu'ran and hadith.

And yet there have been plenty of Christians and Moslems who have done so in the past, and plenty would like to do so now.

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Ge John....they're also both religons, they say they both worship the same god....they both say Abraham was a prophet, they both say Moses was a prophet, they both say the Jews worship their god too but haven't moved with the revelations....so I see your 1 difference and raise you some shared stuff...there's a bit bank behind this if you want to keep playing that kind of game :rolleyes:

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@Stalin --- What do you want me to say? Of course they are religions. Islam, Judism, & Christianity have historical roots to the OT. Obviously the NT separates Christianity quite quickly as a different faith. Yes, the claims of the 3 groups are to the same 1-God, but the path is different. Most say, the path doesn't matter, pick anyway you want. Christ stated He's the only way.

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