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Heavy Chinese Military Spending!.

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Have you heard the latest New's!, the reported Chinese Military Budget is supposed to have been increased by 15% this year, and the same for several year's previous.

There are how-ever, other report's that say that their real increase in Military Spending is closer to 3X as much as what is publicly being reported!.

Look's like the "Clash in the Taiwan Straight's" is not too far off anymore???. Maybey the Chinese, in conjunction with the the New 'Muslim [soon Nuclearized] Red Cresent'[Which they have close Trade-Ties with---For OIL!] and 'North Korea' will someday be on the march???.

Anyone interested in making a MOD on this hypothetical hypo???.

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Wow, an increase of 15% ? So, now it is 20% of the US spendig instead of 17% ? And will your scenario also include the nuclear weapons in India and Israël ?

But more general, I think a MOD with a map of the whole world would be nice, especially if there is a good AI behind it and not just HvH.

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The Chinese are at this very-moment are building 10 NEW CITIES each capable of holding at least a minimum of 10,000,000 people each.

So they are presently getting more people into cities, so i guess they'll just have to modernize their farming if some farmer's move to the city...in order to feed their population.

Right now as far as i know the Chinese are for instance buying a lot of grain from Canada![And probably even from the U.S.], they have lot's of money to spend after exporting and selling lot's of good's in North America,...that eventually end up in Store Chain's like WALMART!.

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The Chinese are the people of the future, IMHO. They already lend 2 billion *every* *single* *day* to the U.S. governement by buying bonds. And they got half a billion people that don't contribute to their economy yet.

I just hope that they won't reach the same level of economy before we figured out a way to deal with pollution, because if all Chinese would pollute as much as the average American or European do now, you got another thing coming, lol.

Good thing they were never intrested in invading countries half-way across the world or else I'd be actual scared !

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The Chinese have a lot of People, and are fast surpassing the West. Some believe the Industrial boom in China will hit rock bottom and the pollution is already in the water so they have an uncertian future and competitors everywhere. Raising military spending, I'm not sure what that accounts for as fielding a 100 million men today is obsolete. This is not 1900. When that would've mattered... Perhaps in a 3rd World Regime! One Tactical Nuke could clear off 20% of that Army, and remeber China still as far as we know, has no ICBMs... Of course she doesn't really need them all that much!

As far as a Local Power, she is that, few nations could stand up to her militarily. I doubt North Korea would exist without China. Also it is true we buy nothing but Chinese, it's nolonger Japanese boom in America but the Asian Market is a lucrative one and only growing allover. It will get bigger and bigger in the future but I do not know for certian the temporary growth China is seeing will remain strong in 20 or 40 years from now as I mentioned before. As many other Nations in History can be reflected upon. Consistent Growth Requires good Planning, something us American's haven't done so well! I do not forsee us as thet SuperPower in 100 Years, do you?

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Well, not sure Liam. What are the alternatives? I do believe most Americans don't care to be a SP, but do you believe one is necessary?

We've had two or more in the past and what was that result? Is one better than multiples?

The problem is you, and me, and the rest of you homo's out there. We tend to not want to get involved, to be nonconfrontational, when the "touched" members of our specie get a little egotistical. And we all have a degree of ego that drives our opinions about the way things "ought to be". Some of us learn restraint.

Then there are those Shepherds with their own agenda and the sheople that follow them for the betterment of the rest of us.....right?

So what does one do when one of these visit their principles(and they're suspect of severe injustice) upon your doorstep, your neighborhood? Assimilate, negotiate? Hopefully, but what if its their way or the highway, they are unyielding, and what happens when there is no place left to run?

Who stands up? Who makes the decision to wield the sword of justice? Things can get mighty messy for a Superpower. No wonder no one wants to assume the role, as your motives will always be questioned because people are untrustingly fearful of such propensity.

Why is that so?

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SeaMonkey, in the past I think wrong and right were a bit more clear. We are now for the first time uncovering the true human nature we possess. We are looking at it, attempting to do it objectively. More people are educated and luckily so far the World has prospered for "us"! There have been worse times in history... The End of Rome, The Great Plagues of Europe, the Mongol Invasions... Actually neccessary to promote new growth, sorta like burning off an ugly pine forest to get a new beautiful Spruce One smile.gif I do not think American's for the most part see themselves as a super power, people think we do, but honestly we have always believed that China, Russia, etc... were as capable... We're very modest, you may have find a few with some pride and ego, but hey, it's human not really American ;) That's the thing I sort of detest about some nations. Superiority Complexes. Look Germany vs the USSR, didn't work for them did it? Superior but ultimately destroyed by those they thought to be subhuman! smile.gif

Right now as we speak I hear a commentary by James Woods on China, talking about a Farm Community, barely able to feed itself, running out of fertilizers... the land destroyed by the new Industry!!! Poor, stripped, starving people still to this day! I have heard that for them though industrialized at what cost? How many Chinese workers bringing us Cheap Motherboards lost their hands doing it? With no work comp! We definitely don't know the hardship some other people know. Not as much now! As before... Though honestly, picking up timelife I checked the income bracket for American's...

what it is, 70% of us make less than 50g a year, whose living the good life? 10% of people are earning enough to be considered above Middle-Upper Class? Lordy! The American Dream, quite elusive, I think that Foreigners do not have a very objectivew view on us either!

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Things can get mighty messy for a Superpower. No wonder no one wants to assume the role, as your motives will always be questioned because people are untrustingly fearful of such propensity.

Why is that so?

Euh... Isn't is kinda obvious, why people distrust so-called superpowers ? They tend to invade other countries, usually under under false motives, you got to give the people at home a reason why they should send their kids to death.

Rome did it 2000 years ago, Napoleon did it 200 years ago, the UK did it 150 years ago, the Germans did it 60 years ago, the USSR did it 40 years ago and now the US are doing it : invading countries that did nothing to them under some bogus reason.

One would question motives for less...

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USA will leave Iraq in 2 years time... Possibly as soon as the elections bring us a new Democrat. It's inevitable. The American People and Government do not have the will to enforce Democracy and Stability upon the Iraqi People. Those people will splinter, fall into chaos, be divided amongst local powers, enhancing local ambition like Iran... smile.gif Turkey... So really we got rid of a complete insane dictator, thankyou anyone? The HUMAN COST was high! 600 thousand plus dead Iraqis, yes, but then again if Saddam's kids would've inherited the Throne wouldn't have been much different? I'm not sure, and I will not speculate... Do not attempt to unless you're smarter than me, and I do not even have a degree in Political Science, Culture, Religion. Merely an admirer of some who do ;)

Obviously this problem was MASSIVE, religious intolerance, Fascism in Modern times practiced in the same inhuman fashion of the previous century... And Old Hatred going back before we were involved and will continue for a long longggggg time. Like Yugoslavia splintered.. Time for the U.N. and the USA to do their job, and police the place, time for the World to take responsability and stop being a Hypocrit. Time for the USA to admit we screwed up! Now I know why Bush Senior didn't Take out Saddam. He didn't want the job of policing Iraq for the next 25 years plus. This is worse than Korea or Vietnam..

America is out, Public opinion is dwindling, a few hardliners will stay, 60% of American's want out and the 40% undecided yet on the exit strategy will just need $5.00 a gallon gas to say, I'm with the Majority.

Remeber now, no Nation is perfect. Though can you really say everything in Iraq was bad? I saw the people as hailing American's as Liberators personally. Think of the Kurds and Shi'ites who were opressed under the boot of the Sunni Minority PsychoPathic Nazilike Freaks?

Do your homework before you knock the facts

Originally posted by TaoJah:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Things can get mighty messy for a Superpower. No wonder no one wants to assume the role, as your motives will always be questioned because people are untrustingly fearful of such propensity.

Why is that so?

Euh... Isn't is kinda obvious, why people distrust so-called superpowers ? They tend to invade other countries, usually under under false motives, you got to give the people at home a reason why they should send their kids to death.

Rome did it 2000 years ago, Napoleon did it 200 years ago, the UK did it 150 years ago, the Germans did it 60 years ago, the USSR did it 40 years ago and now the US are doing it : invading countries that did nothing to them under some bogus reason.

One would question motives for less... </font>

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TJ let me try to explain the reoccurrment of history to you, as you have just denoted. Your right, it happens all over under a different guise and because the world is smaller the consequences have a greater realm.

It makes no difference what the pretense is, we can debate that forever, what is important is to derail the replay and that will require action.

Remember history, words are full of false promises and deception and the greatest consequence is to the ones that fail to act, believing in the words to protect them.

Someone did something, that is what caused the reaction, and someone will do something else and there will be another reaction and it very well may escalate before it gets better.

What is telling is about those cultures that nurture their loved ones for the future. To guide their offspring to a brighter path, a better world for all.

Gaze out at the cultures of today, choose the ones that cultivate the future, build their civilizations and not the ones that muddle in the past of grievances and inept traditions.

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All this stuff brings a poem to mind;

Can't, right off-hand,

Think of anyone who said it better:


I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said:

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert.

Near them on the sand,

Half sunk,

A shatter'd visage lies, whose frown

And wrinkled lip

And sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamp'd

On these lifeless things,

The hand that mock'd them

And the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"

Nothing beside remains: round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

--- Percy Bysshe Shelley... 1817


We are ALL standing on quick shifting sands.


Over there

(... there is ALWAYS an "over there"

which is supposed as Wonder-filled

and/or solute for interior ills)

Where I live,

There is sand & scrub

As far as my tiny eye might see.

It's a landscape... of the mind,

Nothing more,

Just cannot be.

I've found,

Those who imagine they are not

Situated thus,

Who suppose mighty works

And very tall commerce buildings

Are more than only momentary

Self congratulation,

Who make dust-mouthed mortals

Into finely sculpt marble busts, well,

These are usually those

Who would wreck and wrack

And disgrace other places,

Harry some other souls to ruin.

What super nation

Can do what?


What superior histories

And received wisdoms,

Merely partially heard,

Will salve exactly... what?

Where ever did ol'

Ozymandias go?

[ November 18, 2006, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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One or two things concerning China..

Their currency reservers are around 1000 Billion Dollars... or in other words$... thats almost 4 times the yearly german government budget.. and it`s just their reserves.

My brothers works over there as an architect.. after what he`s telling us, the things they are building over there are nothing but HUGE.... there isn`t just one big center like in many western countries, they have lots of major areas.. with unlimited cheap workforce.

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Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

My brothers works over there as an architect.. after what he`s telling us, the things they are building over there are nothing but HUGE

Yes, basically they are saying "here is an empty piece of land, build a city on it".

Must be cool to be able to design a city from the ground up : it's like SimCity foir for real !!!

I wonder if they let the candidate-architects play SimCity first to see if they know what they're doing :)

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And he was wrong then too...

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
john 2:18

as were many others of the time:

"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." -- Matthew16:28

"But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God." -- Luke 9:27

"Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation." -- Matthew 23:36

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." -- Matthew 24:34

"Nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." -- Matthew 26:64

"Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power." -- Mark 9:1

"Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done." -- Mark 13:30

"And ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." -- Mark 14:62

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled." -- Luke 21:32

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@Stalin's Organ --- So John was wrong, lol, we have a non-believer in the midst? Don't worry son, those dispensational problems you are having can all be cured, if you'd only believe smile.gif

"We'll just see about that" --- Robert Duval as the E.F., in the movie classic, 'The Apostle'.

To keep this on subject, don't worry about that 200,000,000 man army coming...because the battle has been fought, the victory has been won! We're going no matter what the world says.

By the way, according to many, Mr. Pascal had a deathbed conversion...because his little mathematical equations couldn't save a billygoat, let alone himself.


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Given that John said that the end of the world was happening while he was alive yes, I believe he was wrong.

Or do you have some other explaination?

And for all the other writers who said teh end of the world would occur while people they were writing to were still alive?

I'd be curious to know how you explain it other than that they weer wrong. Or are some of those people still alive?

Mark, Mathew and Luke all wrote that it shall come to pass before "this generation" had gone how long is a generation? 2000 years?

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