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Diplo: "Spain is Lame" strategy, USA still a joke, Germans overated

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This strategy of dumping MMPs into gifts to the Spanish is lame. What kind of game is this? I KNEW DIPLO would suck. After a couple games, this is standard cookie crap with everybody. I refuse to use it. Seriously, so Germany sends Polands plunder with one turn of their own income, and they get a bunch of Spanish dudes on their side? Since when do the bullfighters become Nazis? They give their entire nation, forces, and cash to those German freaks just for a 250 MMP grant? This is stupid. The Germans are lame too, they were overated. They didn't beat anybody. Everybody makes their Generals out to be demi-gods. Give me a tank, I'll kill sleeping farmers. All these stacked ratings for Fritz is unrealistic. The USA gets crap in this game. No bombers? No tech? An inferior navy? Give me a break. WW-2 games are slanted to the Germans on purpose for sales.

Goering was an idiot at the Battle of Britain, but in this game, the RAF doesn't have a prayer. The LF fights like angels from God?

YOU KNOW WHAT's unrealistic about both SC & SC2? WHY DO YOU GET EXPERIENCE FOR BEATING UP LOSERS? The LF gets 4-stars with no problem for taking freebie popshots on helpless targets? In boxing, that's called fighting bums. The RAF & RN is crap in this game.

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To take a couple of points jon_j_rambo mentioned: Experience is broken. How experience is handled needs to be fixed and re-examined. Hopefully in a future patch.

Also, to help counter the spain gambit, Vichy france should go allied when/if Spain joins the axis due to diplomacy (considering Franco's demands for Vichy Territory, it wouldn't be unreasonable for that to happen as a side effect).

(and have it happen at the beginning of the *next* allied turn, to cut down any gamey effects).

just random thoughts and ideas

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Vicky going allied is out of the question with the german troops just waiting to capture those vicky towns, be reasonable.

Diplo can be countered - I usually play 3 chits in countering Axis efforts in Spain and if they get some luck, I would sink the remaining 2. I use french and maybe 2 UK diplo chits early in the game to get Iraq over 30% to start the convoy.

Germany has an easy game only if the allies are careless about certain aspects and/or play recklessly.

My latest game vs Normal Dude shows that the allies when properly played and teched are more than a match for Axis - game ended in 44 with a german victory only because Russia made some bad counters, most probably out of boredom. USA had a mega navy and together with the remnants of the RN (including some badass LR 4 carriers) wiped out almost the whole Axis navy patrolling the Atlantic, in a matter of 3 turns - I was shocked to see GLR2/ASW1 US ships raping my GLR2 Italian ships and germans sub+1 like there were fish boats.

Rambo, dude, maybe you should try a game vs Normal Dude - he has a pretty good ideea on how to play the Allies and I am sure he won't repeat the mistakes he did vs me, the second time. I didn't play optimally as well, I admit early super tanks helped me a lot.

I found the game to be very interesting and difficult to win. And yes, I had Spain seduced and still had a rough time.

Or maybe you should try Terif for clues on how to play the Axis better. He's good at it.

The old problem of SC1 is still here - the allies HAVE to play for time, even after the patch. My latest games (Terif, Normal Dude) clearly show this. Russia must be willing to concede half of the country or even more before taking the initiative.

The Wallies must play safely in the beggining as there are no real chances to counter Axis that early. Game seems far more balanced now, the only exception being the pre-Barbarossa Sealion that can still be done fairly easy.

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Guest Mike
Originally posted by hellraiser:

Vicky going allied is out of the question with the german troops just waiting to capture those vicky towns, be reasonable.

not so for the Vichy territories in Nth Africa tho - they were what Spain wanted after all.
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reading this and wow.......

I have never even tried to influence Spain. I have one stategy called, "I hate Malta, so the Med is First" that I was thinking of trying to influence Spain. Making diplomacy to grab Spain every game is lame.

I must be doing something wrong too. I send my panzers through Yugoslavia and Greece to get them up to one bar of xp before heading off to Russia. I assume Germany attack every minor west of Oder just to xp those Germans. Again, this would seem a lame strategy in real world play. Gamesmanship play makes that a great ploy if there are repercussions. I hate game ploys.

Rock on player vs player, rock on!

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Rambo I think you are a bit over the top in regards to the all powerfull and all uber American Military, what America had was industrial might. Heck look at our main battle tank, the Sherman, it was out classed by German and Russian tanks of the 41 era. It took 4 or 5 Sherman to take down one Panther and that is how we did it, by numbers NOT by being uber.

One thing I agree with you is that Goering was a total joke, I don't think that clown did one thing right the entire war, every thing he touched he screwed up. As for Rommel frankly I think he was a great general and I would rate him as high as Patton. He was not the best German general on defense for sure but on offense there was none better. In N Aferica he was out gunned, out maned, out tanked and out supplied in VERY large numbers and he still almost managed to win.

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Originally posted by Rolend:

One thing I agree with you is that Goering was a total joke, I don't think that clown did one thing right the entire war, every thing he touched he screwed up.

Actually prior to BoB Göring was all but phenomenal. It is easy to say with hindsight that his plan for Britain was not very smart, but before that he was next to flawless, so we can't really blame the German command for trusting him.
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JJvR learning that Allies won by numbers and not by actually being better, that must be hard to accept.

Although I have to admit the allies did have the best ally they could ever wish for in Germany, old dumb dumb Adolf.

Rommel, his plan for a defense of France were excellent, of course they never let him implement half of it, even if that.

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It wasn't just Britain that he messed up. Dunkirk, the battle of Britain, "if a single bomb falls on Berlin you can call me Myer" resupplying the traped troops at Stalingrad. Heck I could write a book about his foul ups, they are classic and not just once but MANY. If it was one foul up I would say ok nobody is perfect but it was one after another and in VERY critical points of the war. Just goes to show you that just because you can do something great, he was a WWI ace, does not mean you are a good leader.

[ June 07, 2006, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Rolend ]

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....also to point out the U.S. didn't want anything to do with the war until Dec 7th '41. Then they geared up for war..........not before.

Inferior Navy........LOL.......in '41 most where at the bottom of Pearl Harbour.........it took time to build and rebuild.

Lets not forget the first time the U.S. did battle against the Germans (Kasserin Pass)........got there arses handed to them but learned from it and pushed on.

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Oh, the only way "USA won" was because of outnumbering the enemy? What do you think these freak-O Nazis did? They'd use their gang mentality to beat up little old Jewish ladies at night walking out of their shops. What were the numbers in Poland? Thousands of tanks against a few farmers with horses? Give me a break with the "German Masterace" commander crap. How good were the German commanders in the Atlantic? Stalingrad? N.Africa? D-Day? The Bulge? Patton went thru Africa & France like butter. Where was big bad Bunta Rommel then? Where was Mr. Manstein? Where was PickYourFavoriteBunta? Really tired of this "German worship". The RAF & RN are given a weak representation in this game. We landed June 6th & went right to Germany. The weather delayed us, that was it. Actually, just distance delayed us, getting across the pond. Where are the American bombers? Repeat! Iceland & Canada get them, where are the Americans!

If you're reading this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank the U.S. Military.

"We're not going to take it" --- Twisted Sister


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Oh, the only way "USA won" was because of outnumbering the enemy? What do you think these freak-O Nazis did? They'd use their gang mentality to beat up little old Jewish ladies at night walking out of their shops. What were the numbers in Poland? Thousands of tanks against a few farmers with horses? Give me a break with the "German Masterace" commander crap. How good were the German commanders in the Atlantic? Stalingrad? N.Africa? D-Day? The Bulge? Patton went thru Africa & France like butter. Where was big bad Bunta Rommel then? Where was Mr. Manstein? Where was PickYourFavoriteBunta? Really tired of this "German worship". The RAF & RN are given a weak representation in this game. We landed June 6th & went right to Germany. The weather delayed us, that was it. Actually, just distance delayed us, getting across the pond. Where are the American bombers? Repeat! Iceland & Canada get them, where are the Americans!

If you're reading this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank the U.S. Military.

"We're not going to take it" --- Twisted Sister


Exactly our point, they did not WALK to Berlin for one, even with all of dumb dumb Adolf's stupid / idiotic military decisions the commanders still managed to delay the fall of the Axis by a year.

JJ, you need to understand the difference between "worship" and "DISCUSSION", everyone here is happy the Germans lost, but looking back at history and thinking "what if" is always fun, mainly because it does not cost any lives.

We play this game for that exact purpose. You play the Axis in this game and try to win, we don't call you a bunta lover. Its a GAME with no consequences.

If we could go back would we eliminate Hitler knowing all the fubar decisions he was going to make? Noway.

You'll find alot of WW2 Generals and other officiers speaking of their counterparts as being of superb skill, but manpower and complete chaos at the top was to be their undoing.

Get a grip man.

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Originally posted by Rolend:

It wasn't just Britain that he messed up. Dunkirk, the battle of Britain, "if a single bomb falls on Berlin you can call me Myer" resupplying the traped troops at Stalingrad. Heck I could write a book about his foul ups, they are classic and not just once but MANY. If it was one foul up I would say ok nobody is perfect but it was one after another and in VERY critical points of the war. Just goes to show you that just because you can do something great, he was a WWI ace, does not mean you are a good leader.

Of course he screwed up. I merely pointed out that prior to Dunkirk and Battle of Britain his record was nearly flawless. What happened after that is another matter.

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Oh, the only way "USA won" was because of outnumbering the enemy? What were the numbers in Poland? Thousands of tanks against a few farmers with horses?

By the outbreak of the war Poland had mobilized about 1,000,000 men - that's one million men for you. Poland also had tanks, among them some of the best in the world at that time, the French R-35 and their own 7TP.

In contrast the Germans attacked with 1,500,000 men. German tanks at the time were mostly clearly inferior PzKpfw I and II models. The only clear superiority the Germans had in initial OOBs was their air force, and it proved decisive (together with tactical genious).

Still the Poles put up a good fight: the Germans lost 30% of their armored vehicles and even suffered losses against the outnumbered, outgunned but extremely valiant Polish air force.

Give me a break with the "German Masterace" commander crap. How good were the German commanders in the Atlantic? Stalingrad? N.Africa? D-Day? The Bulge? Patton went thru Africa & France like butter.
Atlantic? So good that the UK was almost exhausted to defeat by the sub blockade. And it would have if it weren't for the Americans helping out in convoy escorts and ship tonnage.

Stalingrad? If you look at the map you can observe that it certainly is no easy thing to attack as far as Stalingrad. It was Hitler's blunders that doomed the southern German army to defeat (not denying any credit from the Red Army).

N.Africa? The British were having their arses handed over to them before El Alamein. Despite being clearly superior numerically. Afrika Korps were stopped by supply problems and the inability to replace losses.

Bulge? Somehow I remember reading from history books and seeing from American documentaries that the Allied forces actually routed at Bulge. The attack also came as a total surprise to the Allied command. Overall the campaign was no success for the Germans, rather the opposite, but the initial attack was a blow for the Allies. France was by no means a cakewalk.

We landed June 6th & went right to Germany. The weather delayed us, that was it. Actually, just distance delayed us, getting across the pond.
Are you saying that the thousands of American soldiers who lost their lives in the ETO just didn't fancy to go rambo and own every Bunta anymore and instead chose to let themselves be killed? I'm sure American WWII veterans would appreciate your comments. :rolleyes:
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Ummm just a question I see Rambo use the term Bunta a lot and some of you use it in replies to Rambo. What in the 'he double hockey sticks' is a Bunta? Defenition please and is it a real word or just slang?

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Canuck_TAR:

....also to point out the U.S. didn't want anything to do with the war until Dec 7th '41. Then they geared up for war..........not before.

Er, guess that early draft missed your dad, eh? Well, maybe not your dad.

More than you ever wanted to know here,

Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Operations </font>

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Bunta is rambo slang. Never ever use it outside of these forums. In fact I'd appreciate if you left it out of any discussion that didn't include rambo (in those it is permitted because he is inevitably going to use it anyways, regardless of the topic).

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one short comment: it took nearly a whole year for the superior allied forces (concerning manpower) to defeat Germany in France (which was very weakened due to the war with the Soviets), but it took only four weeks for the German army to defeat the much larger French army and the BEF in 1940. Germany was totally outnumbered in 1944 by the Allies and Soviets, that's a fact!

Besides of that, you actually don't use a polite and kind language in this forum. Sounds a little bit strange to me. Sorry. :(

Ciao Frank

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