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Spain is a pain in the ass in this game. Win or loose WW2 because of some diplomats snoring talks with Franco?

Second on my disgusting list are the partisans.

I really think that the Zone of control of each unit should be doubled.

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Wow, I finally beat Rambo, first time in I'm not sure how many attempts between SC 1 and SC 2. I think it shows that like them or not, SC 2 has many more moving parts than SC 1. Jon went the tech route while I went diplo, and it worked.

One thing about playing Jon is he's not afraid to try new strategies, which he did here with those rockets. I'm thinking rocket tech would be great in a longer game, but they probably diverted mpps in his early game. And he let himself get hung up on Malta when he probably should have gone straight for Egypt. (In my game with Terif he didn't even bother with Malta). And then that hit on Spain I got knocking Franco to 39% from 52% readiness, I think that was really the turning point, as it prevented Rumania and Hungary from joining until Barby. I diverted many mpps after that for Spanish chits, and then got a couple hits on Russia, after which I bought more Spanish chits. When Russian came in they bought 5 Spanish chits, and the U.S. bought several when they joined. The interesting thing is once Spain rolled over to favoring the Allied side, the chits only cost me 50 mpps each, so they were a bargain. I think at my peak I had 13 Spanish chits going, but most were only 50 mpps each.

On balance I got good luck, starting with the French diplo on Iraq, then hits on Spain and Russia, and even partisans. I got a partisan the first turn or so of Barby and several more thereafter, a couple which I was able to operate back for garrison duty. Luck balances out though, this time it just favored me.

With Jon starved for mpps I was able to fall back slowly in Russia, and the capper was I paratrooped into Iran and invaded a basically empty Iraq with ten motorized units. Add that to Spain, and the Allies were outproducing the Axis by a huge margin.

Anyway, learned as usual playing Jon. Everybody was saying rockets are useless, but he proved otherwise. Maybe he could have concentrated on them later, but once experienced and with tech, they're like cash in the bank as they don't take losses. All I could do at first was take it on the chin in London, and fall back at first in Russia.


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Congrats Jolly, I wish I could say I will have the same fortune as you, but I don't think it will turn out that way. JJR got lucky and had Rocket 4 in 1940. Playing this game makes me want to play more vs. the big boys, I need to jump my learning curve up.

Rockets are not a useless tech, Yes, you really need mot. 2 and get to at least rocket tech 3 to make them valuable, but they don't take hits from shooting at units, so they get a nice climb in xp if you protect them.

Things Rambo has taught me:

1) When Britain falls, Canada is dead money, and all the Commonwealth gets is 3 cities in Egypt.

2) The firebase combo of rockets and aircraft will be tough to beat, as he keeps them massed for mutual protection, and he will attempt to steamroll me with that firepower.

3) If you don't want to diplo Spain, Diplo Romania and Hungary asap so you can attack Spain.

4) I knew GLR 2 is a good thing, but somehow I end up playing Axis all the time and never have been on the receiving end. USA will have her hands full, and will have to use the remnants of the British Fleet to help (as Britain gets 27mpp a turn).

5) I think I would rather lose Africa than Britain, as I will hardly be able to buy anything the rest of the game. Losing Africa would suck too, as it drops Mother Russia's panties right in front of the wolf, but at least there would be more threat from Western powers.

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I wasn't aware that spain is such an important country in this game, so i didn't care when the alliance-percents of spain droped and shifted toward the allies.

Bad mistake, as i can see now, because when i spent some cash into subs to hunt down the Royal Navy and strangle the UK-income there wasn't enough money left to build an decent army wich could do an offensive in russia (Romania & Hungary didn't joined).

September 1943 and germany is reduced to rubble, munich and some alpine mountain-huts, while italy gets beatings at the caucasian border.


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Crushed Rambo in 1 game as Allies.. Seems Allies played right are pretty Strong in SC 1.4 patch, almost as Strong as the Axis and if you're really good, stronger! and lucky ;)

The Axis cannot make errors

We're on a second set of games, mirror..... Axis vs his Allies, Soviet Union is a bloodbath, we have the last stand in the South, over Rostov and nearing Stalingrad, I have captured Vornezeh*sp and I'm moving in on his Entrenchments and Tanks in the Caucasus blocking my pathway to total victory... In the North he has a STRONG army but I will hold Moscow despite being repulsed from the deep interior of Russia.. In the West the Allies are full swing of D-Day, Allied Airpower dominates France but Axis ground forces haven't given 1 inch

In our Mirror Game. I'm A Monster Allied player again.. Axis are trudging along making blunders.. I will Crush him smile.gif

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The worm has turned on this game. The weather finally broke, Patton landed in France !!! US Troops has been refitted to match the Nazis. Patton's 3rd Army has freed Paris, Marseilles, and is pushing into the Alps !!! RAF is pinning down any counter attacks along with the Bradley led USAAF.

Meanwhile, the Russians have reinforced East of the Volga, taking advantage of the winter months to regroup.

Supporters of Camp Rambo will also glad to hear the Americans have captured Sardina, Algeria, and considering a punch into Sicily.

The Atlantic Ocean is mopped up, and US Navy & RN are beginning new operations near LC & in the Med.

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"Ohhhh!,....Sink Me!!!", Quote from the old black & white movie...'The Scarlet Pimpernel'.

The Scarlet Pimpernel was an English Agent in Pre-Napoleonic France, of course his job was to spy on the French, and his most favorite expression was...'Ohhh!...Sink Me!!!.', when he was under stressful duress!.

His other expression was!... 'Those Damned Frenchies'! .

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