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Finally!, i cast my vote for the most realistic, syncronized game depicting the European-Theatre'...and that is by "perman!".

I gave it a rating of '5' out of '5',... as i internally determined so-far as by my personal knowledge & experience with this game/history... as well as with other game's,...including 'time-passage' to assist in realistically being able to be able to actuate event's to occur within a realistic time-frame!.

'perman'...hasn't been around lately, but...i 'Salute' him for his very fine work!. His game doesn't absolutely favour any-side!, it seem's to give due credence to both sides capacities...at all level's.

Who know's???...maybey im just transgressing into the strictly-forbidden area of the twilight-zone???, but...until im am enlightened otherwise,...these are my determination's!.

I say finally!,...that 'permans' game...EUROPEAN THEATRE...should be the central-fix of what SC2-European Theatre should really...actually represent!.

Addendum: Spelling-Fix...'O' in European was missing!.

P.S. Other feature's are such as it seem's that there is increased space or vastness in the Map [More room for maneuver], there is more space between cities, the Map...im sure is larger.

[ January 05, 2007, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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I got a little bored of usual Fall Weiss HvsH and just gave a try to Thrawn's huge scenario! So, if I may, here's some feedback to the creator (and to the players yet to be addicted to this great scenario) so that it could yet become better, if that is possible and Thrawn is still dedicated. I look forward to play HvsH with this scenario!

During a game I played as Axis vs the AI up until october 1941, I found the following to be adressed/changed/modified:

The fortifications upon the mountains of Switzerland actually lowers the defense capacity of this country as a fortification is SD:1 and AD:3 while a mountain is SD:2 AD:4. They should be removed.

Blashy argued that North America was too high and you showed a preview of your new map fixing that. May I just add that, although now at the right height, the shape of Eastern Canada is all wrong! It looks to me that Labrador is not even there... It is supposed to be as big as France!

In spring 1940, Egypt declared war against Italy. This lowered the US readiness by 10% to a final 3%. This readiness stayed that way for about a year and I really think this should be adressed as it virtually took out USA for the rest of the war (no research expenses during that time).

During the game, I had around 30 diplomatic hits while the AI had none. I'm sure there is a way to include some AI investments in diplomacy.

I see you removed Venezuela from your new map. Good! I have a hard time imagining an axis petroleum tanker passing right in front of London on its way to Berlin with no UK intervention other then its subs.

I don't know why but my axis troops managed to capture a Maginot line tile (happened only with one of the three tiles) without it being destroyed, weird. Later, the UK bomber bombed relentlessly this empty fortification for the next two years. A good way to eliminate that could be to put a script that removes the Maginot line automatically if not yet destroyed when France surrenders?

I like long games. I kind of remember a turn representing one week with 52 turns a year but I may be wrong. During Fall/Winter/Spring, with all the mud, not much action can happen. So, I really felt the winter of 1940 as being far too long and boring. For the sake of gameplay and action, could the winter periods happen faster, let's say 2 weeks per turn.

Mud in France in June is unrealistic and adds to the slow pace Winter action. If you look at the weather zones, starting from Northern Portugal up until Caucasus, it is the same. This region should be cut in around three to add some randomness that would leave some action to take place at least in one area of Europe. This way, France could be dry in June (as its supposed to be) while Russia isn't.

The name of the Capital of the country Algérie is Alger, not Algérie. Same with Tunis.

The way Italy is designed is great. Lots of troops but they are all low strength and need restrengthening. But I see an exploit. There are 5 aircrafts and I succeeded in 2 years of play to raise to 3 medals each. This is deadly as they no longer take damages after attacks and could become an exploit in later Russia. I would therefore recommend lowering the number of aircrafts available to Italy.

Movement cost in mountains has been increased. The problem is that a HQ now can no longer get upon a mountain even at supply 10. This can be discussed but it creates such artifacts as the tank in Eastern Turkey (which I convinced joining the rightful Axis cause ;) ), even though 2 tiles from a supply 10 HQ, will be stuck there forever. Same applies to my expelled paratroop from Vichy into the Italian mountains.

Some people reported axis troops in England not being able to evacuate. I guess you already adressed that so my Italian Malta occupation force will, in the future, be able to evacuate.

Stalingrad does not have the natural terrain that would mimic its difficult capture. There are 5-6 clear tiles with no rivers from which you can directly attack Stalingrad.

Axis troops, if they are moving carefully can allways be at supply 10 in Russia, even at the very far East. This is because the russian cities can reach strength 6. Russians should have in my opinion a supply advantage over Germans in Russia. I would therefore recommend a maximum strength of 5. This would of course need more russian cities to allow progression in Russia for Germans; we all have to deal with SC2’s mechanistic approach.

Russia’s readiness increases by 1-2% per turn in January 1940. Cumulative triggers follows in summer 1940, January 1941 and summer 1941. If I did not have 5 diplo hits upon Russia (reducing its total readiness by 64%), it would have joined in summer 1940, one or two months after France fell!!! This is very inaccurate and unhistorical, not a “What if…”. I would advise something like a single 2-4% increase per turn starting in November 1940. This of course would need much testing!

Regarding diplomacy, it is overkill in that scenario. A 250 mpp chit buys you a 6% per turn chance to get a 10-14% decrease in Russia’s readiness! With 5 chits invested (around the income of Germany for one month), this can keeps Russia at level 0 for one year and a half!!! I would then suggest a higher chit price and/or a lower % effect upon succesfull attempts.

Regarding tech, it should somehow go slower. You limited infantry tech at one chit, which is good. But, after only 2 years of play, Germany reached inf tech: 3, anti-tank:3, tank:4, motor: 2, prod: 4, industr:5, sub: 2, long range air: 5, aircraft:4, intel: 4, anti-air:2. Way too fast in my opinion. If that is possible in the editor, a smaller % per chit of success?

p.s. to those who will say: “Change it yourself in the editor”. My post is for giving Thrawn feedback upon his great scenario, so that he can make it better and available to all!

p.p.s.I know it is a huge text. Sorry.

p.p.p.s Anyone else has constructive opinions?

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WOW BioWizard :) THX for the huge feedback :)

Some points I actually fixed (Russian towns now at 5 and UK-Ports at 5 after Invasion also I fixed that Egypt attacks Italy before middle of 1940).

Also I fixed (or better I hope so ;) ) the Russian activation script - so it should be a bit more historical.

Btw. good to know that with towns at level 6, supply 10 is possible (I thought 6 is max) - so 5 is max for Russia :).

To the diplomaty, strange cos i include some AI-Diplo-Scripts.

The movement (with mountains) will be change.

Tech is a realy big problem cause there are double turns - QUESTION: So double price ? (cause the % is not able to fix).

great feedback

greetz Thrawn

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Increasing the price of tech is not the solution in my opinion, let me explain. Already, investing in diplomacy and in research is the best cost-wise option. A starting German player already has a lot of troops to start with. So, a player will most of the time keep research at maximum (to keep an edge over the Russians to come) and in diplomacy to increase his future revenues. I was doing so in the game I played and, during the first year, restrengthening my forces and upgrading them, I never managed to have enough money to buy new troops. Therefore, increasing expenses is probably not the solution. On the other hand, maybe a smaller limit in maximum research? It would of course need to be adjusted to all nations...

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I might have brought this up before. But anyways, im currently playing the mod HvsH as the allies we are in august 1941. Germany and USSR has been fighting it out for abour a yeah. Russian tech is INF3, AT2, ART3, M1 and INDUSTRIAL 5, PRODUCTION 2, Germany is INF 1, AT2, ART3, M2 and INDUSTRIAL 3, PRODUCTION 3.

Even soi find it difficult to stop the German onslaught, my main defence is situated first near Rostov (now Stalingrad :/) and between the 2 rivers up north west of Moscow. Im loosing several units every turn and can barely replenish my losses, the defence will break any day now. Its almost impossible to stop 6 German and 5 Italian fighters with experience (I have 3)+ the enormous amount of troops the axis can throw in from their minor partners. So my question is this: Has anyone of you been able to defeat Germany in the current setup? And if so how? I mean in my game i even thwarted his attempt to invade Britain in late 1940. This cost him several units but it doesnt seem to affect his ability to fight on and even humiliate the Red Army.

In short i think either the USSR should be beefed up financialy or the initial amount of German troops decreased. I dont like the fact that the Axis is outnumbering the Red Army by 2-1, it should be the other way around.

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limit in maximum research will be 1 for every tech.

Preusse, u are right, russia is underrated - that will be change:

Russia and USA will become a start cash and Russia will become some more units.

Also the german units near the westwall will be reduced in strength and the experience of the german units (exspencially the fighters) will be reduced, at the moment germany is overpowered exspencially cause supply 10 is possible in Russia :-(

It is ok ?

Greetz Thrawn

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