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Heavy Chinese Military Spending!.

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Okay okay, a little too rigid in scripture folks. Perhaps there was some inkling of the future in biblical prophecy, but just maybe, along with many of the great scholars and men of the day, they figured what would happen eventually, inevitable in any future Fate..

Far be it from to pass judgement, but I will judge that people take these passages and they barely make sense to any of modern English Folk! Hell, can you read me the other 20,000 Prophetic Releases of the pass 4 thousand years! I'm certian all of them have a DoomsDay Parade in them. From Babylon straight on up to Atheism, that being the Nuclear Winter Scenario. All Belief, even non-belief, sees an end. Not carved in stone but present! So we should keep our eyes open and aware. Many civilizations, and Periods have known such upheaval already.

Anyway, on the topic of the Chinese. I'm not certian why people are so concerned over them. When we have more Natural Resources in Russia than any other Nation. Still the technology capable of growing beyond Any Nation aside the USA. IF they just got their stuff together, a Russisan Federation or a Eastern Asian Trade Power would be something to threaten the future. Trade may be the tool, not Nukes. I forsee, the possiblity that in 50 years, the USA has developed a weapon that renders all Nuclear weapons fired worthless. Blasts them out of the trajectory! ICBMs rendered obsolete, Star Wars for real... Possible? in 50 years, sure!

As far as Tactical and Suitcase bombs, well, both very dangerous... But even the Sub Nuclear Threat can possibly be dealt with. That will be the The Threat that looms on the horizen for a long time to come... then again, countermeasures... What we as modern souls must worry about is making our place a better one so that a Psycho doesn't rise up from the ashes and say, if I can't have it all, burn it! Sort of like Uncle Adolf

China? That type of mindset, they don't strike me as being all that millitant. So far they haven't invaded 2 Nations outside of their Continent? Though the USA has! My thoughts are they have been building up their economy whilst we have been building up for a Dummy War that has never happened! Selling dummy products to consumer minded Souls of the West... HellBent on having the Fastest Internet Connection, Fastest PC, best Gaming Platform, cheapest best Motor Vehicle, cheap Trashbags so they can afford all that gasoline. Etc... Meanwhile their own economy is becoming as consumerminded as we are! Slowly, The King, Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse will conquor the World.. With DVDs, the Internet, Bambi! God, American's are so cutsey tongue.gif

What do the Chinese have on that? SoyBeans and Kung Fu? Wait didn't an Indian introduce them to Kung Fu? tongue.gif

Originally posted by Stalin's Organist:

Given that John said that the end of the world was happening while he was alive yes, I believe he was wrong.

Or do you have some other explaination?

And for all the other writers who said teh end of the world would occur while people they were writing to were still alive?

I'd be curious to know how you explain it other than that they weer wrong. Or are some of those people still alive?

Mark, Mathew and Luke all wrote that it shall come to pass before "this generation" had gone how long is a generation? 2000 years?

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Anyone watching that show Jericho on CBS? It's about a small town in Kansas that witnesses a nuclear explosion, and goes on to find out many other US cities have been hit as well. Anyway, two more episodes before the first half of the season is done, and it looks like the Chinese will be involved somehow.

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jjr, knowing things - instinctively:

By the way, according to many, Mr. Pascal had a deathbed conversion...because his little mathematical equations couldn't save a billygoat, let alone himself.

Pascal was a spiritual Being


He reached 'is death-bed.

Upon unfathomable skies,


Honey-manna, had he fed.

VERY many accomplished Mathematicians


Insight-full Physicists, as well,

Get that miniscule glimpse

Of the Majestic... UN-speak-able.

Can't be didacted aloud,

It's a language of the heart

And soul,

And NO amount of logico-linear


Were it to pile up as high!

As Mount Olympus - no! Higher!

Could come remotely CLOSE

To... all that... is.

This next Cat knew a thing or two,

Wrote it,

Etched it,

Painted it,

Heard the "harmonies"

And hymned it in verse:



To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

And eternity in an hour.

--William Blake, "Auguries of Innocence"


"Time" is not consulting

A Rolex wrist-watch

While awaiting Einstein's Train, nor,

Some slim shadow

Parsing a Sun-dial,

The instant before a hailing rain.

Time is... an arbitrary conceit,

And actually,

Greatly less than that.

[ November 20, 2006, 08:13 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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@Stalin's Organ --- You are a reader, that is a good thing. I am impressed by your knowledge. The question you ask is quite common. How do we know the time frame of an event which is written? Simple, it is dispensational. Things are not always written in linear order. Do we place events "In the beginning", "In the Middle", "In the end", etc. Which "end"? Which "destruction"? Which "renewing"? ETC. It is dispensational is the answer. Rightly dividing an item into the proper contrast & framework. I'm not allowed to get into specifics (exact references) here, but a very general answer is allowed with some liberty. To keep it on subject, there is a point where 200,000,000 army is coming.

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Back to the Chinese. They have no reason to be attacking anybody, their economy is growing, so why destroy one's customers? Their customers are the world. Currently producting what? 90% of the world's shoes? textiles? Repeat, no reason to go military war when the economy war is doing awesome. Far as Russia's natural resources, doesn't really matter when you have corruption & failed social/political progress.

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An increase in military spending in my opionion is likely from booming operations in their country. Costs of everything is on the rise world wide. Steel, Energy, Zinc, all the natural resources are outpacing budgets. Large armies require large budgets to keep them fit and operational.

Then you add recent events like North Korea stirring their punch bowl as well. China can't afford to have their greatest source of export cut off. I know they moved a heap of folks to the North Korea border saying "they fear refugees" in the event of anything happening. I saw this in a different light, i saw it as a statement of "Kim, we're sick of your @#$@". Notice how NK has calmed down and is now sending cakes and invitations to everyone with the old "lets chat" routine.

Don't forget, they must eat too, is the cost of food up?

I think increases in budgets and spending is related to their regional crisis areas and cost of goods across the board.

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Agreed, They have no need to kill off their customers. I'm certian attacking Taiwan, which they consider a province would cause an American ban on Chinese Goods, perhaps European too. Costing them Billions.. Whatever they loan us, they need our consumerminded society to eat their $6.99 teddy bears, and $5.99 Bras. Who can compare? God knows this keyboard I'm typing on is Chinese tongue.gif

anyways off the production topic, back on Military.. The Chinese did invade and rape Tibet, nobody talks about this? The Religious Leader of that nation still is in hiding in India or Nepal last I heard! So all this Americabashing, and all this soft talk on China, she didn't get to Dominance by waltzing around East Asia. North Korea is nothing more than a DMZ for China on Korean Pennisula... Always has been, I think just lately they're seeing it as a bit old and archiac to serve the purpose and N.Korea is only holding the Nuclear card keeping China from just saying, "ohhhhh fiddly-deedee!" China cannot afford a Nuclear war on her northern border so she must appease the North Koreans by Feeding them, so they do not starve. Nukes cost money and the that Government has starved it's people to feed it's Huge Military.

China will not do this, so I assume the reason they still have a military is due to the tensions around her. Look from Vietnam-all the fractured Soviet States, the Muslim Extremists in the MidEast stretching too close to Chinese interests, the possiblities of Selling their old arms off to finance their new ones! And hey, lookie! I got a new Gun! Ain't it Neat, see it firing 67,000 thousands rounds a second, and not making much muzzle heat.. I say very confidentially, ain't it sweet!


And as for the Russian Federation, yes sooooo screwed up Pre WW2 Nazi Germany..

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Back to the Chinese. They have no reason to be attacking anybody, their economy is growing, so why destroy one's customers? Their customers are the world. Currently producting what? 90% of the world's shoes? textiles? Repeat, no reason to go military war when the economy war is doing awesome. Far as Russia's natural resources, doesn't really matter when you have corruption & failed social/political progress.

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I don't get involved in political debates.

However, this is interesting so I will comment with complete neutrality.

China's economy is booming, so it can naturally afford to spend more on defense.

Despite what your opinion of U.S. defense policy is, other nations may see the U.S. as being a little threatening at this time, and so take steps to bolster their armed forces.

This is the natural result of other nations feeling uneasy after witnessing a superpower projecting their political agenda, globally, with aggressive military actions and vigourous resolve.

No doubt, China is concerned about the U.S., and especially so after it has clearly denounced North Korea as part of The Axis Of Evil.

Hypothetically, if China had stated the same about Mexico, after an invasion and conquest of Vietnam, you may see it from a different perspective.

[ November 22, 2006, 10:04 AM: Message edited by: Steve Rogers ]

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In preparation for my new MOD "Clash of Civilizations" I have designed a fictional timeline leading up to the events of the mod. I actually continued the scenario to finish off the war but my mod would start somewhere near the beginning.

I'd love everyone's input on realism, accuracy etc:

The World in 2010

Middle East:

By 2007 it was apparent that Iraq was in a full state of civil war and that no amount of new military commitment would quell this ethnic unrest. In 2008, the UN approved a draft resolution by the United States to split Iraq into three separate entities, Kurdestan, the Republic of Sunni Arabia and the Republic of Shiastan. Over the next two years the insurgency against international troops continued in the three former Iraqi states but inter-ethnic warfare accelerated dramatcally. Much of this was due to the new influence that Iran played over the Shia Republic. Iran sought to quell inter-ethnic warfare as a means to enhance its prominence in the region. Kurdestan took control of its own security by 2009. By 2010, some 45,000 US troops remained in Baghdad supporting the Sunni regimes control over the capital and its new republic. By 2010, Iran was the ad-hoc controlling power of Shia Iraq and had even deployed “para-military security forces” in the new Republic. Iran’s nuclear weapons program continued regardless of slowly implemented international sanctions.

Afghanistan continued much as in the first few years after the Taliban. Insurgent attacks continued and periods of stability fluctuated throughout the decade. US troop strength remained at 25,000 by 2010.

In 2006 Israel launched a minor invasion of Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah. It failed to complete its mission but managed to push Hezbollah sufficiently back from the border area to allow international and Lebanese forces in to patrol Southern Lebanon. Overt Iranian support of Hezbollah was uncovered and condemned but no action was taken to stem the flow of money and arms to the Hezbollah.


In 2007 tensions began to rise between Turkey and Greece again with several incidents in the Aegean. Turkey was not admitted to the EU, which had grown to become a stronger economic and military presence. Islamic extremism was beginning to take hold in once moderate Turkey by the end of the decade and EU denials simply aggravated this. In early 2008, the Islamic parties gained much of the power in Turkey and a new leader arose who was to be called the Great Statesman of Islam by Muslims and by others, the Third Antichrist. He was a Turk born in Armenia and educated in England. The US was asked to leave Turkey as the nation departed NATO and a huge arms buildup was undertaken to “counter the aggression” of Russia and Greece throughout the Balkans and Caucasus and the US in the Middle East. In early 2010 Turkey established a “Mutual Axis of Islamic Defense with Syria and Iran.”

France departed NATO in 2008 heralding the new EU fast reaction force as the beginning of a new EU army and closer ties among the nations of the EU. Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Spain quickly followed. The new EU “army” became fully operational in 2009. Many of the Eastern European EU states as well as the UK, Norway, Greece and Italy did not take part in this new army and a rift began to appear between these nations and the new Franco-German dominated EU. The US was asked to close military bases in these countries by 2010. This new EU also began to establish strong economic interests throughout the Middle East (due to its dependence on Iranian oil) and China (due to loss of markets in the former EU) in direct competition with the US. By 2010 it was expected that the UK, Norway, Italy and Eastern European EU states would not renew their membership in the EU but would seek a more Global economic zone including the US and Canada.

Russia formally made application to the EU in 2008 but was rebuffed, ruffling many feathers among Russians. Islamic extremist violence spread from Iraq into Armenia, Georgia and Chechnya throughout the decade culminating in a year of the most attacks on record in 2009. Underground arms shipments from Turkey and Iran fuelled these situations and became transparent to Russian authorities thanks to US satellite and ground intelligence in 2010.

Insurgent attacks also began in the relatively stable Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union. Demands were made for all Russian troops to leave. By 2010, anti-Russia regimes dominated the region.

North America:

Following a decade of right-wing rule in the US, Democratic rule began in 2008. What resulted was a reduction in US forces in action overseas and more of an inward policy. The War on Terror continued in a more subdued fashion except for the killing of Osama Bin Laden in 2008 in Pakistan and the capture of several other terrorist leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq. Relations with many of its neighbours improved dramatically during this time but relations with the Islamic countries, China and the new Franco-German EU became more strained due to one sided US actions in the War on Terror and international trade issues.

Killer hurricanes ravaged the US gulf coast, Mexico and the Caribbean throughout the latter part of the decade causing tens of thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damage. The toll was so great from 2008 to 2010 that by 2010, half of the population of Florida and other Gulf states had been moved elsewhere. Gulf ghost towns sprang up everywhere.

The Missile Defense Shield of the US grew to limited, regional operation by 2010. Missile stations were based at sea, in Hawaii and in Alaska. Unknown to the world, the system also included several laser stations in orbit and two laser stations in the Aleutians by the end of the decade. The project spurned rapid advances in technology that leant themselves to use in Space travel. By 2010, the US planned a manned mission to the moon for 2014, a permanent base for scientists and engineers by 2020 and with construction of a Mars vehicle to begin in orbit in 2012, a manned mission to Mars in 2024. There was only minor competition from the EU, China and Russia in these areas.

Latin and South America:

Ever increasing debt loads and drug problems burdened Latin and South American countries throughout the decade. Food and fuel riots became frequent in Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela by 2010. Many experts feared a Mexican civil war by 2010 as several provinces saw rebellions and insurgencies. US troops were asked to secure major installations and strategic locations throughout Mexico and Panama by 2010. In 2010, the left wing leaders of Venezuela cut all oil shipments to the US protesting its “occupation” of Mexico and Panama. Brazil and Argentina and several other South American countries joined this new anti-US bloc. In 2010, Brazil test detonated an atomic bomb and was quickly shunned by the world community.


Poverty and AIDS continued to afflict sub-Saharan Africa and in 2009 a new strain of the virus named Dayton’s Syndrome was first seen in the Congo. This virus was passed through water but was only affecting the ethnic groups of central Africa. This new genetically selective virus exploded throughout central Africa and was expected to kill 250 million by 2020. South Africa closed its northern borders in 2009 and Madagascar closed all of its ports to mainland traffic, resulting in a collapse of their economy. UN troops interceded in Madagascar in 2010 to quell unrest and deliver food. By 2010, Chinese scientists reported that Dayton’s Syndrome was a genetically manufactured AIDS virus. Rumors began to circulate that white South African scientists had unleashed the virus on sub-Saharan Africa.


Throughout the decade Australia continued with forging closer ties with the US. Relations with Indonesia deteriorated rapidly by 2010 due to oil disputes. Islamic insurgency forced military coups in both Malaysia and Indonesia by 2010. These new, right wing regimes called for closer ties with China in order to counter Australian and US presence in the area.


With her economy growing rapidly China began yet another modernization of its armed forces in 2008. By 2010 the government of China could be called a Capitalist dictatorship as most vestiges of its Communist past were replaced with state controlled or military controlled free-market structures. The expanse of the internet and pressures of the capitalist society that it was nurturing put great pressures on civil order and by 2010, although a fledgling superpower, China was on the verge of bursting. Lack of energy resources were also slowing the modernization hopes of the military.

Following its tests of several low yield nuclear weapons and the subsequent sanctions from the world community, North Korea collapsed into starvation and chaos in 2007. The military junta survived but lost control of some areas of the country to local military warlords. Kim-Jong Il secretly planned a 2010 attack on the South as a dying gasp.

India’s economy saw much of the same pressures and growth as China. Her democracy continued however and relations with the US vastly improved as she took a greater role in the War on Terror and sought favour from the West.

This set the stage for the third great global war:

World War Three: A History (2010-2013 AD)

 On August 1, 2010, a Saudi fundamentalist general (financially backed by Turkey and Iran) successfully assassinates the crown prince and twelve other members of the government, battles between loyal Saudi forces and well organized insurgent forces begin in and around Riyadh as well as Western regions of the country. Iran announces that Shia-Iraq based “Security Forces” are too be dispatched into Northern Saudi Arabia at the behest of the “New Revolutionary Peoples Government in Mecca”.

 Wahabi council calls for a popular uprising and Islamic revolution

 US special forces fly the remaining royal family to Kuwait

 In the following days, various western regions fall under Islamic control and fighting around Riyadh intensifies

 10,000 US troops from Kuwait and 2,000 paratroops seize the majority of the western Saudi oilfields “in the interest of the global economy”

 Saudi government in exile is established in Kuwait as Riyadh falls to Islamic insurgents and their military allies, the Islamic State of Arabia is declared

 Anti-US rioting and protests spread across the Islamic world as the US declares OPEC to be dissolved and establishes a “Global Military Protectorate” in Eastern Arabia and Kuwait

 Iran, Turkey and Syria declare that a state of war exists with the US if her forces do not leave “the land of Mecca” within 72 hours

 UN calls an emergency session of security council

 Hundreds are killed in Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and the former Iraq as violence spreads

 China, France and Germany condemn the US seizure of the oilfields

 With violence spreading to the Gulf States, Kuwait, Oman, UAE and Qatar ask for and receive inclusion in the “Global Military Protectorate Zone”


 Islamic coup in Yemen as US begins the bombing of former Saudi air-force facilities, within 72 hours most of Arabia’s air-force in the hands of the new regime is decimated.

 An Iranian missile hits a US surveillance plane over the gulf

 Artillery exchanges between Iranian troops and allied forces in Kuwait

 US jets begin regular attacks on Iranian radar and missile sites along the Gulf coast

 Pakistan declares a state of emergency as fundamentalist violence sweeps northern Pakistan

 Iran announces that the Revolutionary Guard will cross the border into the former Iraq

 Israeli and US special forces begin locating to Indian airbases

 US orders all forces in Sunni Arabia to move to positions in major cities and strategic facilities

 Wahabi council in Arabia declares that Arabia is the center for Jihad against the US, Israel and Britain, hundreds of Arab fighters begin to cross into Jordan.

 Jordan makes a formal request for US military protection

 Islamic Jihad and Hamas attacks in Israel increase ten fold in a matter of weeks.

 Iranian tanks cross into Sunni Arabia to seize strategic positions and support Shiite guerilla forces crossing from Shia Iraq.

 Allied air-forces enjoy strategic control of airspace and stop Iranian columns 20 km inside Sunni Arabia.

 Iranian suicide boats sink three US frigates and several oil tankers in gulf.

 Wide spread Iranian ballistic missile attacks in Kuwait and on ships in the gulf

 Under emergency request from the president of Pakistan, US forces evacuate the leaders to Diego Garcia

 Heavy fighting reported around Karachi

 US, Israeli and Indian special forces operating from Indian bases seize several airfields and nuclear storage facilities in Pakistan

 China, suffering from a drastic reduction in available oil imports and a US shipping blockade of the gulf warns the US that it may be forced to take action to ensure its access to energy is uninterrupted

 US intelligence reports Chinese military movements near North Korea, western China and the Taiwan straits

 US intelligence reports decoded Chinese plans to confront the US in the Pacific in order to draw attention away from its intended seizure of Central Asian oil facilities

 Syrian troops cross into Lebanon to counter Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon against Hezbollah fighters moving South.

 Egyptian military coup replaces government with anti-Islamic right-wing military junta.

 Egypt is declared by the UN to be in a state of civil war as Islamist extremists wage full scale guerilla attacks against government institutions

 Several more oil tankers are sunk in the gulf by Iranian missiles

 30,000 US marines seize several Iranian ports including Bandar-E-Abbas and begin air-strikes deep into Iran and Pakistan

 A Chinese freighter is sunk in the Indian ocean en route to Arabia after refusing to stop for British warships, it is confirmed that it was carrying ballistic missile equipment

 Two US carrier fleets are deployed to the South China sea as US forces in Japan, Guam and South Korea go to highest alert

 In a secret treaty with Indonesia and Malaysia, China agrees to seize the Spratlay islands in the South China Sea and share the oil with Indonesia and Malaysia.

 US announces plans to airlift 25,000 troops to Israel as general warfare between Israeli and Syrian/Lebanese forces breaks out.

 Karachi falls to Islamic insurgents, the State of Islamistan is proclaimed

 The first former-Pakistani jets become involved with allied aircraft over Iran and the gulf.

 India announces plans to allow US air-forces to operate from its western airbases.

 Israeli and Syrian forces are stalemated in southern Lebanon and the Golan

 Iranian and Islamistan troops launch a counter-attack against Marine positions in Southern Iran

 Allied units retreat to Baghdad positions

 With sudden influx of Islamic fighters crossing into Azerbaijan and Chechnya, Russia launches a new invasion of Chechnya to stabilize the border

 Armenia and Georgia call for Russian aid to protect their borders

 The Islamic defense league is created, forming a military alliance between Arabia, Islamistan, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Shia Iraq and Algeria.

 Israeli troops sweep through Jordan with Jordanese permission and push toward Damsacus

 US troops land in Israel, US air forces relocate from European bases to Israel and Jordan

 Heavy fighting between IDL forces and allied forces east of Baghdad and along the Tigris/Euphrates rivers south into southern Iran with IDL forces employing human wave attacks

 Turkish and Georgian forces exchange artillery as Russian forces arrive in the country

 Syria threatens the use of chemical weapons on Israeli forces advancing on Damascus

 China seizes the Spratlay islands and is condemned by most south Asian states except for Indonesia and Malaysia

 The UN imposes an economic embargo on China

 5,000 Chinese troops are airlifted into two Central Asian states to seize four oil production facilities and pipelines

 A Chinese sub is sunk by a US destroyer in Taiwan strait

 50,000 Turkish troops stage along the Georgian border

 Greece allows Russian ships access to its ports now that Turkey has closed access to the Black Sea.

 Afghanistan, until now in general stability sees a sudden increase in violence as IDL guerilla forces enter the country and US forces are moved to Sunni Arabia and Gulf positions

 Russian forces begin bombing IDL supply lines into Chechnya through Turkey, Azerbaijan and northern Iran

 Israel halts its advance on Damascus but seizes Beirut

 Turkish troops enter Northern Lebanon to support the Islamic forces there against Israeli troops

 Turkish special forces sink several Russian ships in Greek harbours as Turkish troops cross into Georgia and Armenia

 Sporadic ship to ship attacks occur between Taiwanese/US forces and Chinese ships in the strait of Taiwan

 China announces that is aligning with the IDL to thwart Allied aggression and warns that general war is imminent

 North Korea, crumbling under economic and energy pressure, invades S Korea , starting with a massive artillery bombardment, pushing allied forces to the Seoul perimeter where its advance stalls due to lack of fuel, defections and heavy Japanese/US air attacks

 North Korean conventional missile strikes on US facilities in Japan, Okinawa and Guam

 IDL forces conquer Armenia, Georgia and Chechnya as Turkish forces invade northern Greece and Southern Bulgaria to strike at Russian airforce facilities

 Greece demands that the EU provide protection, Italian troops airlift to Greek bases, France and Germany declare the conflict to be a Turko-Greek matter

 Turkey invades Cyprus

 On November 1, 2010, 100,000 Chinese marine troops embark on hundreds of military and civilian vessels to invade Taiwan supported by the entire Chinese and Indonesian naval forces after heavy missile attacks on Taiwanese installations and US/Taiwanese naval units and an EMP attack over Taiwan

 Due to advance intelligence, much of the Taiwanese airforce survives the initial Chinese missile and special forces attacks and engages the Chinese airforce over the straits

 Allied forces begin to push North Korean forces back as US/Japanese air power attacks North Korean nuclear facilities

 At the request of the Allies and Russia, Indian troops enter Afghanistan to assume defense of that nation

 Although well protected, Arabian oil facilities under allied protection are seeing little production making its way out of the gulf, oil prices hit $200 per barrel

 Israeli forces rush through Palestine into Jordan at the request of the Jordanese government to stop Arab fighters crossing from Arabia

 With heavy support from Sudanese, Algerian and Libyan forces, Egyptian insurgents claim hold of all of Egypt except for Cairo and the Sinai.

 Israeli and US air forces begin providing air cover for surrounded Egyptian forces as two US battle fleets enter the Eastern Mediterranean

 Most Taiwanese airfields under Chinese control with heavy fighting across the island as Chinese air force suffers huge losses at the hands of US, Taiwanese and Japanese air power

 With the Taiwan Straits clogged by Chinese shipping, US subs are averaging 100 ships per day sunk

 Allied bombers begin bombing Chinese mainland installations

 By the end of 2012, 50,000 Chinese troops remain on Taiwan controlling ½ of the Island but with little supply from the mainland

 Russian troops engage Chinese and Central Asian forces in Kazakhstan

 Allied naval and air power dominates the South China Sea area as Chinese air power is withdrawn to protect mainland positions and avoid further losses

 A stalemate exists 40 KM south of Pyongyang on the Korean peninsula as Chinese troops are rushed to the front

 The conflict in the Middle East now shifts to Northern Greece as IDL forces are stopped outside of Thessalonika by Greek forces with Russian and Allied airpower operating from Bulgarian and Romanian airfields

 The major Allied powers (US, Britain, Australia, Russia, Israel and Japan) hold a conference in Canada where a new offensive is planned for the spring of 2013.

 The economies of most Latin American nations have collapsed under the price of oil and loss of markets, several states in Mexico declare independence

 Spring 2013 sees the launch of a surprise attack by Indian forces upon Islamistan in coordination with Allied attacks into Iran, a Russian offensive in the Caucasus and Israeli drive onto Damascus

 Islamic terrorists, having obtained several small nuclear weapons from Iran, Islamistan and North Korea detonate weapons in Rome and Moscow. Similar attacks in Athens and Kuwait are stopped.

 Syria and Iran use chemical weapons on advancing Allied forces, Israel responds with a nuclear weapon dropped onto Damsacus

 Islamistan launches its three remaining nuclear weapons on short range missiles that strike New Dehli and two other Indian cities

 The Allies restrain Russia and India from launching counterattacks as Allied forces (now including India) push towards Tehran, Istanbul and Karachi

 China declares that it will resort to using nuclear weapons if the Allies do not withdraw from Taiwan and the surrounding seaways

 Following the assassination of the Turkish President by Israeli backed Kurdish commandos, Turkey sues for peace as Allied forces cross the Dardenelles and IDL forces break in the Caucasus

 China launches its twenty remaining nuclear ICBMs, five malfunction, eight are intercepted by various platforms, three detonate in Japan, two more detonate over Alaskan military facilities and two detonate less than 20 KM off of the West Coast of the US.

 The US launches a pre-emptive nuclear strike against thirteen Chinese nuclear weapons sites as well against Beijing, Pyongyang and Jakarta

 A massive Allied conventional bomber campaign over fourteen days sees the destruction of the remaining strategic nuclear capabilities of China as 40,000 marines land in Taiwan

 Tehran and Karachi fall to Allied forces

 Riyadh and Istanbul fall one week later

 Military coup in China as the Chinese commander of Southern PLA forces signs an armistice with Allied troops

 On September 11, 2013, World War Three ends with the final capitulation of IDL forces in Turkey-Iran-Islamistan and the collapse of the Communist Chinese government in Beijing

 The Allies assume administration of all former IDL nations

 The President of Taiwan announces the new Democratic Republic of China which includes Taiwan, Hong Kong and all of Southern China

 Beijing, Northern China and North Korea are placed under Allied control

 Tibet is granted independence

 Indonesia agrees to Australian interim occupation

 Mexico, in a state of Civil War calls for US intervention

 Files are discovered that show secret EU financial backing of IDL and Chinese forces. US, UK and Russian forces bomb French and German economic and military targets. Minutes before a French nuclear retaliation on Russia and Britain, the EU agrees to a ceasefire under conditions that they pay for the reconstruction of Rome and Moscow and that the EU army is disbanded.

 At the Peace Councils of 2015, the map of the Middle East is redrawn.

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Wow! Honch! , 'Major-Heavy-Danger', i could only skim through your article, it's really got a lot in it!.

As far as im concerned, it's within the realm of reason to theorize these possibilities or something close to it!.

I just wanted to add some minor tid-bit's, that do with Global-Warming.

1st, if Global-Warming is unabated, 3/4 of the present agricultural farmland in the world will be unusable.

2nd, expect sea-levels to rise, submerging Venice, part or all of New-York and other coastal cities world-wide!.

3rd, as you mentioned, Major Devestating Storms will become the Norm instead of the Abnormal status quo!. Summer and Winter weather will become more extreme!.

So if 3/4's of present farmland is gone, then what's left will be what any militarized nation would want to control...'At ALL Costs!'.

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Nice ideas !

Iraq splitting up is pretty realistic : it's gonne happen (and the sooner it happens, the sooner the violence there ends).

I think a part will pretty quick become part of Iran, perhaps in return for their Curd-part joining the Iraq-Curds as one country. More likely then not, the Turkish Curds will try to join too.

And yes, the Turkish will be rejected by the EU to join : the only people that want Turkey to join the EU are the US and the UK, because both of them want the EU to be powerless. And a EU with Turkey in it, will be a deeply divided EU that can not do anything, like the UK and the US want the EU to be.

Also your idea of the UK splitting up is pretty realistic, except that the split line is a bit different then I imagine. IMHO the EU will split between the UK plus Eastern Europe (who both are holding the rest down) and the rest of Europe who want more integration (including the end of the US-puppy NATO).

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Awesome Normal Dude.

Now, I have planned out most of the units but have a problem with how to represent the sea to ground/sea missile capability of many naval vessels.

Battleship -> Naval Battle Group (Cruisers and destroyers with missile strike capability)

Cruiser -> Coastal Battle Group (armed speedboats, small frigates and patrol craft)

Carrier -> Carrier Group (Carrier with aircraft strike capability and support ships)

Sub Group -> Sub Group

Army -> Corps

Corps -> Division

Engineers -> Militia

Air Fleet -> Tactical Air Group

Bomber Fleet -> Strategic Bomber Group

Partisans -> Insurgents

Rockets -> Weapons of Mass Destruction (Nuclear or Chemical)

Can the shore bombardment range of naval vessels be increased to further inland than just coastal tiles if I increase the striking range?)

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