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Liam vs Rambo Tyranny Must be Stopped!

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Previously in our installation we lost to the Tyranny of The Axis Machine, this time no errors! I have explained to Rambo that 10 Xs I have won straight as Allies against all opponents aside 1... He has been the only 1 to break the record

Here We Go:

1939: Poland smooshed like a bug, Suicide Poles barely dent the German armor.

Norway: Is captured by Great Britian to secure the Nation from occupation


France Falls, but not without significant damage to the German Forces, I cannot say it was a success but it took the Germans close to Summer to remove the French Armor off Paris, with DeGaulle at the Head of this new invention, too little too late I'm afraid

Brest: Suicide British Commandos hold out for a few months until they're slaughtered by couple hundred thousand elite German units. Army-Air-Corps, payback is reduction of 5 strength points and a rebuilt corps tongue.gif

British Forces scout a sole Italian Corp in the Desert, running it down, we smoosh them. The Siege of Tobruk lasts but a few short weeks, with the presence of the Italian Navy We Brits run for our Tea Lines!

Malta: Facing continual unending bombardment from the air for an indefinite amount of time, "Never in history has more ordance been dropped upon one rock, ever!" We hold...

The Rock: Gibraltar falls and the Kriegsmarine is operating in the Atlantic, luckily British reinforcements intercept it and a major naval battle takes place... The Freeing up of the Italian Navy will make this a Brutal Fight... So far several ships have been destroyed on both sides and several more wounded badly. This will be the Greatest Sea Battle since Jutland

1941: The Axis are trailing, Egypt is firmly in English Hands, and there is no end to this any time soon. We feel this game shall be over by Christmas ;) but then again those famous words have been uttered before?

Diplo: Spain joins Axis early in '40, Iraq ups it's shipments to UK late in '40... No other movements...

Tech: Even and low ;) fun

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Stop Me? Ha! With the French Fleet I would love it if Rambo would bite on that one... I'd of gotten that fleet with the ships I'm certian only had a chance of conversion ;)

Plus it's expensive to retake Norway, he has left Denmark-Sweden and most of the Minors aside from Benelux to avoid USA/USSR agitation & gain the Experience neccessary

Originally posted by TaoJah:

Out of curiosity : why Norway ? Can't that be stopped with the German fleet or would the cost be too high to stop the 35 points going to Britain ?

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Originally posted by Liam:

Stop Me? Ha! With the French Fleet I would love it if Rambo would bite on that one...

Yes, that French fleet is easy abusable with suicide missions :-(

But still, you can defend Norway with 2 ships that can only be attacked from 2 hexes. I donno if it's a good choice. But if he didn't take Denmark, it becomes alot harder of course.

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It's not that you cannot block Norway, but the Germans are grossly outnumbered and have bad scouting due to air. I suppose the Entire Kriegsmarine might be able to defend that position but I usually do not expend it for such a small prize. Think of 3 carriers, striking with 3 or 4 Capitols, and 2 French ships. VS at maximum 2 subs and 2 cruisers. Ultimately it's over for the Axis defenders. The Cruisers will get pounded and the Brits will transfer more assets to finish the job if neccessary and probably still capture their objective. Norway and Sweden are not worth the Readiness, Denmark either, but the Danish port does block entry into the Baltic!

The Rock is easily taken with IW2, striking together, with 2 or 3 Spanish units. Does away with Gibraltar pretty quickly!

A determined Axis will get Gibraltar unless Allies have Morocco and better air.

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Originally posted by Liam:

Diplomatic pressure forced Franco to reconsider his position, Germany convinced Spain by giving her Sardinia tongue.gif

also by stationing the entire Luftwaffe and 1 million men on the border with France tongue.gif

Does that help ? stationing units near the Spanish border ?

I never heard of it ingame, but I think that's a great idea... Nothing that helps your diplomacy as a few armies near your borders, I'd think !

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Originally posted by TaoJah:

Out of curiosity : why Norway ? Can't that be stopped with the German fleet or would the cost be too high to stop the 35 points going to Britain ?

In my experience allies taking Norway is starting to be more the rule than an exception in H vs. H. Kriegsmarine trying to stop it would be suicide, 2 CCs + 2 subs cannot do anything against the combined british/french navy. Normally attack on Norway happends early while axis is busy fighting over Poland, LC and France so luftwaffe is not around either. If axis decides to take Norway back it will cost some mpps and risk of confrantation with the RN + there is always a risk of failing to do it.

The cost of allies taking Norway is ambhib price required to move units there, normally one army and one corps to my experience. Even if axis takes Norway back, UK only loses price of a corps killed defending Oslo. Therefore Norway only has to be held for a few turns to make it worthwhile. In my opinion the biggest arguments for not taking Norway as allies is that you could spend the same resources elsewhere on the map, like taking algeria, defending UK/Egypt etc. but Norway seems like a pretty good return of investment to me.

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Well, in my plays against Axis AI I need that corps and army to defend France, so I can't move it to Norway. I usually try to keep France from the Axis AI using all means possible : the Mediterrean fleet, all units in Egypt, the French corpses, Gibralter, Malta...

If I move EVERYHTING to France, I can keep it from the Axis AI untill Russia joines the war and then... well... let's just say it ain't pretty !

I'm not sure that the UK army and corpse would be back in France in time to defend it.

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I like taking Norway too. Additional to the above, its reasonably easy to reinforce UK or Norway from the other location. Compare this to a Middle East/Iraq strategy which has its virtues but try getting back to London in time to stop Sealion. I do like proactive UK in the early stages, as others have pointed out Germany is usually too distracted with France/Poland to intervene.

It is irritating to garrison, the Norwegians partisans don't take the intervention lying down.......

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PS: Anyone managed to really support France as the UK in H vs H play? I've considered trying it, in one game UK got IW2 very fast and I considered a major deployment in France, HQ and all, but wussed out. There have been a few games where the French alone held out quite well, always wondered what 2 UK corps, 2 armies, HQ and air would have done in that situation. Probably not won, but I bet the Germans would have been knackered too.

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Originally posted by Colin I:

...always wondered what 2 UK corps, 2 armies, HQ and air would have done in that situation. Probably not won, but I bet the Germans would have been knackered too.

Leave London undefendend and you may find German Paratroopers sightseeing the Big Ben. :D
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Defending France with the UK in HvH isn't an option, I think.

You need all the UK and French troops from the med to do it, so Italy wakes up early and gives you a second front to defend. Against the AI, you can defend the French-Italian border with only three weak units in the mountains, but against ahuman, you can't.

And even if you forget the Italian border, I don't think you can defend the Belgium-French border against a human : with rotating units attacking the border troops and the three German airplanes attacking you can never defend that border even with the French and the UK headquarters helping out.

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Algeria and Norway are freebies, yep! Abusive, I think all Free French should surrender if the UK takes Algeria! As it was a Vichy mandate... That means there would be a Percentage chance that if you keep say 2 or 1 Free French Vessels, cost outweighs the benefit. In Norway, simple, make it icey sooner! So neither side finds it attractive... What would really help too if Germany had a supply center in Sweden as in SC1 to make conquoring the Region worth it.

Otherwise I do not bother with Scandanavia anymore unless it's virtually free.

You can conquor Norway for less than 100 MPPs, after about 100 turns, I think for the UK You're repayed and abandoning is worthwhile. Germany gains nothing more for liberating but denying the UK a few MPPs.

Egypt is indefensible, it's only a staging point. The safe 3 Luftflottes will destroy anything the UK can muster in 1940 and early '41

Algeria is the only dangerous zone why? Because the Royal Navy can protect the Invasion force and support it... If The Brits commit to it, a Sea Lion should be considered, 2 paras, and perhaps a lot more Fighters. If possible, if you could, wipe out what few defending units the UK has and conquor it before the UK can react, this is however tricky as she can revert her resources back...

Head to head games are difficult, AI games are easy I can beat the AI on crack cocaine, crank, Acid and with half an eyeball.

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Originally posted by Liam:

AI games are easy I can beat the AI on crack cocaine, crank, Acid and with half an eyeball.

Of course you can beat it. The fun is to find more efficient reasons to beat it :)

BTW is Africa really indefendable HvH ? If you move a UK corps, army and airplane there, perhaps you can hold it until the second airplane shows up ? Perhaps even transfer both carriers there fast.

I donno, just asking.

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Head to head games are difficult, AI games are easy...
Well well well.

This and other akin/common comments

Here & there and aboundin' 'round SC Town

Would lead me to believe,

Competitive SC-Cats are most out rageous, eh?


Those 90% + of us

Who ALSO enjoy Solo Games are like 'em

Turnips what fell off a trundle truck?


Uni-cell creatures only emerged from out

The swampfires?

That primordial... mire & muck?


Nonsense! tongue.gif

You should see!

You should - hear tell!

Of all 'em MODS coming soon!

To a Theatre near you

Or - on Mars, or on the Moon!

Hey Liam!

We enjoy hearing these most amazing exploits

From you fair few who


Like to write up a witching war-story,

As Ernie Pyle

And Bill Malden

And Me-first! to Paris-first!


Did also indeed do,

In terms of WW-2 anyhow,


Just you wait!

Better AI and other stuff too

Is on the way!

Hey, say... Hooray?? ;)

I can beat the AI on crack cocaine, crank, Acid and with half an eyeball.
Also strict fictional nonsense.

You doin' much of enny a' that there

Soma AND Soul destroying



You ain't a'knowin' nuthin' AT ALL,

Yea Brother,

I knows that much

From up close 'n personal experientials.

I'd advise,

Stay OFF the Self-mugging drugs,

Illegal AND,

In the main,

Them MUCH abused "legal" ones too. :cool:

Insofar as "half an eye-ball,"

That ain't no big news.

Same way as we don't use but about 10 %

Of our brains?

We don't use, oh... maybe?

About 5% of our (IN) sight abilities? ;)

What I would really like to SEE, is,


New and unique AI scripts written!

Stuck in 'em new mods all over the place!

Anybody can do it!



Most Amazing!

Editor the world has EVER known

Is within a key-board-stroke - reach! :cool:

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@TaoJah - the problem is UK doesn't have the MPPs to keep reinforcing units in Africa, especially expensive ones like planes.

Thus, Africa is just a matter of time. If Axis player notices you defend it with tough units he either moves what is required or Sealion you.

Long term, UK pays a huge price - less tech investments and less units thus the D-Day will be significantly weaker.

Why defending Egypt when UK has so many freebies ? Norway - no way Axis can defend it without losing almost the entire Baltic Fleet.

Algeria - Troops coming from Egypt via the loop, hit Algeria the very next turn after France surrenders - common Axis habit is to have ready amphibs for Tunisia the same turn so they can establish a foothold in western africa which is not reduced by Malta effect - with tunisia secured, Axis can liberate Algeria in a blitz - but only get the capitol since casablanca is too far away.

With casablanca allied, it is more than probable that Tangiers will be allied once spain joins (allies will most likely force Spain to join by dowing portugal for example so they have the preemptive hit on tangiers).

Because of the allied freebies, Axis sometimes play the 'good guys', liberating things instead of subduing them smile.gif

Another option would be middle east - some countries do not bear penalties for majors, only upset iran, turkey. So UK could snatch those countries but probably it wouldn't be a good ideea since closer supply helps Axis secure the whole mid east easier.

Anyway, the game basically forces Axis to play very careful and DOW only the minimum required countries. OTOH, the game basically invites the allied player (i mean UK in this case) to play overly aggressive without much consequences.

[ December 11, 2006, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]

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