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Patton Lives! Check this out seriously

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it still makes no sense outside the trivialfact that atheists think there is no god, and yuo do, therefor both sides think the otehr is wrong and they are right.

Hell (sic) even I know that - what's your point? :confused:

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I'm not even an atheist, I'm open to the possibility that some super powerful life form created us but I would NEVER worship "it".

Why? Because he created me I have too? He would first have to earn my respect which if he exists and has ALL that power while innocent lives suffer without doing anything he definitely does not have. I call that a sadistic entity. Evil in fact.

But the written words and religions were created by man, plenty of historical evidence to that fact, especially the bible where some of the writers had personal diaries clearly stating what they were writing was from their vivid imagination... or stealing from past writers of older religions.

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Or even adulterating the teachings of the "originator" - there's very little in Christian churches today that is refelctive of the teachings of Jesus....until you filter them through the interpretation of Paul - Jesus never said anything about infedles, nor about women not being able to "command" men.......that's all Paul.

It should be regarded as the "Pualician Church", with a single Pope giving infallibe interpretations of the word of God (they must be infallibe since the words are in the KJV...).

now you might argue that Paul was a close disiciple of Jesus & would know what JC meant.....but then that's implying that his interpretationa is infallible....and we all know who else thinks their interpretation is infallible (in matters of faith at least...) and how much various sects love that particular person!

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So according to Rambo if you get a job it comes with health care. Uhmm, then why are 35,000,000 American workers without medical care.

Sorry but in American your employer is not required to provide you with a living wage, health care, or a retirement system.

I can find no excuse why Americans have no health care.

Other then when I worked for the government no employer provided me health care.

My sons both worked for private employers one of them for a radilogy lab and neither was provided health care.

Health care issue is beyond the ability of private industry with the skyrocketing prices. The government desperately needs to step in and provide all Americans with the ability to see a doctor. At least then some of our tax dollars would be spent wisely instead of trying to kill our neighbors.

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Which is why universal healthcare is on the lips of many presidential candidates. I live in Mass., where a new law recently went into effect requiring all citizens to have health insurance. Not exactly sure how it works as I get mine through work, but I'm sure we'll be used an example many times during debates on the topic.

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I live in Sweden and I like our health care system.

All health care is free for every citizen regardless of income - it's paid through taxes.

You don't have to pay for operations of any kind, it's free.

Medicins you have to pay for, but there is a limit on how much you need to pay, above that limit it's free. That means people with severe problems are not punished for beeing sick.

That's the way it should be.

What still costs money though is the dentist. But both the big political sides have suggested solution to make it cheaper, with free dental care until you are 25(now it's free only for children). Hopefully it will be free for all soon.

This is benefits that I would like to see more in the world today. A state that got solidarity with the less fortunate and through taxes give them social benefits of high quality, while at the same time give high quality service to the richest too(so they get something out of taxes).

[ July 30, 2007, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

Blashy, how can you say you would never do something? You're shutting yourself down before you even begin. I don't know of anyone who worships unwillingly. Even believers find it hard to set an hour aside for worship.

I went to church for a full year EVERY sunday and on mondays was a group reunion for 18-30 year olds and I participated in that.

The goal was to try and see what it was all about.

After a year I was more convinced then ever it was all about nothing. And religions have a gang mentality at its core.

Nothing should EVER be worshiped. Respected and Admired ok, as long as they deserve it.

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Same in Canada all free.

My wife was on dialisys for 4 years before getting a kidney from one of her sisters (THAT person I admire and respect immensely, I consider her a hero).

The cost... 40 000$ a year, no way I had that money. Had I been in USA and one of those 35 million people with no healthcare or those that do have it but does not cover everything my wife would be dead today.

My wife's anti rejection medication is 12 000+ a year and I have to pay no more than 76$ a month then the rest is free and this is not from my employer but the provincial Govt that now offers almost free medication (76$ max per month).

Do I find I pay high taxes? Yes, but that's because tons of it is wasted in useless areas. If I had to pay the same level as I do now but every penny was used properly I would not mind.

60% of all the money I make goes into taxes every year so I know what over taxation is.

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Why should I pay for it? You going to pay my bills?

Communism is stupid.

My college cost $40,000. I drove a truck to pay for it. I have loans. I paid for it. Ever work two jobs? I have.

Why don't you pay for my college? It was $40,000. I didn't get an minority schlorships, I didn't get squat. I'd rather have all my paycheck, in my pocket. I can save my own health insurance & social security.

All this "I want & deserve free crap...is a bunch of crap". IN THE SHORT RUN IT LOOKS COOL, IN THE LONG RUN, IT IS BAD NEWS. You create an atmosphere, a society of laziness, a place where everybody.

@ToEverybodyOutThere --- YOU CAN BUY HEALTHCARE INSURANCE!!! MetLife, it pays! Kaisar! HCH America! ETC. There's disability insurance. Go buy it, it ain't that expensive!!!

Good grief, everybody wants the government to take care of them. They are just taking a huge cut to do something for you that you can do yourself.

Americans, reject this idea of Communism injected into our healthcare.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Same in Canada all free.

60% of all the money I make goes into taxes every year so I know what over taxation is.

So I guess it isn't free after all. Also consider that for everyone who collects more benefit then they pay in, there has to be someone who is recieving less benefit then they pay for.

Any any rate, back on page one I predicted an inevitable lock-up. Interesting that it has gone on so long, but even more interesting is where it has gone.

To think that all of this is from a "Patton Lives!" post. So much for staying on thread topic.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Good grief, everybody wants the government to take care of them. They are just taking a huge cut to do something for you that you can do yourself.


I don't want government to take care of me. I pay my share for it - through TAXES.

But this is the simple truth:

It's cheaper if we pay for something together than if each and everyone of us should do it.

And above all, everyones get a chance, not just the ones with money.

Come on and say it Rambo, you are SELFISH. You just think about yourself, come on admit it - you don't care for anything than yourself heck not even nature.

And your arguement is that if people don't agree with you they are communists. Face it man, you are one SELFISH dude who don't care and uses Jesus to say it's ok.

It's hypocracy.

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Originally posted by Yogi:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Blashy:

Same in Canada all free.

60% of all the money I make goes into taxes every year so I know what over taxation is.

So I guess it isn't free after all. Also consider that for everyone who collects more benefit then they pay in, there has to be someone who is recieving less benefit then they pay for.

Any any rate, back on page one I predicted an inevitable lock-up. Interesting that it has gone on so long, but even more interesting is where it has gone.

To think that all of this is from a "Patton Lives!" post. So much for staying on thread topic. </font>

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For a man who believes so hard in this Christian religion of yours you're like someone who talks the talks but does not walk the walk. Believing and praying is not enough, acting on his teachings is and you obviously do not since you believe that making profit on medicine and food (basic necessities for life) is all good.

Helping sick people and feeding the hungry is called being human, caring and civilized. It is also the foundation of your religion.

And I don't need to be born again, I was born once and quite happy not into a family of religious fanatics, although my parents do believe in god and pray on their own they let me decide for myself. I consider my parents the representation of how religious people should conduct themselves, they keep it to themselves and don't try and impose their values/beliefs onto others.

Yogi, before my wife had problems I paid 10 years of taxes and never got more than what I put in, I did not mind since that money was to help the sick, the hungry and make sure everyone gets a free basic education.

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@Kuni --- You pay taxes...from your government job, so you really didn't pay taxes, get it? You're part of the Socialist Commie moment. Well pal, keep your Commie crap in Russia where you belong. Russia, the king of Commies, SUX.

@Blashy --- You're just a Christ rejector, simple as that. Attack me, attack the church, attack the bible, attack, attack, attack. You're just a Christ rejector. I do hope you get saved.

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Not at all, I said it earlier, I don't mind religions as long as they stay in their places of worship and do not try and impose their religious beliefs onto others, problems is 99.9% of them do.

At least I don't claim to be one and then go totally against the teachings of the religion by saying the sick can get a job, making profit on a basic necessity like food and water is fine.

NOTE: Communism has NEVER existed. Russia was a totalitarian regime. Communist can not exist and neither can responsible capitalism because GREED supersedes all other human emotion, basically at this point and time humanity is a failure.

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Come on, you can do better than that. Everybody imposes their beliefs on others. The policeman with the radar gun imposes each morning. The laws of the land impose. Everybody is imposing. You're not going to keep me in a box.

Did I say the sick must get a job? The whole point is, those who can work, must work or get nothing. There are people who do need help. I'm sure at one point I'll need help. Old or sick. But the young & healthy need to work, not get free stuff from the government. (see Kuni for freebies or freeloaders). Speaking of freeloaders, I wonder if Kuni paid for his copy of SC/SC2?

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@ Rambo,

Dude, you're a loser.

Your arguments are getting worse every time I read your posts.

You try to play two roles at the same time: The pastor who preaches the bible and the Rambo-capitalist, who cares a **** about others.

But these two roles don't fit together. ;)

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Originally posted by Blashy:

I'll always stand that making profit out of sickness and profit from food is as evil as it gets because it is a hypocritical way of hoping people get sick and hungry.

Well, depends how you look at it.

Sickness: It would be nice if all people would be willing to do jobs at no profit for the good of all. I would argue however that to attract the brightest and the best doctors, nurses, hospitals etc. that the incentive of profit seems to help quite a bit.

Food: Seems that when people can profit, they work harder and produce more and better crops and other food and better distribution and avaialabilty of it. When they have nothing to gain from doing so, they don't. Just talk to a farmer or rancher and/or take a look at failed systems in history.

While it might be nice if idealistic arguments worked. Human nature seems to indicate that we may have to consider systems that do. Democracy and Capitalism certainly may have problems and evils, but they also seem to have their benefits and rewards.

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