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Terif defeated as Axis?

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In case some of you haven't noticed, I'm not a huge fan of AARing. In this case, though, it needs doing. It seems that Terif will lose his 1st game as Axis, ever. Does that mean he's getting senile? No, that means he got unlucky. However, I think every player who has ever played him has gotten lucky at one time or another. But in spite of any luck the Allies have gotten, Terif has simply shown consistently that he knows what to do, and brought every single Axis game to a victorious conclusion. But not yesterday! Let the AAR begin:

Late '39:

- Warsaw captured turn 3, but Poland survives until turn 4.

- 3 BB's and 1 carrier move towards Denmark. Within 5 turns, Baltic fleet is sunk. Denmark is captured turn 4.

- 1st Allied turn, moved UK corp next to the Dutch corp, 2 hexes NE of Brussels. This way, the corp can land and attack german AF in Hamburg turn 2.

- UK buys Monty, puts AFs in London, and hex NE of London.

- Fr Fleet goes to hunt for subs, and destroys them by turn 4.

- Terif attacks the corp on the boat with all 3 AF's instead of attacking LC (corp sinks).

- Allies attack LC turn 2, take it with the French, and simultaneously destroy german AF in Hamburg. It had to intercept London attack, and got intercepted when attacking the corp boat too, so its weak and I attack it with fr AF (who's in the maginot middle hex as a spotter) a carrier and the UK AF NE of London. AF dies, and Terif only left with 2 AF's. Good thing is that Italy is entering the war, because I had opted to destroy the german AF instead of opping fr air to malta.

Early '40

- Terif moves heavy forces into the South, into Italy.

- Monty and the 2 AF's move around the Paris area. They are shortly joined by an additional 2 UK armies. The first UK army is sent to defend Marseilles. A french tank is built and defends the mountain hex north of marseilles. Eventually both units entrench to 4.

- French build no Billote, and concentrate solely on corps, except for the tank.

- Germans try repeatedly break through the mountain hex held by a corp NE of marseilles. It takes around 5 turns to take the hex.

- Italians take out Egypt, Beirut, Malta and Algiers in quick succession, and most of the UK/French fleet that wander into the west med. A bad mistake of mine was not to concentrate all the fleet together, and Terif picks off ship by ship.

Mid '40

- Most of the rest of the year is spent by Terif trying to break through the south. French losses are quite light, and only the occasional corp is lost. Terif breaks through with Panzers and Italian corps later on, but both panzers and around 4-5 italian corps die as well. Additionally, another German AF and Italian AF are killed while attacking the UK army in Marseilles (he takes it at least tho). Another german army dies later on, along with a few german corps. All this while of course, UK AF's are intercepting, and helping to make counter attacks.

This continues until October 41 when Paris is occupied. Before it falls however, another german army dies on the fr mine, and another italian corp west of paris. UK holds brest and for 1 turn, Brussels.

Final losses by October 41 for UK:

1 AF (killed itself counterattacking german army)

1 UK army

1 UK corp

entire fr army

4 ships left, all but one badly damaged.

Few mpps left, and no chits

Germany hasn't conquered any minors yet, and russia is in the high 80's%, Terif must attack next turn, or at least the turn thereafter. It's Feb 42 on the last turn we played, and Romania joined only the turn before, and Yugoslavia hasn't revolted yet, so german attack on Russia will be very very weak.

Only 4 german AF's, and 1 italian. No research detected at all from german side, 0 in jets, 0 in LR.

Usa is at ~60%, so when he declares war on russia, it goes up another bit too.

Can Terif win this one? If not, it would mean a milestone in SC history, if anyone cares hehe. Only Terif could have made it this far, but far enough it is not.

Russia and Germany will be duking it out for the next while, because UK is too weak, and USA isn't in yet. I estimate around 10 turn, at the end of 42 before the Allies get seriously involved, but Russia is pretty much making the same mpps as Italy/Germany combined. Finland might join the axis tho, because USA isn't involved. It's an exciting game, and I haven't figured out what to do with Russia exactly, but it seems no matter what I choose to do (possible attacks on Finland, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Turkey/Iraq) I'll succeed everywhere. Germany is just too weak.

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