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"Nobody's right

If everybody's wrong."

Heard that in a song - long ago; seems

To apply here and now as well?


Since NOBODY is "god-like"

That I know of, after all these years

Wandering thither & fro (... getting

Into trouble often as not, alas) and

Since no human

Could POSSIBLY be.... omniscient,

Or omnipotent or omni-

Much of anything,

We ALL must be wrong, some times. smile.gif

Hmmm... don't recall,

In over 5 years on this here open

Forum board,

ANYBODY ever making a post

Like such & so:

"Doggone if YOU ain't got the real deal

Goods, man alive, and I have CHANGED my mind

Due to yer - most-convincing! WORDS."


In this particular conversation,

EACH person has very VALID points.

I agree MORE with Kuni & Blash-Mon,

As has been evident these 5 years,

No apologies for that rad stance,

To which I'd, pardon, like

To add:

Any single quality that you got,

Whether it be of the body, mind

Or spirit, is... a gift.

And so,

Why on earth would you, or I, CLAIM

It is some thing personally gained?

It truly

Astounds me that some folks come 'round,

Rolling shoulders or flexing intellect,

Or be speaking of spirit, which is fine

By me - so long as ANY "religion" STAYS

Completely separated from the State, ah,


And makes the preposterous claim:

"MY success is ONLY due

to MY "will-power!"


THAT is truly funny... LOLOL! :D


Moving on,

rambo_jr, et al,

ALSO have some very good notions.

What is "conservative" IS, ipso intracto,

Vital to preserve.

Some things ARE intrinsically valuable

And shouldn't be discarded

MERELY because they are ancient

In nature.


"Know thyself," and

"Do unto others as you would have them

Do unto you," and,

Well no need to keep on keeping on,

All gets the gist, eh?

Thing to do, I guess,

Is ACCEPT the fact that... without

Common agreements - laws,

And norms, and taboos and the like,

And a return to civil and empathic

Kinds of discourse,

We ain't - no way,

Gonna make this "temporary mirage"

Last much longer, IMHO.

One'a these days - damn! shazam!

It's all just gonna... disappear,

We gone go out - as ol' T.S

Once wrote - not with any bang,

But... a whimper. :eek:


Just one SC Cat's crazy opinion,

Is all. smile.gif


Now, a more topical comment:

I have played several hundred games,

At mimimum,

Of SC-1

As yer everyday average,

And dedicated, FUN loving

War gamer.

Solo, PBEM, and TCP.

I have played several hundred games

Of SC-2, as... etc, same as above.

You know what?

I am NOW playing the latest iteration

Of SC-2 WaW.

The default '39 Grand Campaign, with

No alterations or mod-ifications.

It is - without ANY doubt,

THE best game - of ALL those I've played

Thus far.

NO exception, foget it, nope, nix-nein

Fellow Frankensteins!

I am... not... kidding... anybody. :cool:

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Everybody imposes their beliefs on others. That is a strong statement.

I would think it is more like a few try to impose there beliefs and many. Mostly they are unsuccessful. Normally when they are successful it is a bad thing.

Dont think anyone wants to keep you in a box Rambo. They would quickly be driven mad by your rantings.

I would much rather see you in the wide open spaces where no people exist so you could hollar at the top of your lungs how we who respect live and liberty have collected too much taxes just to feed, cloth and give aid to the poor and uncared for.

When you get to your heaven do you really want to tell God how you stood up against us radicals who want everyone to have medical care? How you said God had left people to strave and live in poverty because they did not follow his ways? How you judged each other of his teachers and called them plastic idols?

No, when you get to heaven you want to say God I have many things to be sorry for. I did not do my best to help those who most needed my help. I did not comfort all those who I could have. But God even with all my faults I tried to help one person everyday. I tried to walk in the steps of the lord and follow his teachings. I was weak many times but lord I deserve your kindness because I always tried to give kindness all the time. I should not be placed in the firey pits for all eternity that I believe in because even though I did many things I regret now in your presence you created me with love and I did my best to spread love.

I shall once again light incense for you. I would rub my belly and whateve the other thing you said if it would help you to see kindness and gentleness are not hateful but good things.

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@targul --- You plastic doll ain't going to do you an ounce of good. Salvation is of grace, not your works. Giving all your money away is a good deed, but can never take away sins. Haven't any of you been to Sunday School? Unreal.

@Everybody --- What makes you think I'm rich? LOL smile.gif I lived in my car for a couple months, took showers were I could...drove a truck...rented a shed from an biker. Worked in wareshouses making little cash. In Boise, I rented in the cheapest apartment I could to save money. I rarely go out for dinner...why spend $50 on food that sux? I'm happy with a can of beans, some rice...and a little chicken. Cheap & healthy. I don't smoke, rarely drink...etc. You clowns think I was born with a silver spoon? I'd rather have opportunity, then handouts from some government breadline. There's always jobs! You gotta pay your dues, (but not Union dues).

And another great quote.

"We have a word for that Jules, it's called a bum" --- John Travolta as Vincent Vega, in the ultimate classic, Pulp Fiction.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@targul --- You plastic doll ain't going to do you an ounce of good. Salvation is of grace, not your works. Giving all your money away is a good deed, but can never take away sins. Haven't any of you been to Sunday School? Unreal.

That is the lazy way out, the church made up those words so they could keep piling on their riches while still claim to be high and mighty.

Bottom line, actions speak louder than words.

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Oh, so now we just made up salvation of grace thru the Gospel? You hated God before you ever met me. You just flat out hate the bible. Dude, you're in war against God, His Son, & His words...has nothing to do with me.

You need to read Genesis chapter #4 about the sacrifice of Cain...your works just don't cut the mustard. Ephesians 2:8-9 made up too?

Folks, you are now clearly seeing what's behind these Socialists. They hate you, hate your God, curse your Bible, but love your hard earned money.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Oh, so now we just made up salvation of grace thru the Gospel? You hated God before you ever met me. You just flat out hate the bible. Dude, you're in war against God, His Son, & His words...has nothing to do with me.

You need to read Genesis chapter #4 about the sacrifice of Cain...your works just don't cut the mustard. Ephesians 2:8-9 made up too?

Folks, you are now clearly seeing what's behind these Socialists. They hate you, hate your God, curse your Bible, but love your hard earned money.


Laughable. Your performance in this debate is perhaps the strongest case for atheism I've ever seen.
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Would rambo either kick the toy aisle over in the temple of capitalism or buy shares and cash in??

Faith-based toys to hit US stores

"Retail boom

In offering a faith-based alternative to the commercial mainstream, Mr Socha is tapping into a broader nationwide trend.

Sales of so-called Christian products, including books, music, clothes and gifts, have climbed steadily from $4bn (£2bn) in 2000 to $4.63bn last year, according to the Association for Christian Retail"

Originally posted by Ottosmops:

@ Rambo,

Dude, you're a loser.

Your arguments are getting worse every time I read your posts.

You try to play two roles at the same time: The pastor who preaches the bible and the Rambo-capitalist, who cares a **** about others.

But these two roles don't fit together. ;)

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Far as the new "Faith based toys", I'm not sure what the call is. I'm sure the corporations are making some dough on them, not a crime, not a sin. They actually look cool. Better than having kids mock God with Homer Simpson.

@Kuni --- Scoff all you want. The great thing is: "We don't have to believe. By the grace of God, I already do" smile.gif

Everybody laughed at Noah & his family too. "Oh Noah, you're an idiot for spending your 401k on a stupid boat. Noah, you're dumb. Noah, your a fruitcake. Noah, God is really love, he won't flood us. Noah, you're too judgmental. Noah, the Ark isn't the only way to be saved."

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa, said the world to Noah. Until the rains came.

"Who'll Stop the Rain?" --- CCR

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ROFL, this guy trully believes the WHOLE world was covered in water and Noah and his small crew sailed on top with EVERY other type of living creature on board.

1) When did it occur? Date in history? no one has it.

2) He would have needed a boat the size of New York island to carry every living thing on this planet and this is not counting the food to feed themselves and the creatures AND cleaning out the crap would have needed thousands of workers.

3) I asked a friend of mine who is a priest to explain the logistics of it all and how it was possible... "God works in mysterious ways" was all he could come up with. That's the standard answer for all religions when they are shown their writings are stories to help guide people and NOT actual history.

It is a metaphor not an actual event!

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@Blashy --- Yep, I believe it smile.gif The Garden of Eden, Flood, Tower of Babel, Soddom, call of Abramham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, parting of the Sea, Joshua, Samson, David, Daniel, Solomon...virgin birth, death, burial, & resurrection...salvation, rapture, revelations, anti-christ, 666.

Far as your priest friend, don't need him smile.gif You're hangin' with the wrong crowd.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Blashy --- Yep, I believe it smile.gif The Garden of Eden, Flood, Tower of Babel, Soddom, call of Abramham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, parting of the Sea, Joshua, Samson, David, Daniel, Solomon...virgin birth, death, burial, & resurrection...salvation, rapture, revelations, anti-christ, 666.

Far as your priest friend, don't need him smile.gif You're hangin' with the wrong crowd.

So to get this right? Some old testament stuff like Noah you believe every word of. Others, like you should burn people at the stake and seell your daughter as a slave does not apply anymore according to you.

so you can chose what to follow and what you should not bother about in the bible.


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"You stupid or something?" --- Forrest Gump.

Kuni, you really need a Sunday School class, at a minimum.

"People in China don't go to church" --- Forrest Gump.

Dispensational truth is the Bible smile.gif Noah built an Ark, I don't have to build an Ark. The Jews were given the Law, I wasn't given the Law. I was given the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get it?

Look at the cover, son, of each testament. Do you know the difference between "NEW" & "OLD". Let me give you a hint. Go sniff your underwear from last week, hopefully, you're still not wearing the OLD.

You might need an English class too. With all your education.

I'll give you a couple more that Jesus did away with. The Sabbath Law. The eating of pork stuff (you can eat whatever). The keeping of holidays, etc. Dude, the Gospel took care of it all! The Lord is great! Get saved!

Seriously, you need to get into a little kids Sunday School class. Didn't your Mom take you? I knew this stuff at age 8.

Born in the USA --- Bruce Springsteen

Born Again --- John 3:3

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Actually John the Jews were given the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Thomas, and Peter as well as the law.

Jesus was a practicing Jew after all.....

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

"You stupid or something?" --- Forrest Gump.

Kuni, you really need a Sunday School class, at a minimum.

"People in China don't go to church" --- Forrest Gump.

Dispensational truth is the Bible smile.gif Noah built an Ark, I don't have to build an Ark. The Jews were given the Law, I wasn't given the Law. I was given the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get it?

Look at the cover, son, of each testament. Do you know the difference between "NEW" & "OLD". Let me give you a hint. Go sniff your underwear from last week, hopefully, you're still not wearing the OLD.

You might need an English class too. With all your education.

I'll give you a couple more that Jesus did away with. The Sabbath Law. The eating of pork stuff (you can eat whatever). The keeping of holidays, etc. Dude, the Gospel took care of it all! The Lord is great! Get saved!

Seriously, you need to get into a little kids Sunday School class. Didn't your Mom take you? I knew this stuff at age 8.

Born in the USA --- Bruce Springsteen

Born Again --- John 3:3

Ok so Noah is true, but burning at stakes are not.

How about Jonah who lived 3 days and 3 nights inside a whale?

That also true then?

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@Stalin --- True. The Gospel is open to "whosoever". Nothing tricky about that. Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. Christians aren't masters over women, we are helpmates. The Pastors aren't dictators, they are examples.

@Kuni --- Of course Jonah story is true. Far as burning at the stake. Yes, people at that time within the confines of Jewish Law were burned at the stake. In the book of Kings, a dude was killed for picking up sticks on the Sabbath day. It was the law then, for a Jew, get it? There are many death penalty laws in the Old Testament...God wrote it, gave it. The Choosen People had a higher responsibility to the Law within themselves because of their knowledge to know the Law.

Kuni, if you like the fact God has ordered killings, that is in all parts of the bible. God told Adam & Eve, you eat the tree, you die. God told the people of Noah, you get in the Ark, or you die. God wrote a bunch of laws in OT, if the people of Israel did those acts worthy of death, they were suppose to do.

Kuni, God has told us all. Either, Repent, believe the Gospel, or be tossed into the Lake of Fire, forver, w/o any chance of getting out. God's love does not extend into Hell. W/O Jesus Christ, you will be eternally seperated from God. W/O being born again, you are already seperated from God, dead in your sins. Kuni, you are a sinner. Kuni, I am a sinner. People don't go to Heaven for what they do, people goto Heaven for what they believe. Nobody is saved by the Law, the law is for the lawless, and a schoolmaster unto grace. W/O a proper understanding of the Law, you'll never understand the grace given by the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are over 600+ laws in OT, nobody has ever kept them all, except Jesus. No flesh is justified in the sight of God, thus we all shall die. What you do with Gospel, will determine your eternal fate, either eternity in Heaven, or in Hell. The Bible is quite clear. Nothing selective about it.

[ July 30, 2007, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Well think this discussion turned out quite pointless, so why bother. I'm not out to Mock Rambo for his beliefs.

BUT Rambo think his cash belong to him and solidarity with the less fortunate are just nothing anyone should bother with.

So thought I will make a quote:

Timothy 6:10

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

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Ah, so this same Kuni now quotes the Bible? This is a good thing. Guess it wasn't fruitless at all. Why was this valuable? Because God's word never comes back void. (I'll let you look that one up yourself) smile.gif

Kuni, the secret is this. You have enough faith to believe the verses that "seem right to you". But remember, there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but that path leadeth unto destruction. Just because something doesn't "go your way in the book", doesn't mean it isn't true. You need the Holy Spirit, son.


[ July 30, 2007, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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He's allowed to pick and choose - he doesn't believe the KJV is the true and complete word of god.

Like him I am curious how someone who does believe that can say that some parts of it are acceptable, and otehrs are not.

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

As I predicted. The non-believers prod and poke, no intention of learning anything, and the believers keep on believin'. Let's see how long it goes on. smile.gif

I went to church every Sunday and spent 2 hours Monday evenings in a church group for 18-30 year olds to learn about it (for one year), I learned allot but I came out of it more convinced then ever not believing I should worship one entity. And I had a feeling most of the stories (if not all) are just that "stories", not history. And this past year after doing some research I discovered that in fact they are stories and most of them taken from religions MUCH older. The only difference is those religions never took their words literally, they were stories written to guide you spiritually.

[ July 30, 2007, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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@Stalin --- Ah, your thought process is quite logical. If we just consider the "written words themselves", what are they? Why so many versions. Is there a preserved word or not? Or like the majority of people today, they just believe in principles of it all. Did Paul really write it? Or did he get a digital download.

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Now I can finally see where you gain your knowledge from. Forrest Gump!!!

Now I am sure he really knows the Chinese. I certainly would make that movie mandatory for learning all that the Chinese do.

When I received my masters in Asian Culture I should have made my thesis based on the quotes of Mr Gump. But no I based it on actual writings and personal involvement in that culture. Silly me I could have just watched a movie.

Have you actually travelled and meet any of the people you proclaim do not attend church. Have you actually visited India, Russia, China or anyothers you proclaim to be communist and godless.

Have you done anything other then live in your car drive a truck and proclaim you are the one true believer.

I am opposed to this war but you know you could consider joining the military and going to Iraq and meet those people. You could spread your Christianity to those heathen Arabs who worship Mohammad. BTW, Mohammad is another fine teacher. You might even learn something. Anything is possible.

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