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anti-air units and fighters

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Imagine you have an anti-air unit and a fighter standing next to a unit which got attacked from the air.

Shouldn't anti-air units AND fighters fire against the attacking unit?

I see no reason why the protecting fighter shouldn't intercept onyl because there is friendly falk nearby, too.

The more the merrier.

And thinking this one step further:

wouldn't it be best if the player gets the choice (imagine you have 3 fighters near the attacked unit) to let ALL his fighters intercept this one single air attack?

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I don't know about that -- flak doesn't distinguish between friend and foe so it seems feasible that the fighters wouldn't enter the same airspace if they can help it.

Historically-speaking, most aircraft avoided *any* AA concentrations, period. Allied bombers knew that when the flak ceased, that was the time to keep an eye out for interceptors, but that's a tightly coordinated defensive effort against a strategic bombing campaign, not a one-off scramble interception.

As for multiple fighter units, fighter command would never send up all available units to intercept unless the size of the raid justified that; it would've left them flat-footed if another raid appeared.

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Take a look at the tiles, they cover pretty much distance each. Enough room for flak and aircombat. Than we have the tile where the enemy air units started and landed. Another possibility for fight. And what if the enemy airunit didn't start just right next to their target? Well, than we have even more room and possibilites for intercepting and hunting.

Multiple interceptions could be useful if the target is a key target. Loosing some mps can hurt, but loosing the only HQ with only one or two strengthpoints left could be disastrous.

Or take it another way: better to kill one specific enemy bomber unit than to damage 3 enemy fighters.

If it is possible to attack one unit a couple of times, why shouldn't it be possible to intercept one unit a couple of times?

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I think this is part of the "controversy" that surrounds WaW: is it getting too tactical with the introduction of out-of-scale units like commandos, AA, and AT and Panzer General-esque two-attacks-per-turn for armored units?

Its a tough line to tread -- keep it fun and fresh but stay true to the strategic/operational scale that the game originated in. It's tough to say, but I'm enjoying WaW nonetheless.

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Sorry to say but the tactical aspect of SC2 is long understood, ever since SC1 was more IPed than SC2!

It takes a long time to finish a game, I doubt a AA gun, will change it much, just the time we think and plan our strategies. On Average it takes me 1 hour per Year of game time in SC2 vanilla, and that can double by '42-'43

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Me thinks we need another selection for the fighter menu.

Let's call the new action, "CAP" with the designated tile coordinates typed in or left click select "CAP" and the possibilities are highlighted or flashing, followed by another right click to designate the CAP tile.

The selected unit will now only intercept any enemy air unit performing a mission on the designated CAP tile, unbeknown to your opponent.

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Originally posted by Liam:

Sorry to say but the tactical aspect of SC2 is long understood,

Yes, and long unloved by those of us who would like SC to actually MEAN "strategic".......

Oddly a candidate for the best strategic level WW2 game might end up being one called "Advanced TACTICS"....now that'd be ironic :rolleyes:

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Ha Ha! Mallory's big wing hey? With regards to sending all your fighters against a single bomber raid. The RAF tried this in mid stages of the Battle of Britain. The Idea was instead of intercepting directly and just picking off a couple of heinkels, to build up an overwhelming force of several fighter squadrons to deal a huge blow to the German bombers. It didn't really work though as it took too long to get everyone together and coordinate the meetings between different units.

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I think the game should act as normal: Best intercept: Antiair or fighter should interccept first etc. Regarding that all should work together... The same could be said for more than one fighter in intercept range.

qSEaMonkey...ughh more micomanagement... Allready the attaching of units to a HQ etc is a lot of micromanagement . Soemtimes I would like the kiss principle of SC! used a ittle bit more in SC2.

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I like SeaMonkey's concept for a CAP - Combat Air Patrol mode.

Perhaps, CAP patrol would block spotting by air units in adjacent tiles, unless the unit performaing CAP was attacked.

This would allow players to secretly mass for a counterstrike if they maintain control of the air over the assembly area with air units flying CAP.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Me thinks we need another selection for the fighter menu.

Let's call the new action, "CAP" with the designated tile coordinates typed in or left click select "CAP" and the possibilities are highlighted or flashing, followed by another right click to designate the CAP tile.

The selected unit will now only intercept any enemy air unit performing a mission on the designated CAP tile, unbeknown to your opponent.

Splendid Idea!

I love this, brilliant!

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam:

Sorry to say but the tactical aspect of SC2 is long understood,

Yes, and long unloved by those of us who would like SC to actually MEAN "strategic".......

Oddly a candidate for the best strategic level WW2 game might end up being one called "Advanced TACTICS"....now that'd be ironic :rolleyes: </font>

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Ha! So right DD.

Sort of "be careful what you wish for".

Well.... I was.....and .....HC delivered.

SC editor is, at the moment, the pinnacle of wargaming strategic scope development.

What TOAW was for the operational level, SC is for the strategic.

My congratulations to Hubert and all those that assisted. A job well done, which I must remind everyone is a somewhat rare commodity in this day and age.

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Ok, you know, we really don't need CAP, leave it as "intercept".

When you select it, the intercept highlights the possible units for CAP, a right click returns to the game as it is now with the general intercept rule.

If the player wishes at the highlight he will left click in succession the units designated for CAP, the first right click is the first priority unit to receive CAP. 2nd right click, 2nd priority, 3rd...well you get the drill.

Now the opposition won't be able to soak off a specific designated CAP unless he get's lucky and figures right. Additionally he won't want to use his bombers or TAC without escort since he'll be unable to determine if there is a specific CAP.

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My congratulations to Hubert and all those that assisted. A job well done, which I must remind everyone is a somewhat rare commodity in this day and age.
Very true, Brad, about

ALL of those who've - "assisted."

I'd like to take a moment

And mention one guy

Who ain't enny overt advertisement

For Himself, no, not hardly,

That's not his kind of calling-card,

In this - the day

Of the celebrity Contestant & Tester,

Who has been around since way, way back,

And that is... Dan Fenton.

Most don't know his name, but,

He has indeed - contributed immensely.

As have SC Cats like yerself,

And Waltero and Jersey John,

(... the one and only - Boardwalk Raconteur!)

And very many others

Back then and here and now - offering

Their OWN vital-valuable comments,

Ideas and suggestions. :cool:

BTW - since I very well know of your own

Long learned WW2 GS... ken & expertise,

Might I ask?

What kind of MOD might we expect

From -> you?

How about doing PTO!

(... which you've merely mentioned by now, oh,

about 6 or 17 times! tongue.gif )

That way, we can all realize

Some proto proofs

And too, a few new possibilities.


What else (... other than amphib-landable

"beach tiles")

Might be needed?

So to fully appreciate - at least,

One unique Texas way

That high-romantic Naval War game

Could be accomplished? smile.gif

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Thanks DD. And indeed I am contemplating a mod, but as I did with SC2, I'm kind of waiting for a stabilization of the mechanics.

Never got to that point in SC2, with patch after patch, then the announcement of WaW expansion, and now another reference to "global" SC.

So....I'm kind of in SC limbo mode...although I have played your African campaign and I've got some ideas to turn it into PanzerArmee Africa.

Thing is, I need supply to be enhanced along road tiles, like 1AP for tracing or additional HQ linkage, something I can work with to create the supply model that existed in NA. Movement allowance will have to be greatly increased, they were 60 and 40(for Italians) in the original game.

The units are there, the map is beautiful, but still the supply hurdle. I guess I need to dabble.

Anyway Mods was the whole reason for getting that new Dell.

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