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Patton Lives! Check this out seriously

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Stalin's Organ --- Yeah, pride cometh before the fall. So even you, the non-believer is quoting scripture, I love it.

It's just another book written a long time ago. Lots of books have good stuff in them, even if they've subsequently been rewritten to suit someone many times since.

night - who says the US "should have" another civil war??

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Nonchalantly dismissing one of the most important pieces of writing to affect mankind, for good and bad. "Just another book". Uh-huh.

US won't have another civil war anytime soon. Another great schism would need to become deeply entrenched in two opposing mindsets, so much so that they would fight and die for it. Democrats vs. Republicans don't count. ;)

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who dismissed it? not me - I quoted good words from it.

Straw-man arguments otoh...... :rolleyes:

how about Hispanics vs Red-necks? NAACP vs Aryan Nation? I gave it 150 years - plenty of time for something to happen outside "any time soon".

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Please. If there was any time we could have fell into another civil war it would have been during the 60's, but we didn't, and those were pretty dark days.

The hispanics coming over mostly just want a better life, like most immigrants who've fled some other dung-hole country to come here. Now if we sent police and soldiers to forcibly remove the illegals, you'd see violence real quick. Red necks will be red necks, not enough of them to start or even fight a war anyway. NAACP? Black Panthers weren't even enough to militarize, and "Aryan Nation" only really exists in angry young white teens and internet chat rooms.

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Of course not, but something drastic would need to happen to shake it up that much.

In 1861 life was pretty drab and there were a lot of poor, ignorant people. The southern aristocrats led the working class to war and the north drafted most of their army. In 2007 we're a consumer world. For the most part, as long as we can eat a Big Mac, use our cell phones and watch TV...all that other crap is just ticker tape material on your favorite news channel.

Like I said, something very drastic would have to occur for the common citizen to put all that stuff down, pick up a rifle and shoot another American. I'm talking on the scale of a civil war, not some kook invading a home.

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Shrug - from 1776 to 1861 was only 85 years.....

there's lots of poor ignorant people in the US still - 37 million Americans live below the official poverty line ( (US Census, 2005) - about 13% of the population - 25% of blacks, 20% of hispanics, 9% of whites.

Plus presumably some number of illegals.

Call it 40 million plus.......

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Money doesn't buy happiness.

Actually in a world that does not have responsible capitalism, just like ours which functions on capitalistic greed.

Money does buy happiness for allot of people, because that is basically all they are missing to have a decent life.

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If you want to see something scary about the effects of greed, watch the documentary "Iraq for sale: The War Profiteers". It may sound like a "lefty" film, and it may be, but it's no Michael Moore junk. It's quite depressing actually.

And to slightly stay on topic, I'd be curious what Patton would have thought of all the privite corporations with their hands in our military.

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Originally posted by Blashy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Money doesn't buy happiness.

Actually in a world that does not have responsible capitalism, just like ours which functions on capitalistic greed.

Money does buy happiness for allot of people, because that is basically all they are missing to have a decent life. </font>

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Stalin, cry me a river. The majority of your so called poverty level people are their by the poor decisions they make. Trust me they are there because of numerous bad decisions. On top of that because of me and many other true hard working people who pay too high of taxes they are given a safety net (welfare, food stamps, free health care on on on )

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I've preached in Soup Kitchens & Prisons. The majority don't want to work, don't want to get saved, don't want to do anything productive. That's their choice.

I remember talking with this bum living in "Tent City" of Portland...he told, he likes his life. Doesn't have to work, doesn't have bills, doesn't have anything to worry about except keeping a food supply.

@Kuni --- The real bums are the government employees that get their income from the working man.

I like Capitalism, at least you have a chance to better yourself. Should I move to Mexico, Cuba, or Russia? Then we could all be poor. If Capitalism is so bad, how come it won out?

Russia & China tried that Commie crap, it failed. EVERYBODY in Communism is dirt poor, except a few select. Capitialism created the Middle Class smile.gif

You have no excuse in the USA to be poor. Get a job, get two jobs, work all the time & save your money. I wasn't born with a silverspoon in my mouth. Big corporations didn't pay for my schooling. I've had a job since I was 12, delivered newspapers. I would caddie at golf courses, cut lawns, do odd jobs for dough. Then I worked in warehouses, drove a truck, got into sales, went to college, etc. The government or unions certainly didn't help. I hate unions too, I'll get my own deal with management.

The people that hate corporations (businesses), are losers that can't make it in life. Losers that have no spine or backbone to take hard work. Save your money, don't spend anything. Eat cheap...buy rice, beans, drink tap water. Quit spending money eating out, on $5 coffess, on liquor, cigarettes, etc. Don't waste money on entertainment. Put all that disposable money in to land, stocks, or other hard assets.

Get a job,


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@Kuni, Blashy, & Stalin --- Hey Commies. I have a question. What have you done to help the poor? You all sound like government workers. Think about it. Goverment workers are paid off the back of the working man, so you can steal our money, to give to losers that won't work (that are able to work).

Here's an idea for you. Do you want to stop the homeless rate? THEN DO THIS: Go find a bum & let him live in your house! Go do that, then tell me what you for the poor. Until then, keep your hand out of my wallet.

Socialists & Commies are hypocrites. They want to help the poor, but want it to be your money, not theirs smile.gif

By the way, I give money to bums all the time. I'm sure they spend it on booze. I give Gospel tracts to them, directions to Soup kitchen, and will help them get a job interview...they don't want to work.

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Atta Boy JJR, giv'em both barrels.

You too Rocko

I'm just finishing a 16 hour day.....maybe in a couple of hours, hell that makes 18, haven't slept or ate.

I'll be back at daylight, already got about 60 hours in this week, and it ain't over till monday.

I feel so sorry for the bums. :(

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JJR,If capitalism is so great in america then why is your economy based on a 7 PLUS TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.What will happen IF and or WHEN all these debts have to paid or other countries call your countries loans.You will all be bums wandering the streets or maybe you will see no other choice than to try and drag everyone else down with you.In other words use that giant military machine to try and force the rest of the world to comply.

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Originally posted by Rocko1:

Stalin, cry me a river. The majority of your so called poverty level people are their by the poor decisions they make. Trust me they are there because of numerous bad decisions. On top of that because of me and many other true hard working people who pay too high of taxes they are given a safety net (welfare, food stamps, free health care on on on )

Must be nice to understand the poor when you have money. I have been very rich. I have been very poor. I must say rich is much much better.

The truely poor can rarely claw there way out of that situation even in American. While doing recruiting duty for the Army I was dispatched to some areas to recruit where the people didnt have phones, schools, cars or electricity. This was not some third world country this was Oklahoma (well maybe that is a third world country). But these people only sometimes learn to write they live on there farms the same as they did 100 years ago. They couldnt even get in the Army because they lacked the education required.

One group of farms was easily 20 miles to a village that also had nothing so to determine that these people are poor because they want to be is hogwash. They are poor because they lack any oppertunity to get the basics to improve there lot in life.

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Rambo are you aware these bumms you are talking so badly about are over 50% veterans of foreign wars. That is the statisics on them.

Mostly they are mentally incapable people from many sources. Most are just lost. Yes they are lost where they stand. They may have at one time been able to be productive but for one reason or another they no longer have that capability.

I too wish there was a better way but so far I do not know one. I do know ignoring them is not the answer.

I had a brother who committed suicide a few years ago. He was not a very bright person but a very hard worker who had worked at the same job for over 20 years. The business closed and no one would hire him. He tried many times and could get on for a week or so and they would let him go.

He was in his 40's and had a retirement from the company which would start when he was 65. He lost his home that he had bought and was paying on. He then moved to the streets. I offered to let him move in with me but he would not accept charity. He never lived on your welfare or anything about six months of living on the streets he stepped in front of a train on purpose.

Sorry I do not have the solution to these problems but I know we as a nation owe those who served more then a live on the streets. I do know that a man who works all his life and somehow gets removed from it needs help to get a start.

I do know that any Buddha including your Jesus would have empathy for these people and try to help instead of complaining about the drain they maybe on your pocket.

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I work at a hotel in downtown Boston. Almost all the valet's that work there are from another country. One of the bellman is from Pakistan. He moved here twenty years ago, worked two jobs for ten years and now owns a $500k house I helped him put up on craigslist. Most of the valet's work two jobs, and not only that but they send most of their money back home to their families to take care of them. How selfless is that? I was blown away how hard these guys worked, guys from Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Pakistan and Somalia.

I had plenty of time to talk to these guys because I started as a bellman and worked my way up. They have thick accents, can barely read and write the english language and didn't know anyone (or had some vague contact here) before they came. They are working harder than I and most other Americans will ever work.

Their experiences, right here and now in the US, reminds me what a great opportunity people have in this country. Some just take it for granted or simply don't care.

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Well that is great Timskorn. My son worked at a Best Western Inn as a Night Auditor for the last 6 years. He had a stroke on March 8. He is paralyzed on the right side. He gets $140 a week for disabilty and that will go to over $700 a month if and when he gets Social Security.

How is he suppose to live? We live in LA, CA area housing runs over $1000 a month for a slum. I went to apply for food stamps for him. They offer $13 a month I refused it. How can you eat on $13 a month? He lost his car since he could no longer afford the payments due to his illness.

So if he recovers he will be pennyless and without transportation so here that means very difficult to get a job.

Where is your welfare? Where is the support? They dont care if he moves onto the streets and dies in fact that would be the preference. How is he suppose to get this great life America promises.

I really hate when people use the example that one guy made it while millions of Americas go without medical aid, food and housing.

If we are so good why do we not take care of our own? Sorry I have lost alot of faith in what I once believed was the best country in the world as I have seen only a country that cares not for its people but would rather assure some Iraqi has a job, food and security that we as Americas cant get.

I remember the discussion of full health care for all Americans vs going to war with Iraq prior to the war. Bush and the congress choose war. I would have chosen peace and health care for Americans. But then those who cant get medical care also dont produce oil and Iraq does.

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This is not even historically in character with Patton.

To quote a post from elsewhere:

What a grotesque abomination and misuse of a man's name and even an actor's image. Anyone who knows anything about the man and his history knows he would have been the first to spit in a neocon eye and the the first to scream bloody murder in the press when the mission was declared "accomplished" a year after the war started. He would have been repulsed by pencil pushing war dilletants sending brave men and women in to die piecemeal without a clear mission. And would have said so loud and clear till they fired his ass.

This is not funny...not accurate...and in extremely poor taste. With the support the troops disclaimer at the end just adding to the sour taste of deceit to the whole thing.

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@arado234 --- Debt. Everybody in America is in debt. Mortgages, cars, furniture, school loans, credit cards, etc. If it wasn't for debt, we'd have nothing. Debt isn't necessarily a bad thing, it actually creates wealth. Take a finance classic example of how debt moves an economy, it forces trade, increasing goods & services immediately. That's how America became weathly. The Stock Market creates debt, investment, the moving of funds to start something. Debt is Capitalism! That's how it works. If not for debt, people couldn't trade or gain wealth either, it stimulates everything.

@targul --- I'm not so sure about 50% of the homeless are vets. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Even so, are vets more important than non vets? The problem is simple, the answer is simple. He who has the Son, has life, he who does not have the Son, does not have life, and the wrath of God abideth on him. Jesus provides hope. My preachin' buddy let a guy from the homeless shelter move into his shed, in the backyard. The homeless guy was a drunk. The agreement was simple. Could stay in the shed for free, no drinking EVER, not one drop. The homeless guy got a manual labor job, was reading his bible, showering, shaved, was given new clothes...completely taken out of the street life. About a month later when he got his 2nd paycheck, he took his money, told everybody to F-OFF, by running right back to some loser bar...drunk as a skunk again. I could careless if he was a vet or a former president. The problem isn't temportal, it's spiritual. People take this Jesus & Satan thing...like it's a joke. Well, it ain't so funny when lives are ruined...

Sin is real. God's judgement is real. People gets the silliest ideas in their head that don't think God is going to judge their sin both now & after life if they don't get Jesus. Buddha is a fat plastic doll.

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