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Research in Hvh ???

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HQ variability is an interesting idea. And they all should be unknown. The only thing I'd add to your thoughts Edwin is that the rating should appear after the first major "loss" of unit strength or perhaps the whole unit.

After all, if your incompetent leader is winning, you ain't gonna fix it. ;)

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In H2H, research investments have to be balanced with game plan. It's kind of like in Axis and Allies. If someone played Britain, they could invest all 30 dollars into tech rolls. If they get lucky, roll a couple of sixes.... heavy bomber tech. Game over, Allies win. If they can't roll a six, Germany cruises to an easy victory. I see SC as a similar balance...you can't spend all your MPP in tech - you have to balance it. Finding the right balance in money spent, and which tech to invest in can be different every time. No more "cookie cutter" strategies - a welcome change!

Interesting HQ variability idea. But I'm not sure I'd like what would end up being a 300+ MPP gamble. Especially for the Axis, where the couple extra HQ's are critical to success. Buy one hoping you're investing in a 7 and getting a 4... ouch. If MPP's were flying around like in SC1, it wouldn't be so much of a risk. I wouldn't like this idea as the fixed game, but perhaps as a coding option for mods. Then I'd be all for it, but I think having HC create coding language that allows for CASE/SWITCH or IF/THEN coding logic is a higher priority. Heck, we could actually start coding some of the HUNDREDS of interesting "if" and "percentage chance" options that Edwin always comes up with. (I love every one of them Edwin, they're just not doable right now with the current coding.)

Still, an interesting spin to say the least. I'm probably one of the few people that would like to see HQ's be upgradable. At least with motorization - or maybe even anti air tech, but it would have to be commensurate with the unit cost.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Depends on the game.

This ain't chess, dealing with luck is part of it.

Pfffft... I am currently playing a HvH game, where I had to do Barbarossa with AT at 2, IW at 2 and no advanced tanks whatsoever. That means two weeks of e-mailing that are totally lost.

I don't consider that as "part of the game", I consider that "why bother with the game anymore".

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It's not the IW that is the most important IMHO, it's the fact that he can basically take 4 tanks, 1 HQ and just kills everything in sight, lol.

Oh, well, we'll see how bad it exactly goes, it should be a good leanring example of getting butchered, perhaps I'll learn a thing or two !

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Whoa! TJ me thinks your expectations of H to H SC are somewhat skewed. I've done plenty of Barbarossas with IW 2 and AT 1 and no HT, far from a waste of time.

Actually a much better challenge....so you wilt at the first appearance of adversity?

Sounds exactly like the climate that pervades the civilized????? world today.

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Well, as I was saying, I'll see how the butchering goes. The good news is that since I didn't get tech hits, I had alot of money, so I could buy all tanks, all corps, almost all armies, almost all HQs.

I am soooo gonne get butchered, but it will take alot of butchering, hehe.

On a side note...

Instead of trying a hopeless attack on Russia, is it a viable strategy to just take a few Russian cities and then stick at defending instead of pushing further ?

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Actually a much better challenge....so you wilt at the first appearance of adversity?

Sounds exactly like the climate that pervades the civilized????? world today.



Kinda quiet out here in Desert City,

So may as well respond to this simplistic


I suppose the only real "climactic" problem

Is... global warming - which 90% ++

Of reputable Scientists the world over

Agree IS occurring.

Done with that.


As for this "adversity" jive,

Here's how I see that SM:

1) Manichean World View too pervasive,

US vs THEM, and it's Black & White,

WIth no shades of grey

(... kinda how rambo junior

likes to see it :rolleyes: )

2) Chauvinistic attitudes shouting loud,

@ Individuals, or @ States, IE,

Patriotism mis-placed,

Militarism gone bonkers - even

Commencing to make un-livable

Outer space

(... as with Mars of late)

3) SELF interest above all else,

"I/we/my Country is #1 - ha-ha!

Take that scoundrels! tongue.gif

4) Creating "adversity"

Where not long before

There was... NONE, for instance,

To illustrate for you... imagine IF

Some future "Super Power,"

China for example,

Sent troops deep into... the heart of Texas.

You think them Alamo-remembering Dudes

Would stand for that? LOL!

So - why on earth would ANY other Nation,

Say, like 'em in Middle East

Since 1947 or so,

Would want anybody else's troops occupying

And interfering in their country?


I'd list the 7 Deadly Sins,


I am quite confident you already know

All those, yes? ;)

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Okay DD, I'll bite! tongue.gif

Read what you want, but to me its about decision making and carrying out that decision, good or bad, to its conclusion with a bit of conviction.

How else are you going to be able to evaluate the decision for future applications if you don't at least give it a chance......now define the timeframe for "give it a chance".

On GW, well let's see, I agree, and I bet that if man had been around for the other seven ice ages that have come to pass on this planet,...hmmmm.. when the current one was ending....well,

What would you call that? ;)

Anyway I prefer the warmth, that's why I live in S. Texas and wouldn't have any problem moving further south. So currently I will continue to fart freely ..... and hope that helps. :D

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