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JJvR again flying off the cuff without reading.

I'm not against capitalism, I'm against a system that does not demand "Responsible Capitalism". Because when you don't have that you have "Greed Capitalism" and that system will never function long term as it is all about making money at ANY cost; destruction of the environment, wildlife, other lives are all good as long as there is a buck behind it.

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Targul my friend, I'm very sorry to hear that. Strokes run in my family, I'm 28 and have a high risk. My father had a nugget pulled out of his neck last year the size of a golfball. My grandfather lived with a terrible stroke for twenty years.

My post wasn't about people in this country, for whatever reason, that can't work. Obviously there are people with disabilities or in other circumstances in this country that prevents them from sustaining themselves. I agree with you, I'd much rather have a new healthcare plan for the people in this country. I've been in jobs that don't offer healthcare, nor pay well enough to get it on my own. Hell, there's bellman that still work just to get the health coverage. No health coverage = massive debt for anyone who has to go to a hospital.

I went to the emergency room for a kidney stone, my first one, and the total bill ran $9k. If I didn't have coverage right now, I would seriously not go back to the hospital if I had another stone like that, and it was easily the most painful experience I've ever been through. Morphine didn't help, and I had taken five percosets before the edge was taken off. I'd rather suffer that than have another $9k tossed my way.

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I've been to the Emergency Room 3 times in the last couple of years. If you don't have medical coverage, you're screwed, simple as that. My one ambulance ride was $700, just because I wanted to got a specific hospital, I live outside the burbs. I could have driven myself, but didn't want to get in a car wreck considering the condition I was in. Next time, I'll call a cab or flag down some pizza delivery dude.

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The fact is if you go to a PUBLIC hospital and do not have the means to pay, by law they cannot collect the full amount. By law public hospitals have to provide, indigent care. That is the negative of them taking federal aid and medicare along with medicaid payments.

The above is causing a medical crisis in our system due to the vast number of hispanic illegals who are abusing the system and using the emergency room for colds ect.. not even true emergencies.

My sympathy for the poor only goes so far. The problem is the majority of them always seem to be able to afford their beer and cigarettes, yet have little money for other things. They also pump out kids they can ill afford. I have always said if you are on govt subsidies you should be on manadated birth control. You have proven you cannot afford even the kids you have let alone any new ones.

In the end, only in America do you have the opportunity to go from nothing to something as easily. We have the least barriers to you living a better life than any other country in the world. Its proven everyday by people.

As far as our debt as a country, the fact is the rest of the world needs our debt to buy their products. Without us the world economy would slump and then cause the other countries to hit the fan. Also look at Europe with double digit unemployment, boy that experiment is going well,LOL.

I have sympathy only for the truly hard working poor who put their kids welfare first and make smart decisions with their money!

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Ha! What a bunch of crap! You humans sometimes forget that you are a bunch animals, subject to the laws of nature.

Sorry, some of you are very admirable creatures, but in the end, well you know the scenario.

Open up your fricken eyes...you all created this.

Yes I helped, but I had to...to stay below the radar.

Look in the mirror, guess what,,,yep!.... the creator, that's him looking back.

I know you recognize him, billions of them out there, some are spreading manure, some are existing...that's the way...the law, you're not above it.

Your a subject of the universe and the physics that govern it, but you do have choice.

And for the most part, your specie has thrived,.... so have many more, better than yours.

There is tragedy and elation, the successful species don't dwell on it, they continue on.

And they don't get there by serving up "Lip service", which undoubtly humans excel at.......me too :D

Your trying to convince each other of your persceptive.....well seeing is believing and that's what I'm doing, observing.(primarily, with a little nudge here or there)

But eventually the debate must end if you want to accomplish some real progress....... then you all start to work together...simple physics.

Until then:

"Time....Time...time....is on myyy... side.....yes it is."

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Originally posted by Rocko1:

In the end, only in America do you have the opportunity to go from nothing to something as easily. We have the least barriers to you living a better life than any other country in the world. Its proven everyday by people.

Lol this was the funniest Ive ever seen. Have you any other idea how it is in other western countries?

I'd say America is one of the countries where it's hardest to be something in the western world.

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Rocko, USA has the worst education, health care, death rate, people in prisons per capita, environment record, worst poor to rich ratio, most per capita poverty than all other advanced, industrialize or western nations.

Now the others are not much better, it is like I always say about my country when we got #1 ranking as best country in the world for 4-5 years straight "Being the best of the worst is not something I would gloat about".

Of course when 10% of the population owns 70+% of your wealth and the bottom 40% owns less than 1% you clearly see the results of irresponsible Capitalism and Greedy Capitalism shines through.

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Yep your religion has for years scorned all other religions, Rambo. I understand you are a relatively new kid on the block and are trying to become the big bully. But Buddhist dont disrespect your Jesus we find him to be a fine Buddha. I am sure you know that Buddha means teacher and that the Buddha's teach you the way to God.

We dont call Buddha's names or make fun of Buddha's because we respect all men. It is our truist light to allow all beings to live in harmony. We dont want one group or another to go to your hell.

I can not even imagine why your Jesus would want most of the people in the world to go to hell since they are not Christian. Thought it was his desire to lead people to God not take most and send them to hell. I hope only a few Christian feel they must be rude to other believes not all.

I do piety the Christians who believe that if you do not think as they think that you have no hope. Goodness not sure why you would want to condemn so many souls.

I shall light some incense for you and hope you see the light that religion does not make you good or bad but the way you and your ways do that.

As to your preacher friend he offered little but if it is all he could offer it was a great offering. I least he tried. His light will shine bright as long as he does not now expect some great thing for his gift. Charging for the gift or expecting something in return lessins the value of that gift.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

Rocko, USA has the worst education, health care, death rate, people in prisons per capita, environment record, worst poor to rich ratio, most per capita poverty than all other advanced, industrialize or western nations.

Now the others are not much better, it is like I always say about my country when we got #1 ranking as best country in the world for 4-5 years straight "Being the best of the worst is not something I would gloat about".

Of course when 10% of the population owns 70+% of your wealth and the bottom 40% owns less than 1% you clearly see the results of irresponsible Capitalism and Greedy Capitalism shines through.

Actually the latest information is that 10% owns 96% of the wealth. Not sure about your bottom number havent seen any posting.

Due remember the 96% since when I saw it I was disgusted. But you can see it all the time. The poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep taking.

It is not all bad though since the 2 richest people in the world have now begun to return over 90% of there wealth to the people through there charities. I must appauled Bill Gates and Warren Buffet for there altruism.(sp)

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"Okay, we hope you get saved."

Well...thanks Rambo, a nice gesture.

Actually I do practice "self-preservation".

I guess you could consider that some form of conservationism.

And after all that could be concluded to be on the path of being saved.

So...yes... it seems I'm on the journey!

Thanks for the affirmation. smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Once again Kuni, you don't have a clue. He gave the fish & bread to feed the 5000...then came the sermon on the mount.

You ever ask yourself why one of the greatest displays of divine power in all history seen by THOUSANDS is not recorded ANYWHERE outside of the bible? Because it never happened.

BTW, that fish and bread story... it was already told about 2000 years before it was ever written in the bible.

Here's another thing, how come not ONE of his grand "miracles" seen by hundreds or thousands was ever written down anywhere except on the bible which was first written over 50 years after his supposed death (most of it 70+ years). Where did those writers get their material from? It was NOT documented anywhere. Word of mouth? Yeah sure, you ever have a simple phrase chain with a group of 50 people? By the time it gets to that last one it is almost always different.

And how can a man be named "J" esus when the letter J is only about 500 years old... Meaning, of all things Christianity should have correct is the name of the son of god in their own freaking book. :rolleyes:

And where is ANY history about him prior to around 30 years of age? Non existent anywhere and pitiful in the bible... funny the same story happens to an Egyptian god... told 3500 years ago.

If the bible said the world is flat high strung believers like yourself would agree with it and THAT is what makes religions scary it turns believers into freaking toy soldiers to go around an impose their beliefs onto others and we wonder why religion is the caused of most deaths throughout history. IT breeds fanaticism.

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Easy Blashmon, you know what short memories your kind possess.

What's that game??? The one where someone starts a story and passes it on to the next person in the line and by the time it gets to the end its all misconstrued.

Or these humans always delegate the important things to someone else.......they probably all thought it was anothers responsibility.

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@Blashy --- Dude, I like your passion. I like the fact you challenge things, this is good. Funny thing, the people that act & talk like you, are the ones who end up believers smile.gif You just need a reason to believe smile.gif I understand your arguments against that which is in the written word. The fact you challenge the written word, is the whole dilema. Who authored it? Who kept it? Why was it written? What of the prophesies? What of the Garden of Eden? What of Revelation? What of the miracles? What of those who believe? I find this subjects very, very interesting. Why makes people believe anything? It's weird. Why some believe it, and some don't...both sides of the coin come from all walks of life...rich, poor, dumb, smart, educated, ignornant, etc. What is with these people that believe? I hope the Lord opens your eyes & heart...it's people like you who He uses.

Growing in grace,


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Blashy --- Dude, I like your passion. I like the fact you challenge things, this is good. Funny thing, the people that act & talk like you, are the ones who end up believers smile.gif You just need a reason to believe smile.gif I understand your arguments against that which is in the written word. The fact you challenge the written word, is the whole dilema. Who authored it? Who kept it? Why was it written? What of the prophesies? What of the Garden of Eden? What of Revelation? What of the miracles? What of those who believe? I find this subjects very, very interesting. Why makes people believe anything? It's weird. Why some believe it, and some don't...both sides of the coin come from all walks of life...rich, poor, dumb, smart, educated, ignornant, etc. What is with these people that believe? I hope the Lord opens your eyes & heart...it's people like you who He uses.

Growing in grace,


If people wanna believe in religion that's one thing. What strikes me is the complete disregard for suffering of the poor or "weak" in our societys.

Well if christianity refuses to adress these issues, issues like that children in the third world starve in the world today, that rich getting richer and poor getting poorer, then it is simply not MORALLY acceptable to create a society after it's principles. Plus that you should not have people govern a society that refuses to ever be wrong.

I think it's a disgrace to use 2000-year old text to justify lack of equality in the world. If there is a God well that's fine and heaven might wait for those who believe(now we have to take into account that the majority believes in other religions in the world today, many have'nt even heard about Jesus)


what if religions are simply not the truth? What if there are no heavens and paradises and we simply die? What if Big Bang really happened and we actually descend from monkies?

This is a huge possibility and until given evidence of Jesus beeing the ONE God, it's MORALLY UNACCEPTABLE to have the brutal injusticies we see in the world today. Fresh water is for many people not even an option. It's nothing but a disgrace!

How this can that EVER be ok with any God is beyond me. :mad:

Religion have been used for so long to stop people doing anything about this.

A God who allow his followers to accept this injusticies, when I think most people deep down in their heart feel that the world is unfair and it's morally right to do something about it, is simply not a God worth having.

But it's not God who is the problem, it's followers using him for his own benefits.

[ July 29, 2007, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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@Kuni --- Logic, you need logic.

1) If the book isn't true, meaning, in the end, we are just dust, then why do I care about anybody except myself? That means good people are just dust. That means bad people are dust. (also, what is the standard of good or bad?). If there is no judgment, than God lets evil skate by. How would you feel if Adolf Hitler & friends all went to Heaven?

2) If it is Evolution, that I came from a frog or primortal pond soup, thus Darwin's Surivival of the Fittest. My answer is simple to your Socialism. "Oh well, their are not the fittest".

3) And finally, to answer your question. Why would I believe or follow anything your proscribe, when I can have Jesus? I've read his book, it's all absolute truth. Where is your book? I'm quite read. What have you read, I've read it. Nothing else compares to the Death, Burial, & Resurection. Who is your god? Lets compare. Why should I settle for the less, when I can have the greatest.

4) At a personal level. What are you going to do with your sins?

5) Ever notice that Commies like yourself are always against the bible?

6) I'll bet you nearly anything, that you are a government worker smile.gif


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Kuni --- Logic, you need logic.

1) If the book isn't true, meaning, in the end, we are just dust, then why do I care about anybody except myself? That means good people are just dust. That means bad people are dust. (also, what is the standard of good or bad?). If there is no judgment, than God lets evil skate by. How would you feel if Adolf Hitler & friends all went to Heaven?

2) If it is Evolution, that I came from a frog or primortal pond soup, thus Darwin's Surivival of the Fittest. My answer is simple to your Socialism. "Oh well, their are not the fittest".

3) And finally, to answer your question. Why would I believe or follow anything your proscribe, when I can have Jesus? I've read his book, it's all absolute truth. Where is your book? I'm quite read. What have you read, I've read it. Nothing else compares to the Death, Burial, & Resurection. Who is your god? Lets compare. Why should I settle for the less, when I can have the greatest.

4) At a personal level. What are you going to do with your sins?

5) Ever notice that Commies like yourself are always against the bible?

6) I'll bet you nearly anything, that you are a government worker smile.gif


I think you missed some things here. I'll answer your questions one by one.

1)How do I feel if Hitler goes to heaven? I thought we humans were not supposed to judge so we wont be judged according to the bible?

Anyhow, Hitlers evil was one thing, there are many more. Far more people have died from western refusal to help starving countries than people Hitler killed in the war. If we see social problems - it's our moral duty to do something about it. Hiding behind nice words is simply wrong wether it's the bible or not. I think most people honestly deep down in their heart know that it's a disgrace.

When you for example have like 40 million americans without an health-insurance, how in god's name can anyone think that is fair? If problems like the poor getting poorer were really adressed by the christians I would feel a huge respect for them. But until then it's just empty words.

2) Survival of the fittest? i've never talked about that, just said that religion could be right or wrong but it may never stand in the way of reating equality. I suggest strong welfare-systems to help those in need. Survival of the fittest is what Hitler proclaimed in Mein Kampf.

3) You could very well have Jesus and believe in him as much as you like. What Im saying is that the huge problems in the world needs to be adressed and the rich need to help those in need. More people are dying from obesity than starvation in the world today and you try to tell me that we can't help those in need? Infact adressing social issues and helping those in need(as the bible say, without the need to show it) is the way to go.

4) Well I try to be a good human beeing, helping my friends and fighting for a more just society. I've always tried to stand up for the poor and those without power, and it brings me more inner peace than just care for my own benefit(blessing).

5) Well first of all I'm not a communist, that type of undemocratic society is just as bad as a state built on religious beliefs, some dudes think they have the right to interpret the "truth".

6) No, I'm not a government worker.

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