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Just finished a game where I played the 41 campaign as Axis on difficulty +100/+0. I finished off russia in late 43 (took me ages, I know!), refreshed and upgraded my tanks and infantry (tanks 5/2, infantry 3/3/2, most of them at strength 13 or 14) in russia... I didn´t want that the Allied AI can see my move up in France, so I decided to upgrade/refresh/elite feinforce all of them and then operate them all to France in one turn and group them around the 3 ports to convert them into amphibious troops one turn later... I just finished that move to France, and all of a sudden there comes the good old D-Day!! 10 english and american corps and armies dropped in France, mainly in the normandy area which was unprotected coz I was massing my troops around the ports. I had 6 Airfleets around Paris, and they Allied forces hurt 2 of them... but the AI used most of the first wave troops to liberated Brest... didn`t work, because I had a strength 15 fully equipped Army and strength 13 5/2 tank group there... and they didn`t have the battleship support I expected someone should have attacking France.

So I didn`t loose any units, just two airfleets down to 6 ot 7. AI placed 3 HQ units on the shores (still in their boats, good idea)... these were sunk immmediantly by my AFs.. and the remaining 10 ground units were blown away in one turn by my experienced and fully upgraded troops.. this is what I call bad timing.

Honestly I have never seen such an "unfair" episode in SC... they never had a chance... would have needed more than one private Ryan with his fighting socks to finish all german tank groups. :)

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Dude, against maxed out, ultra xped axis troops of yours, not even a super AI running on a NASA built supercomputer would have stood any chance.

Would it have made any difference if the AI had taken the whole France before you reacted?

Again this old problem of clumsy AI - BF gang told us they would patch the AI, so be patient and get the patch - maybe the AI will prove more challenging. And not even then, don't expect the AI to outsmart you (well I give you credit, you know :D ) - it will do better, have some optimized routines but it will still be an AI. You'll beat that AI again and be dissapointed again smile.gif

I played 3-4 games against the AI so far, just to see how SC2 works. a '39, a'42, and tried 2 scenarios. the rest is MP for me or if I want to test things, optimize moves then it is hotseat.

Giving the AI +2 xp or I don't know what bonuses isn't gonna solve the issue for me, only prolong the game.

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@ Hellraiser: you are right.... the game was decided anyway... but it was quite funny that all of this troops dropped into a Lion`s cage... the timing was just bad. If they would have done it one turn later with my troops sitting in the boats already, it would have been interesting.

Honestly I don`t expect the AI to be as good as a human player... but I lack the time to do an PBEM or online game.. if I have an hour or two to play on the weekend, it will be difficult to find a counterpart exactly in this hour... I`d like love to play a human player (did that with panzergeneral once and got wiped out :)), but I lack the time... sh.... maybe later that year.

Apart from that: I think it will be very difficult for Hubert to fix all the problems.. basically it isn`t an "AI", it is just a long list of scripts... this game is way to complex for an AI.

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