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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

TJ, its the island fortress efficiency, not the port(port keeps opponent from transporting out/in). Take it to 0, then reinforcement max is 4.

Oh, I'll try that next time then !
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Yes, but do a calculation of what it cost to operate a HQ, bomber and 3 or 4 fighters there and back, plus the cost of the transport to take it, plus time those units aren't doing something more useful somewhere else (at least 4 turns - 2 to operate there and back and 2 for the assault)and ask yourself whether it was worth it.

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Guest Mike

It isn't just that either - it can easily knock MPP's from Tripoli, etc down by 2 or 3 PER city - that can be 10 MPP's in 1 turn - if they rebuild then it's only 6 in the next, but it all adds up - 1 good supply limit can cost you as much as operating an airfleet to Sicily.

And that happens lots - how many turns are there???

4 Airfleets if at least a couple of them at level 2 otherwise 5, and a couple of BB's are enough - the corps from Sicily can take it, no HQ or bombers needed.

So hte net cost of taking it isn't nearly as much as it first looks.

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Lars, up & at 'em early:

Still, there should be some way to turn the Malta Effect off without actually having to invade it.

Say pummeling the port down to 0 and the fort down below 50%?

Another fine idea which makes perfect sense.

I mention this as well,

So now,

No lingering begrudges

Since I ommissioned you earlier, eh? tongue.gif

**[... "ommissioned"... akin to making Captain right out of boot, but not so good as making invisible waves, then you are that nonchalant and awful undaunted U-boot Dude]

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Thanks Dave.

I gots lots of good ideas while I sit here waiting for the bigwigs to actually show up for work today and make a decision.

Like, why didn't you do it the way I told you to a month ago? :rolleyes:;)

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Like, why didn't you do it the way I told you to a month ago? :rolleyes:;)


I myself can DO anything,

Other than flood the boards

With cool and/or unholy suggestions.

Hubert is ONLY SC Cat

Has got sufficient claw-length

To enact anything,

Sprites or features or even

How the bad bleu Moon a'risin

Reduces, such as - combat strength. ;)

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"I work in R&D . Sometimes I wonder how we ever left the caves "

You needn't work in R&D

To wonder about that.

All you need do is take good long look

At "built-environment,"

Physical, mental or spiritual,

Since "reason" has prevailed, oh,

Since Renaissance anyhow, LOL! ;)

Since "logic & proportion"

Have "fallen sloppy dead"

As Jefferson Airplane

Would tune-fully explain

For them ain't disdain

Rock-roll the night

AND day, in your case, away!


Are we the only 2 up early?

Where's the cast & crew?

We gots a freakin' MOVIE to shoot!

As hellraiser said awhile back,

And it's mighty true, IMO,

It's all just... "a show."

Well, Lars,

Should we break out the flop-shoes

And apply 'at grease-paint,

And re-commence quaint - Vaudeville?


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Oh hey Dave, before I forget. If you're going to change this, might as well do it right.

In addition, as was noted previously by another poster, if the Allies do not control a port anywhere in the Med, supply state of Malta should fall to 0, go back to normal if they re-acquire one, like getting Vichy or Greece on their side or somfink.

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Jeez, Lars. Have I wounded your pride so much you can't quote me? ;)

I had taken Gibralter, all of Egypt and even Vichy, Tunis, etc. I owned the Med, entirely. The entire italian fleet was bombarding the port to 0 each turn, and slowly reducing the garrison, but they were still able to reinforce to 8 each time. That's just goofy.

If anything, the strength should drop as the defenders run out of everything from ammo to food to socks.

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Guest Mike

Malta would have been toast if both Alexandria/Suez and Gibralter are taken - it got supply from both ends.

But apart from that there's no problem.

and hell if you can take Gib then stop fluffing about and take Malta as well!! :rolleyes:

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Well, you got to leave the possibility open of the Allies figuring out some other way of getting supplies in there if both Gibraltar and Egypt go, which making any Allied port in the Med a valid supply source for Malta does.

And a garrison that the Axis thought was neutralized suddenly coming back into play would be…problematic. For the Axis. ;)

But I agree, best wipe Malta off the map if you own the Med.

[ May 25, 2006, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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