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[Question] Rebuying the dead HQ

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Don't you think it's kind of lame? You kill Patton, and the dude's long lost clone brother rises from the dead at a cheaper price?

(There's only one who has risen from the dead, 3-days & 3-nights later. Always wondered how you can be buried on Friday & spend 3-nights in the grave, yet come back on Sunday? Don't trust anything organized if you know what I mean.)

Back to killing Patton. Leaders aren't bought, they are born (or born again)...thus, I think this HQ coming back cheaper with same rating should be changed.

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Perhaps the HQ unit represents the staff, attached units, etc. NOT the person it's named after? So when the entire HQ is destroyed, the General's staff whisked him away to safety??

At this scale what else could it be really? Obviously these units represent more than one person, and even when destroyed it doesn't mean every single person in the unit died!

Now, for some additional, and probably unnecessary chrome, how about a small chance when a HQ is destroyed that the general DID die! If it comes up, you get a pop up saying General So & So was killed, and he's removed from the HQ pool.

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Fact is how many Generals died in the field in WW2? That wasn't due to sucide or assasination, it is more likely your own Country will kill your HQ and the Commander, Smart Commanders in History did ride at the head of their Army to show bravery, but wisely retreated to the rear when it got thick to avoid dying. Being that when they die so does the morale of the unit. I am unaware of 1 of the Generals listed in SC2 of the Germans that was killed in WW2, most certianly none of the British...

The percentage chance to kill a General if you destroy his HQ would be probably very very low

As mentioned by Gungho,

It is more represents the overall organizational value of a Unit operating 5 units beneath it then a true General itself, the name just indicates the value to that operational HeadQuarters.

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If you think about it that is what effectively did happen to Rommel. His HQ for the Afrika corps ( support troops, junior officers , NCO, Drivers, supply trucks etc) all got left behind in North Africa. In game terms his HQ was destroyed. However he and other senior officers were flown back to Germany and his HQ was reborn to then be placed in France. Similar story with other Generals from the east to western Front. With the exception of stalingrad almost no senior generals were ever captured or killed. And the only American general killed was a lowely Lt General who was blown up by Patton's advancing forces breaking out of Normandy.

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