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**Weapons and Warfare** Expansion Pack announced!!!

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Something I'd like to see to make units more flexible and interesting is a straight rip-off from the panzer general series. Attachments. AT, AA, Engineers, Forward observers, Support Artillery and so on. These would be bought and added to a unit to improve one of it's stats.

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  • 2 weeks later...

perhaps engineers can build roads/rails so the player can have a different transport route than the default one which will be subject to massibe bombings? smile.gif

Took a look at the west european map - if allies level Paris (rail node) via SBs, can they interdict operating units to the other french cities near Atlantic?

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

perhaps engineers can build roads/rails so the player can have a different transport route than the default one which will be subject to massibe bombings? smile.gif

Took a look at the west european map - if allies level Paris (rail node) via SBs, can they interdict operating units to the other french cities near Atlantic?

This is an interesting idea. Imagine a German Player building new roads or rail lines to supply a defensive line deep in Russian territory...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Amphibious Invasions? Does the new expansion address this? Marines, beach head assault, etc. I didn’t see it anywhere in this thread.

This expansion is still great news though!

Short answer long - sure does.

I recently played '39 default game

At "Intermediate, +1/2" AI bonus.

I was Axis trying to defend Fortress Europa

And the Allied AI over-whelmed

Northern France.

Took Paris fair quickly,

And soon was assaulting

The Seigfreid line,

Using TAC air and Artillery.


Are there "marines?"

Yes and no.

Not specifically named as such

(... weren't too many in ETO, true?) but,

There is a new unit now

That COULD "act exactly" as a Marine would.

There is NOT any ability to directly attack

An occupied hex.

But that's no undue hindrance

For anyone wishing to attempt

To make a "Pacific" kind of scenario.

As pzgndr has already mentioned,

He and I have made a "global game,"

And one of the things you'll yet

Have to do

(... other than find a way to include

China - I'd make it 2 minors, one with

USA as "parent" and the other - Red Chinese

with USSR as "parent")

Is this... when you place the tiles

You'll need to make those one-tile

Islands - like Malta or Iwo Jima?

2-tile islands.

No problem.

Because there are all those

Partial coastal tiles

That don't actually enlarge the island

All that much.

Not enough to fret over, anyhow.

The AI has gotten quite combat-nasty of late.


Hubert has made it so. :cool:

[ August 19, 2007, 08:11 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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This is something I will need to see to know if it works. SF/Commando's in Corps and Army level just seem overboard. Maybe fun but I dont think our entire SF/Seals/Force One etc is equal to a corps. Is this basically Rangers and up for type.

When I was in we were allowed 1000 total SF. There was the 5th Gp in Nam, 1st & 10th in Germany and Bragg. I know that number has been raised but 100000 seems a bit much.

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The games sounds like it will be fun, I like the idea of Commandos. I have two questions though...has anyone heard if the German flag would be the Nazi flag and not the Iron Cross? I honestly felt it was a little bit of a cop out to use the Iron Cross German flag instead of the Swastika, and two...Hubert should change the colors too the national colors on the "losses" chart in game. It's so hard to tell who's lost what, when the Allies are all a shade of red...you know what I'm talking about?

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Exactly Tim, we're trying to capture an effect, not a real unit.

Targ, of course there are not units of corps' TO&E that would be considered special forces, but there were battalion size.

You know as well as I, that just because an army represents 100k men, not all those are in action at one time.

Actually in real combat the maneuver forces are rarely larger than a reinforced battalion in the front echelon with the others following or in various modes of support.

Yes I know SC tiles represent larger areas and yes there are many instances in WW2 that large formations were on the assault, but we have to get over the premonition that these SC units represent a combat action encompassing their entire TO&E.

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Originally posted by Timskorn:

Targul, it seems the SF/Commando unit in WaW is probably more inspired by Rangers, Marines and smaller-force SF rather than a direct interpretation of a single type of unit.

Correct and either way most countries are limited to a single SF unit just to add some fun/flavour/variety but the real meat and potatoes of the war is still all the other units already represented.

Also, for modders, the SF unit provides an additional unit slot to create other unit types such as Cavalry and so on... as will be seen in the smaller scenarios also to be provided with WaW.

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I like the ability of the extra slot to make units. Cavalry in specific. Still question the Rangers but no way to know if it is overpowering until many games have been played.

Regardless of it histosity or it value it will be fun to play with. If I dont like them I can always just not build them.

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So, from what I gather we won't be able to have cavalry in the main campaign without sacrificing some other unit? Couldn't we have one empty unit slot? Especially that cavalry contrary to "special forces" discussed above was used on the corps level.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

borsook, essentially correct and unfortunately the idea to include Cavalry with the main level campaigns came about just a little too late in the development cycle and as is always the case, there are always compromises to be made in order to wrap up the game in a timely manner smile.gif

Oh, yes, as much as I would like cavalry included I would not want any delay too... so maybe in a patch? (together with the non-random tech system ;) )
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I like the random but it should probably be offered as non random also as an option.

Too bad about the Cav but we have seeded Hubert mind as you can see so maybe not immediately but eventually SC3 (with hexes) and/or cav will be in an expansion. Oh to dream they say is to live.

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Originally posted by targul:

I like the random but it should probably be offered as non random also as an option.

The change proposed by me and others has always been meant to be an option, of course the current system should be the default one.
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Originally posted by targul:

I like the random but it should probably be offered as non random also as an option.

Too bad about the Cav but we have seeded Hubert mind as you can see so maybe not immediately but eventually SC3 (with hexes) and/or cav will be in an expansion. Oh to dream they say is to live.

A semi random would be best... what I mean by semi random is that as time goes on since research started, the probability of success should increase.

There are several ways to do this: One way is for the program to remember the date when research started and then the probabilistic formula should take into account time elapsed since that date research started.

Another way is what I call the bucket approach. Imagine you have to fill a bucket. Each turn you have a probability of adding one cup of water to the bucket. This probability of adding water to the bucket depends on # reseach chits allocated, intelligence, and anything else Hubert cares to throw in. As the bucket fills up you get closer to completing research. Say each bucket holds 10 cups. The probability of adding one single cup may be quite high (say 80%), but it still would take at least 10 turns to fill the bucket. On average it would take about 12 turns to fill the bucket. If you have bad luck it may take a few more turns... so you get some ramdomness, but not quite as much as you currently have.

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