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Most times in SC2 movement is predictable. You have so many action points and can move so far across terrain.

However, sometimes a unit having enough action points cannot move to a particular square, even if adjacent because the computer does not allow it to move into that square.

It appears to be when enemy units have some ZOC or something...but I haven't figured out the rules as to when and why this occurs. Any help?

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Each unit has a ZOC, if there are two ZOC on a square then it costs one extra action point to move into that square. If there are 3 or more ZOC.. no change, IE only costs one extra point ABOVE the cost for terrian AND weather. So say a MT hex with mud and ZOC = 2+1+1 = 4 action points to move into that area.

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In movement there is no randomness involved - weather influences the action points (AP) of a unit (mud= halve the APs, rounded up), but does not increase the action points you need to enter a certain tile (so in Iron Rangers example you need 2+1=3 AP to enter the mountain, only that in mud the APs of the unit have been reduced and you see in your screen how many APs it has):

- mountains, swamps and combined land/sea tiles cost 2 APs to enter, everything else is 1 AP.

- to cross a river that is in enemy hands (= enemy colour) you need 1 extra AP (to be exact: to enter an enemy tile with a river where the river is between the tile you want to enter and the tile from which you are coming from - you see it when you right click on the river and have a look at the river properties on which side the river is if you are not sure from the graphics). Exception: when the river is frozen (winter), then there is no penalty and you only need 1 AP instead of 2.

- when 2 or more enemy units are standing next to a tile, then you need 1 extra AP to enter it (ZOC penalty).

- last but not least: if you can´t see an enemy unit and you will run into a surprise contact when you enter a tile, then there will be no ZOC penalty no matter how many enemy units are standing around it.

[ August 05, 2007, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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