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I'd be interested to hear strange, impressive and otherwise unique experiences you've all had in SC2 games (primarily H2H ones). Anyone annihilate you with an odd strategy or have you tried something completely funky and managed to pull it off? Any huge comebacks or utter miscalculations that turned an otherwise assured victory to defeat?

I remember a game wayyyy back, playing against JJR, that I managed to bring his Axis navy into a trap and smack the living snot out of it. I thought his Navy was done for and figured to never see it return. Later I came to find out he managed to re-invest not only in rebuilding his entire navy but teched it up as well to come back and crush my complacent Allied navy....and still have enough juice for Russia and a victory.

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Been there vs Arado. He had plus 5 on Axis Tanks, Subs, & fighters. It was one of my usual bad luck games with Russian tech. I couldn't get pass 1 on Russian tanks. Best I could do on ASW for US/UK was 2. Funny, I was all excited when I hit 3 with the Russian fighters. Thats when I realized he was now at 5. Didn't take long to surrender after that frustration...

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I find human play in this game dawl and boring. I watch as someone destroys the Poles, French then proceeds to destroy the British in Africa. Then they march off to Russia where I watch the Axis destroy city after city.

Seems boring since I can find no way for the Allies to do anything about what happens. Russia can rarely even muster a fight.

I am sure it is somehow my poor play but I do so much better in other games verses Humans I wonder why in this one I get to take no actions.

Anyway human play is something I dread and avoid. I am presently playing a gentleman who is play purely historical but the result is the same. Game is boring and I have been unable to do anything effective for 2 years. Winter is coming and we shall see if I can actually muster enough force to actually make an assualt.

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Targul, I probably feel the same way as you, but only vs the AI. I'm not saying the AI is terrible, its probably the best one I've played in WWII games. But I've tried going back to the AI once in awhile, and sometimes I get bored playing it. The last game I tried, the AI sat a fighter and bomber in Africa. The fighter continued to bomb the corp on Sicily while the bomber bombed the port at Albania for no reason. (Just one example.) Not very historical in my eyes. Russia, the AI continues to send troops in to their deaths. I find the HvH play more historical. I don't win every game HvH either. (50/50) But remember even historically, the allies didn't do much the first 2-3 years. Its what you do in those years to prepare yourself for when the tide turns, that makes the difference.

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Doesn't really matter what ya enjoy playing against. If you have a story with the AI, by all means let's hear it. In fact I'm sure there have been some "AI surprises" for people, considering how many games have been played against it.

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I remeber the first time i playyed the ai with 1.06 patch and just got killed trying to invade england.It actually tried to stop me(and did)The only problem i found was that it tends to react almost the same way to any given situation(once in a while it would suprise me).Once you figure that out its pretty hard to loose.Like kman says it keeps sending russians to their death.Like kman also says it matters what you do with the allies in the first 3 years that preps you for the counterattack in HvH.The last battle we had i took france in april 1940(thats good for me)but i couldnt take atvantage of it because he took a big chance and moved most of his navy to africa gambling that id go for africa next(which i did).I even had plus 2 gunnery for all my italian ships.It was abig battle but i wasted alot of time and mpps for nothing.When it came to russia i didnt have enough even though i had good tech.I lost in spring 1944.

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Originally posted by targul:

I find human play in this game dawl and boring. I watch as someone destroys the Poles, French then proceeds to destroy the British in Africa. Then they march off to Russia where I watch the Axis destroy city after city.

Seems boring since I can find no way for the Allies to do anything about what happens. Russia can rarely even muster a fight.

I am sure it is somehow my poor play but I do so much better in other games verses Humans I wonder why in this one I get to take no actions.

Anyway human play is something I dread and avoid. I am presently playing a gentleman who is play purely historical but the result is the same. Game is boring and I have been unable to do anything effective for 2 years. Winter is coming and we shall see if I can actually muster enough force to actually make an assualt.

You have to be reactive as the Allies and there are more ways to do so until Russia joins. If you just sit and wait with the Western Allies, the Axis will only gain from this.
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Not very historical in my eyes. Russia, the AI continues to send troops in to their deaths.
Even with extensive AI scripting, you still have no control over what units the AI assigns to a plan. So everything remains somewhat variable, and the AI will use what it has where it is to best effect. This sometimes results in ahistorical behavior, which isn't always a bad thing. Some human players don't always follow the historical script either. ;)

For the Russian berserkers (die roll of 12 in Squad Leader?), the new and improved generic AI is noticeably better in SC2-WaW. There are still a few suicidal tendancies, but there are also some new unit protection checks to hopefully prevent routine sacrifice.

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Yesterday was a most humbling moment as I have lost for the first time vs. the Allied AI at maximum difficulty.

I tried a somewhat historical approach, I invaded the same historical countries except for Norway and did not go into sub building. I also tried a rocket strategy (they are different in WaW) so I bought my 3 rockets (5 chits) (max for Germany now) and all my tanks prior to Barbarossa with all the units I started with.

I took Leningrad, Moscow and Voronezh, regrouped during the winter and the AI hit back in the winter and more so in clear weather. I lost Voronezh and one mine and it put me on the run from then on with overwhelming force. This without even the western allies landing.

My rocket strategy is a failure since I never had higher than level 1 for Germany but level 4 for Italy with their one rocket. Pretty much what cost me the game. Still before stuff like that would not mean defeat vs. the AI but I'm doomed!

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@Blashy --- When are we going to go a couple of rounds, son? You & I could do a PPV (Pay Per View event)...donate the profits to charity.

Yankee vs Canuck

Saved vs Lost

Capitalist vs Socialist

Bush vs New World Order

Spotted Owl Soup vs Organic food eater

Burn Styrofoam vs Recycle cans

Manifest Destiny vs TeePee worshipper

Seriously son, lets get a PBEM going at a minimum.

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We'll have to wait until the expansion pack comes out. I don't touch the old one now, I find it lacking to many good things that are in the expansion pack.

Take a few weeks to get used to it and then we can have a go. And I only do PBEM.

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