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Battle of Nations, Leipzig, Oct 1813.. kicked the french dwarf`s backside...

Some people regard this battle as the first step to form the german nation. There is a famous saying:

Aus dunkler Nacht

durch blutige Schlacht

zur goldener Freiheit

Translation word by word:

out of a dark night

through a bloody battle

to golden freedom


dark night = occupation by France

bloody battle = Battle of Nations

golden Freedom = no more french occupation

Also a lot of people say that this is the origin of the colours of our State Flag... black, red and gold.

[ July 24, 2007, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: Hyazinth von Strachwitz ]

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Why diss Patton?

He always got the job done (what ever the task).

Understand that we as Americans would go into battle willingly for such a leader, and his name was Blood & Guts!!!

You know you are going to give it all you got when in battle with him, as well the winning side!

Did he not go behind enemy lines to rescue is son from a German prison camp!

It would seem we got sidetracked from the original post.

I would only care too belong to the one that mattered most...with Jesus in the end Battle!!!

I am 43 years old and I have gone this long without killing. I do not think I would like to kill anybody. It is my guess, there is some sort of curse that belongs to it.

Of course Jericho would be another, would not have to do much but march around listening to the trumpet sound! I am sure it sounded like nothing else.

Napoleonic War seemed like a gentlemen's war, maybe with Napoleon or even Nelson, but being that I do not think there be much rape and pillage on the sea I would stand with Napoleon and go with the spoils of war (Pillage the women and rape the lands).

Of course I must consider the battle with the bare breasted women who beat the romans?

would not matter witch side I was on. :eek:

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Originally posted by waltero:

Did he not go behind enemy lines to rescue is son from a German prison camp!

no he did NOT!!

He sent 300 men to do the job - and they failed - only 35 returned. The force was a company of medium tanks, a platoon of light, and a company of armoured infantry.

the commander of XII Corps had refused to undertake the operation without Eisenhower's approval, so Patton waited 'til he was away from his HQ, then delivered the mission straight to the Div commander who advised that a whole Combat Command would be required.

Patton ignore the advice as he didn't want to bring the operation to Eisenhower's attention and as a result 32 men were killed and the balance captured.

Patton maintained that he was "only trying to release POW's", yet had included a family friend on the raid ostensibly "to get combat experience" - that family friend was a decorated WW1 vet.....and Patton later refused to try to liberate the camp where HE was kept, despite it being closer to his army that the one where his son had been held, and having twice as many POW's in it.

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Moxy without any intelligence it is stupidity.

Add a decent amount of intelligence and it bcomes merely arrogance.

Mixed with enough intelligence it is brilliance.

I think Patton fitted in the middle group.

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