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Gna complete (sorry, sorry, sorry)

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Just started my first game.

There are so many nice ideas in this game, wow.

For this i kneel down and say "Thanks a alot, Mr. HC".

But on the other hand i stumbled about some really annoying "features" which survived the trip from sc1 to sc2.

First and most disgusting "feature": sea bombardements

WHERE in WW2 ETO have you ever seen such strong BB / CA killing and hunting ARMIES and airfleets? i remember only some more or less sucsessfull shelling on d-day and in late '45 on the eastern front (german CAs against the red army).

In this game (a kneefall for those SC1 hardcore nerds?) i find the whole damned uk navy in 1940 / 41 shelling everything it can find. Bombardments on AIRFLEETS in WW2? No problem, lets do it. Oh yeah, very accurate.

And than entire ARMIES unable to fire back on some lousy ships near the coastline. Like we all remember from history lessons in school, or what? :mad:

Sorry, but i don't see no reason why an army or corps is not allowed to fire back.

But firing back is not my point.

My point is the ridicoulus bombardement by BBs and CAs. I could agree with a loss in morale and readyness, maybe a very rare loss of strength here and there. But this "let's go hunting"-syndrome of the navies in SC2 is in my foolish eyes nothing but a bad joke.

The poor choice regarding white & black (upgrading, buying...) has been mentioned before, so i just shut up in this case (even though i don't see how this choice could survive the playtests unchanged).

Please don't get me wrong: in my eyes SC2 is a jewel, and i am very glad about many many many things. Beginning with the digital download and ending with all those cool features.

But this navy-thing, the black/white desorientation, the iso-view (didn't liked it in CIV2, don't like it in SC2) and the click here, click there, and than wait quite long for an AI wich has nearly nothing to do) spoiled my first impressions quite a bit.

Please forgive these scribblings from

your unworthy, foolish customer


[ April 13, 2006, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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Shelling is not very powerfull in this game and as I've said in your other post, it is VERY easy to stay away from it.

And you can't fire back because it is "shelling" FAR from the coastline. The big guns firing from the sea kilometers away.

Black and white, I guess non of us testers had a problem with it. To each his own, maybe you won't be the only one.

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I liked the way COS handled it. Instead of stength point losses during bombardment (and even air attacks), units would take a temporary hit on morale.

Remember, morale is more than just "morale". It represents unit cohesivness and what not.

That way you use bombardment and air in a manner more realistic for the time. Bombard and Bomb to soften up the defenses (lower morale equates to lower defense value). Then the ground forces move in and do the real damage.

In COS, as best I can remember, you could never bombard or bomb a unit to destruction.

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Xwormwood, this can essentially be disabled via the editor by setting the attack values of BB's and CA's to 0. The nice thing is that you can set it on a per campaign basis so it this will not affect other campaigns (if you prefer).

For morale losses this is already included in SC2 and is a change from SC1

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Thank you for the reply, Mr. Cater.

Hopefully there is a short and easy way in the near future to exclude / include features in the game without learning to handle the editor.

The power of editors is weak in this user, so i sit and wait till there are some more easy & ready to use options (yes / no, just like turning on black or red borderlines) or some folks who spare their lifetime in learning and creating the editor / edited scenarios.

Stupid me is a silly, simple user, not an editor or creator.


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I took your post as a good enough reason to take a first look at the editor. I must say I am more than happy. Within 10 minutes of starting the editor I had created my first "mod"! Just type in "attack" at the help window. Read wich tab you need to find to change attack values. Do 5 minutes worth of stupid clicking - and there you go.

No excuses for anybody to complain about this kind of stuff anymore. Just open the editor and change what you don't like! :cool:

If you would like to I can mail you the changed campaign file. But believe me if I can do this everybody can.

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You kidding me? Naval Bombardment has been a huge offensive weapon for the U.S. Navy!!!!!! Look at the U.S. Civil War how ships blasted enemy positions to bits, Pittsburgh landing, Vicksburg, New Oreleans, Mobile, etc.

WW-2, go stand on Normandy beach, Uncle Sam will fire from his ships. In the Pacific front, they'd bomb for days with ships and do damage. Of course "entire armies" weren't destroyed, the Japanese & Germans weren't stupid enough to camp their forever.

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i couldn't care less about the civil war, or even the PTO when playing the ETO.

As i wrote before: d-day, all right, maybe two or three more operations in 43-45.

But the AI uses bombardements even in 1940 while the german luftwaffe owns the skies. just because it is possible, not because there is some higher reason.

why didn't this happen in 1940-41? because the coastlines were filled with minefields.

considering this (and the nice "bad weather" enhancement) there should be at least the possibility to suffer slight damages from mines, coastal guns, forts or coastal vessles while you are patrolling or bombarding the enemy coastline

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