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My latest Axis Victory.

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Just a post to keep you all, well, posted !

My latest game against the Allied AI on the highest difficulty settings went like this.

As usual, I took all of Europe : Poland, Denmark, Benelux, France, Vichy France, Portugal, Tunis, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.

But this time... I bribed Spain.

Every single point of German MPP went to diplomacy for Spain.

Once Italy joined, their MPPs went also to Spain and Spain only.

Obviously, Spain joined and their army (included a Headquarter) was mine !

I used them to take Portugal and Gibraltar, so I could invade the UK ALOT ALOT ALOT faster.

After the UK, I reinforced all my troops in the UK and transported tham by sea to the Russian front.

The game was over in december 19... 41. That's right, Major Axis Victory by december 1941.

Once again : the AI needs, euh, "fine-tuning".

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Either that or,

Become Zen Horse Warrior

And very patiently wait

For great AI improvements. :cool:

Soon coming to a Theatre near you!


Do like Van Morrison,

(... who wrote the following lyrics & music)



We were born before the wind

Also younger than the sun

Ere the bonnie boat was won

As we sailed into the mystic

Hark, now hear the sailors cry

Smell the sea and feel the sky

Let your soul and spirit fly

Into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows

I will be coming home

And when that fog horn blows

I want to hear it

I don't have to fear it

I want to rock your gypsy soul

Just like way back in the days of old

Then magnificently we will float

Into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows

You know I will be coming home

And when that fog horn whistle blows

I got to hear it

I don't have to fear it


Now there!

Is some poetry for ya, Blackhorse!

LOL! ;)

I was only SP5-E5, back when, but even I

Can tell who can really finely

Rhyme - and, scansion them lines!

What a fabulous Sunday!

Life is for... having FUN!

Whilst you can still run!

And leap and run some more and collapse

Then! In a new-mown grass-heap !

It's... mystic! smile.gif

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Cavalry has ALWAYS been vital,

Even if now imagined as helicopters

Dropping roughed cats on LZ,


Feudal Knights,

Apaches racing bare-back,

Patton on his polo-pony (... JK! LOL! ;) )

Caballeros galloping

Over rocky ground, reaching down

To snatch the ladies kerchief, or

Cossacks on the ransack.

You know,

How I see it,

No matter all this robotic machinery

And earth-busting stuff,

One of these days... yeah,

It's how we as Species seem to be headed,

(... can notice from simply reading

through an ordinary forum, IE,

the increasing lack

of honor and courtesy)

The one dedicated hard-rider

Scanning far horizons on horse-back,

Will be King - of all he surveys, yea,

All over again.

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'Without JAH , nothing...' P.O.D. sings this smile.gif

TaoJ - no matter how many improvements Hubert will bring to the AI, it will forever remain 'scripted', it will take a choice out of 3, 4,5 available. In a few games you'll be yelling again, omfg the dorky AI did this or didn't do that. What the designer can do , is to provide the average SC2-er (the vast majority in fact, who don't play h2h) with a few moments of enjoyment by polishing the AI more, he can never make a human out of it. Use the AI to learn the game and listen to ol' stars'n'stripe and play humans. It is a different world, trust me smile.gif

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Yeah, yeah, Kuni,

I know.

In time it took to find and post

This historical PIC,

I coulda been doing something else

Like - secretly inserting

ALL your preferred WW-2 leaders

Into SC-2 OOB.


Many had wondered:

How in dickens did rambo jr

Get ahold of alla that dough

He waves around so, so

He could - into Eternity!

Extoll virtues of unfettered Capitalism!

LOL! ;)

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I myself am sadly disapointed with the AI based soley on the fact that although some changes were made, it seems to be relativly the same as SC1! the AI still has no clue how to conduct a proper battle and attempt to encircle the enemy forces. The AI still never attempts to trap or trick the player with diversionary tactics or coordinated attacks.

It is sad indeed.

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Sad? No, expected. I posted this 4 years ago after first playing SC-1 for 15 minutes. The A.I. doesn't count. If you didn't live on your Mom's computer or ran your household correctly, you'd have time to play TCP/IP against caliber opponents.

"You gotta fight, for your right, to party" --- Beastie Boys.

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Originally posted by Night:

I myself am sadly disapointed with the AI based soley on the fact that although some changes were made, it seems to be relativly the same as SC1!

In my experience, it is worse : I never achieved a major victory at the highest difficulty setting by november 1941 in SC 1.

I'm playing as Allied now, that's even worse : it's December 1940, his fleet is wiped out and he still has to take France :-(

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