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What is it that intelligence is actually supposed to achieve?

I understand about getting a better or worse chance of getting an advance in some area or other - but the bit about how it's applied across several opposing nations confuses the $#@^%#^%$ out of me! :/

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What is it that intelligence is actually supposed to achieve?
There's already a catch-up bonus in the research calculations. Intel basically allows you to increase your bonus and deny your opponent an additional bonus. It's very subtle and barely noticeable, which doesn't help players appreciate its value.

It would be nice to provide other tangible intel results. How to do this without adversely affecting normal fog of war is the challenge. Even with ULTRA, the Allies didn't know where every Axis unit was at all times so we don't want something that completely lifts FOW. On the other hand, Allies sometimes broke codes to learn of enemy plans (such as Japanese attack on Midway) but how does one factor THAT into a game??

Maybe allow the intel difference to randomly disable FOW for just the current turn? Or just randomly increase spotting ranges (+2 or something) of a country's units for just the current turn? For example, if Germany had L2 and UK had L1, Germany could have a 1% chance each turn of heightened awareness. This would provide an occassional glimpse of the enemy's situation and still maintain FOW uncertainty.

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Thoughts on possible intelligence advantage results:

1. Make the enemy operational moves visible for the side with higher intelligence. 5/10/20 for each level of difference? Maybe higher percantage for armies and tank groups than corps?

2. Show how many enemy units are within 3(?) squares from a city? A percentage for each city, lower for the enenys home country. Minimum of one, so as not to show emty cities. Different numbers for armies/corps and so on.

3. A chance(?) to see which countries the enemy has diplomacy chits in?

4. Show when and where transports/amphibious assaults are embarked?

5. All of the above? But maybe that just makes intelligence a must have.


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Ok, I'll stop you all right now before you waste more time typing suggestions, hehehe.

Any idea you might come up with I can assure you Edwin has come up with it and probably 100 more when it comes to Intelligence.

As much as we could have a forum on my pushing for some changes in research and diplomacy, we could have a forum just for Edwin's idea for how to improve Intelligence.

He's been there and done that smile.gif .

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I guess 'Edwin P.' had said all he had to say, and no-one was paying him any 'Never-Mind'!.

He had a lot of out of the box concept's and was way ahead of his time in so many direction's!. Too-Bad that some of his idea's never had a chance to become reality!.

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Interesting, and new ideas. Keep them coming. Who knows what HC will find interesting.

As for an Intel Recap;

1. Let each level of intel open up new reports


Level 2 - See Chits invested in research

Level 3 - See Convoy Route MPPs

Level 4 - Chance to See Location of HQ units or popup that gives relative location; not exact location, of enemy HQ unit.


Popup: Rommel spotted near Warsaw

Level 5 - Chance to see location of enemy naval and air units.

2. How about Intel increases/decreases the chance for partisan activity

3. A popup that alerts you when Intel has been effective

4. Intel affects the chance for Free Units (i.e. Free French, Free Poles (Free units can cross the border into an adjoining major power).


Free Units - Units of a surrendered country in the country that surrendered have a chance to become free units. If they do their strength is reduced to 1. To survive they must move into a tile of an adjacent active or neutral major power.

Example: Poland Surrenders. Each surviving Polish unit in Poland has a %; based on Intel, to become a Free Polish unit with a strength of 1. A free unit can move into the tile of a neutral major power (i.e. Russia).


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