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Diplo: "Spain is Lame" strategy, USA still a joke, Germans overated

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Well, maybe not exciting Rambo(a set of double overhead waves coming at you is exciting), but definitely enthralling.

Now be a good Rambo and go take your chill pill, or better yet drink a silver bullet or two. That is your brand as I remember it?

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Every country has something that they need from other countries. And maybe that's what Spain is for Germany.

UK- Without convoys, the UK economy is pretty limited. (Once iceland joins, its something like 40 mpp's)

USA- The USA is a sitting duck if you occupy the british isles, unless you have good amphib range and are able to launch an offensive somewhere, which is more diffucult then launching 1 turn invasions from the British Isles.

USSR- The USSR is pinned down for 2 years, and sometimes it cant take the Pressure. Thats where the USA and the UK begin. Open up a front somewhere, do a bombing campaign, although the USSR is the "Major Power" of the Allies, It cant Survive on its own.

Italy- Well not to much on Italy, maybe italy's the one depending on luck, hoping to not be hit by the Malta effect. tongue.gif

Germany- Well i think Germany depends on itself. But people go into Spain because it gives you a pretty good military and the ability to capture Portugal and Gibraltar. If you don't like it, to bad. Counter it. Or prepare in invasion or something to make them regret getting Spain into the war.

Can Majors send convoys to Minors? Maybe if/when Spain Joins the axis side through diplomacy, Germany has to give a small portion to represent what Franco wanted. (Grains,ammunition, fuel)

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Well mainy its Cairo, (10 mpp's) Alexandria, (5 mpp's) and Amman. (5 mpp's) Which calculate up to 20 mpp's. And the best thing from the convoy here, weather doesn't affect it! smile.gif

Let me ask you this Rambo, would you rather have the UK sending convoys there, or the other way around? smile.gif

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I've never understood what the Germans were doing in Egypt? There's no food, no water, no nothing. I don't understand why the Egyptian cities are worth one red cent? What are you going to take? Some leather products & river sludge from a street vendor? You got sail across the planet for what? Egypt is useful as a dustpan at best. If you want to discuss the Middle East, just follow Bush, he knows were the goodies are at...obviously Fritz & the UK didn't have a clue.

SUPPLY RULES are stupid in N.Africa!!! If you don't have boats, you don't have squat in reality, it's that simple. The Germans are going to get dropped off in Libya, drive across a desert to a worthless Camel town in Eygpt, then build a highway thru the desert to get nothing out? The Germans shouldn't get one dime out of Africa, IT'S WORTHLESS! All that counts is the oil, which doesn't exist in Egypt. How can UK build units in a desert!

"You see this? Hehe, it's sand. Nothing grows in the desert. You live in a desert" --- Sam Kinnison.

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Well, the Germans landed to save Italy from losing it's colony. And if Libya was lost in 1941, the Germans would have to garrison southern italy, or leave it to the Italians. If the Germans conquered Egypt, they could have pushed to the middle east. And then Maybe have conquered Malta and Gibraltar, wiping out the British presence in the med.

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@ButtKnocker --- WHAT !!! ???? You think Libya was going to invade Italy? Were they going to swim over with slingshots in their pockets?

You do realize, to get resources out of the remote areas across a Sea, requires ships, trucks, & other distribution equipment. Just driving there doesn't hack it. WHY NOT JUST SAIL DIRECTLY TO THE OIL? You're going to drive thru a desert? The Germans were idiots for even caring about Africa.

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This is the reason USA is such in the **** all over the world, too many of its citizen know nothing outside their own states or just regurgitate the crap that flows from their newsmedia.

Get Africa and Middle Est and the Allies no longer have the option of attacking from the MED, Gibraltar could have easily being blocked off.

So now ALL those troops are free from the Western and Eastern fronts with no pressure in the MED.

Did I mention that anything coming from Asia now has to go around Africa?

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Even though Rambo is loud and obnoxious and I wish he would shut up, I would appreciate it if you hold your American-directed sentiments to yourself. Go to the political forum if you feel the need to feel superior.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@ButtKnocker --- WHAT !!! ???? You think Libya was going to invade Italy? Were they going to swim over with slingshots in their pockets?

You do realize, to get resources out of the remote areas across a Sea, requires ships, trucks, & other distribution equipment. Just driving there doesn't hack it. WHY NOT JUST SAIL DIRECTLY TO THE OIL? You're going to drive thru a desert? The Germans were idiots for even caring about Africa.

I meant the UK was going to invade Italy, not Libya. The british needed Libya as a base to invade Italy, so the Germans sent units to prevent it's downfall and an early surrender of Italy. All the british needed to do was land in sicily in early 1942, and the Italians may have surrendered.
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Exactly. The German forces sent to N. Afrika were never intended to take Egypt. Just bolster the Italian position so it would not fail. The spectacular success of the AK in the first year was unexpected. If Rommel had backed-off and prepeared a defense instead of pressing the attack against over-whelming odds...the desert campaign, while worthless from a resource perspective, may have prolonged the fall of Italy.

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... on the other hand I just recently read that once the prospect of taking Egypt was within grasp, Hitler entertained (for a while) a double-pronged attack (through the Caucasus and Egypt) on the oilfields of Iraq and Persia, thereby depriving the Allies access to the whole region. I wonder whether this does not make some sort of sense.

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A question something in reference of diplomacy has been changed in the patch? In four games as axis one after the other I couldnt convince Spain to join me with max. chits applied.´

I thought well my usal bad luck but now I am playing 'Allies and the same happens to my enemy

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@ Major Spinello: Pressing to the Mid Eastern Oil Fields was on idea from Rommel whispered in Hitlers ears to get more ressources... nothing else. With Malta still being english and the need of the whole Italian fleet to get on supply convoy through, warfare another 2000 miles away is not possible. If the OKW would have wanted the DAK to take Egypt, they should have done it not half hearted. In May 43 250.000 german soldiers in Tunis surrendered to the Allied forces... just imagine these forces sitting in southern Itally fully supplied... and the DAK under Rommels command whacking Russians around Stalingrad in Fall Blau.... this is doing one thing right and leaving the other completely to achieve at least one goal.

As the African campaign started in 41 it was just to help the italians.. but due to Rommels success it left the original intention.

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