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Update: European Theater 1.05a at cmmods.com

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just in time for the weekend

the update of European Theater to version 1.05a

Have fun :)

Changed 1.05

Italian naval attack -1

new AI scripts:

- the original fleet scripts adjust for the mod

- Italian black sea patrol script (IF Istanbul in axis hands)

- German fleet support script for Invasion of Norway

- Italian fleet support script for Greece

- 50% Trigger UK attacks Iran

- 75% Trigger UK attacks Iraq (If pro Axis)

Some fortification scripts:

For USSR: -moscow,stalingrad and rostov

For Germany: 'Atlantic Wall'

and 'Westwall' (IF allies landed in france)

[ December 01, 2006, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Thrawn78 ]

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BTW, why have railheads on? This means you have to be next to a city to operate on such a huge map it makes it somewhat unrealistic that railways would only be found on so few areas.

Take France for example, only 6 locations you can "take the train" in ALL of France.

I've discovered that railheads would work on a much larger scale where you have tons of cities for it to have a realistic effect.

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I didn't thought about it (railroads)but seems u are

right - better off.

to the 'readme' - tomorrow - cos I am K.O. :) (thought 1 hour to update - in the end 8!!)

Finally I just wanted to trade the work.

Noted: @Players-of-the-mod, please post failures & bugs here

[ December 01, 2006, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Thrawn78 ]

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As for comments, here goes one.

There is a BIG misalignment with your location of Iceland. It is located to the south by a significant margin from actual geographical location.

The lowest part of Iceland... tile 86,20 should be at tile 86,2 basically parallel to the northern most point of the province of Quebec (Canada) which is tile 6,2 .

Have a look at this map: http://www.mapsofworld.com/images/maps-of-world-nato-member-countries.gif

Or any other and you'll see what I mean smile.gif .

Also Greenland should go down south a little more .

Ah crap, never mind. Iceland is not misaligned.

It is actually all of Canada, USA and Venezuela that is misplaced :( .

Venezuela is parallel to Senegal while on your map it is closer to Casablanca.

USA is parallel to UK and even a little higher, in reality none of USA is on parallel to UK. USA is under the 50th while UK is higher than the 50th parallel.

You have Halifax in line with Trondheim while in reality it is in line with Bilbao of Spain.

Looking it over all of the American continent is about 24 tiles to high.

If you fix that you can then extend Greenland so it is in line with the northern tip of the province of Quebec.

Also , your convoy lanes coming from USA and Canada are passing much too close to Iceland. Obviously that would change if you fix the American continent.

First thing you would have to do is extend the bottom part of the map by 24 tiles to properly place Venezuela or simply eliminate that country and you won't have to extend and fill out Africa and the Middle East as well.

Sorry if I'm causing you alot of headache. But that just jumped at me when I loaded it in the editor.

NOTE: I would start working on it myself but I am out of the country in a few days so I don't have time.

[ December 01, 2006, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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'Atomic Bomb' lol, but easy to explain :) ...I have just a german version of the game, but I needed a english 'localization.txt' for multilanguage-mod...

changing the complete american continent? in the map

no problem - but the scripts ....

EDIT mh, viewed the map, then venezuela is not possible

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The scripts will be a lot of work, I agree.

Venezuela could stay in but as I said you would have to extend the bottom part of your map by 24 tiles. From 80 to 104.

I would have started working on this right away myself to help out but as I said, I'm leaving my home in a few days and for 6-8 weeks.

Localization.txt from any mod? Even the default scenario?

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Played a few turns vs the AI. Solid game. Of course the AI made a few mistakes that are ridicilous like DoW on denmark but no land attack to speak of lol.

The amount of units compared to how much each nation is making has widened very much with this mod. I actually lost a tile of the maginot line because I could not afford the hugley expensive replacements for the Army Group there. 3 reenforcement is 90 MPP, 90% of Frances income! The army is taking at least that many, if not more losses every turn, not to mention the aircraft trying to defend them. From what I see ethier damage should be slightly reduced or expenses brought down just a tad.

You have to consider in SC2 there is a lot going on that requires HUGE mpp expenses and this map doesn't seem to have the resources to support even half of it. This was already a problem with SC2 but it has widened with this mod. Consider you have to pay 350 for some research areas, that is between 2 and 3 turns FULL MPP income alone. This doesn't include diplomacy, which is nearly the same price. So just to buy 1 tech with the UK you need 2 or 3 turns without needing to replace battle losses. If you want to try and counter any German diplomacy forget it you are bankrupt. If a battleship of yours is heavily damaged you might as well count it out of the game, you will never be able to spare the MPPs to repair it properly.

Overall I just feel the major powers had a little more room to play with. I don't think week after week was a choice between having better technology and raising a few more troops. Look what the Germans alone did with their relativly small nation, produced the worlds most advanced weapons as well as large scale mass production and diplomatic efforts. The UK certainly kept the troops comming and didn't fall back in any other area. I am just getting the feeling that I nearly have to ignore research and diplomacy if I don't want to get run over on the battlefield, but if I ignore them I will be getting run over later!

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I noticed that MPP income for each (?) country was

doubled-IIRC in standard Germany makes like 110 MPPs

per turn-here it's like 223. I could then see an

argument for doubling costs for everything, but they

seem tripled or even quadrupled in many cases. And

I know Honch had a lot of half-strength units in his

scenario but just about everything here is under


Balancing that kind of stuff is a bear I know tho...

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Yea but it is too much of a gap here. It needs to be adjusted.

Why are the allied navies so underpowered? I surrounded submarines with ships and can't sink them for months. The Italian navy sent two CRUISERS to north africa and the combined French/British fleet could not score ONE damage point even with 7 ships. not ONE point of damage!

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update of the Mod:

- Fixed the unit cost (now just a bit higher than original)

- Adjusted the unit combat data back to original

with just a few changes:

Air Fleet = Air Defense +1,

Subs -1 navel attack & -1 carrier attack,

cruiser -1 tank attack,

and of course adjust the movepoints for every unit to the bigger map.

- Fixed 151,46 ownership

- Fixed Rocket to Artillery

- Changed Railroads off

Can't find the failure in the Axis DoW-Script for Denmark - any ideas ?

[ December 02, 2006, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Thrawn78 ]

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I am in agreement with hellraiser !,...so far it look's like your game is well balanced regarding actual historical timing as verses other MODS that Very Heavily, Disproportionatly Favour the Allies!.

I am still playing your MOD Thrawn78 ,...and so-far i am having no problems with it, i just finished taking France!.

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Downloaded this MOD and played a couple of turns.

It looks great. Love the map. Love the scale.

I have a couple of questions.

First, the German Rocket Launcher in Poland 1939. I have read extensively about WWII and don't recall rocket launchers being used in either Poland '39 or France '40. Probably they existed, probably they were tried, but in such large numbers as to justify a division size unit of rocket launchers?

Second, I wish artillery/rocket research would lead to increased combat strength in division/corps/army size units. That seems to me a more realistic way of representing what actually happenned in WWII. Only the Russians operated division size artillery units. I understand the lartest artillery units in the Western European armies were battaliion size,and, by and far they were integrated into corps and divisions represented by the game units.

...could we have an artillery modifier for infantry and tank units (along with anti tank, infantry weapons, heavy tanks, and, motorization)?

A third note... I remain a bit concern about unit costs. But I have not played enough...

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to 1) a few rocket launchers were in use (Nebelwerfer 35),but u are right, just in small numbers.the german rocket launcher in the mod should represented more artillery than rocket launchers.

to 2) 1945 Germany had 3 artillery corps.

I like ur idea - artillery as a part of infantry and


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Once the American continent is in its proper place then Sub raiding will have its place.

With Americas so high their convoy lands pass right under the nose of Iceland.

It also makes d day a little longer for the Allies since then are coming DOWN on France via USA.

I'm not saying I do not enjoy what Hubert has done, when this is the map size I expected for SC2 smile.gif .

It would be interested to play a game on this map with the default settings of the 1939 scenario but on such a vast land.

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Re: the rocket launchers west of Poland. I have NATO symbols turned on and they show up as an artillery unit for me. I think that unit is meant to be an artillery unit not a true "rocket" unit.

It's true that artillery formations were integral to combat units in WWII but I think all countries had various independent artillery brigades and regiments that could be allocated to units going on an offensive. I don't mind having a separate artillery concentration unit that will let you put down an extra bombardment on a specific hex. The game is an abstract game- and the artillery unit just represents an artillery concentration rather than a separate stand-alone actual historical artillery corp.

I also don't see how exactly Thrawn mod could add them to units without re-writing all of SC2. I could see SC3 incorporating it as an additional factor of units (artillery rating or something like that). Of course I don't know much about mods either.

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I applaud you JJC. Refreshing to hear someone thinking outside the box.

"The game is an abstract game- and the artillery unit just represents an artillery concentration rather than a separate stand-alone actual historical artillery corp."

Been trying to get this across to the crowd, especially Blashy(he's beginning to get it), for the better part of four years.

SC Rockets ARE artillery.

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