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Unit Spotting Hubert Please change

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HC, Hey... Also community, good Sunday Afternoon. I have a very very important suggestion. In SC2, spotting can be a bit tedious. Just the turn previous I could have spotted a Unit that will intercept say one of my Subs. I know exactly which Tile that unit is in however regardless, I have to spot it again with another unit, placing it in danger in order to make a movement that I want to make. This is true with so many other Units in SC2.

Fog of War in this game is a little confusing. It's not a tactical game, that's been made abundantly clear. I purpose if a unit is spotted in a particular tile that we leave it as visible. Instead of reverting back to the spotting rules of of our own units to unveil it twice. Doing away with the tedious method of sending several units sometimes per turn to clear FOW all over again. It's retorical to have to do this every single time you want to make a move.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Liam, I'm wondering, are you playing simultaneous or sequential turns? I believe the default is sequential.

If sequential then I believe that time has past since the last turn and puts any previous sightings in doubt, ie. they need to be reconfirmed.

I understand your reasoning, a turn has been sent and under the FOW Rules you lose sight entirely of where say Carrier Group B might be? Correct!

However the way that the rules of the game run you can blockade much to easily as our units travel linear pathways. You can also ambush much too easily. Sometimes during the same turn you will lose sight of a unit, depending on a kill etc... and always after the turn you will lose sight.

Problem is you know exactly in your head where that unit is but the Screen doesn't show it... As it's movement was not possible, after the turn has been completed. That means that you are just running into a brickwall if you try any linear paths through that region and must re-spot it... A little tedious... Though I suppose we must live with some of this. The spotting ranges in SC2 are much more limited and if you're going to create such Random Spotting strikes me as wise if you didn't put 110% spotting on air units or Bomber units as their job was not 110%

All I am mentioning is that you are really locked up in a game when you know 7 battleships are in tile 40 2, 40 3, 40, 4, 40, 5, 40 6, etc... and although last turn when they finished their movement phaze your 2 subs spotted all of them and now are destroyed you can't see diddly. So when you send your 3rd sub out it bumps the exact tiles, you're locked down and you know better than to move through those districts. It'd be nice if you had a greyed OUT TILE that showed where a unit ended it's previous turn and a percentage chance that you get an accidental contact, perhaps increased smile.gif because you're not 110% sure as units in history moved a bit regardless. Instead of always an accidental contact

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Heck do I ever get it! I understand Liam, and long have I been an advocate of more random spotting in the SC naval game.

This is especially true in open waters without the benefit of air units. This is where the carrier airgroups should be effective, in the search and attack missions.

Unfortunately until HC comes up with a more random spotting mechanism and the ability for naval units to pass through enemy occupied tiles undetected, we have what we have.

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Just a thought guys.

Since we now have square tiles (each representing 50 km square), one could think that the distance between the center of two adjacent squares is also 50 km. But with the square system, 2 squares touching only by a corner (placed East-West or North-South in the game) have their center point in fact separated by 71 km (square root of (50*50)+ (50*50)), hence the complaining to have an hex-system. Maybe this phenomenon could be used to increase mobility of Naval units as Liam's comments mostly apply to naval warfare. Could it be that naval units could spot other naval units only if they are within an adjacent square sharing a complete side and not only a corner?

This would basically double the mobility of naval units in big naval battles as only 4 squares around a unit would be looked upon instead of the 8 ones as of right now.

Notable exceptions could be for cruisers looking for subs as these nasty one are already hard to find (Or not?)

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Good points guys and this was a bit of a change in SC2 versus SC1 as I made a few changes as to how spotting worked... while it made it easier to program it did create this side effect. Off hand I'm not sure if this will be changed any time soon but the good news is that there are some spotting changes coming with v1.05 and it should definitely make the naval game much more interesting as land unit spotting of naval units is much more restricted except for Bombers and so far the feedback from the beta team has been quite positive

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