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My response to something you wrote the other day has been bothering me ever since I posted it. I've edited the original post, removing the remarks made in anger.

< Arab & Egyptian Garrisons Thread >

Sorry to have gone after you.

-- And you are hereby forgiven for twisting my original quote, distorting my profound insights till they were no longer recognizable. ;)

Thread Renamed from Aploogies to Tao-Jah.

[ May 07, 2006, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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:D Agreed, Brother Rambo. It isn't like the old days when members posted with a shotgun. smile.gif

Still, I went a little over the top and later, thinking about it, I felt bad about saying the guy can't sing. How do I know if he can or can't? ;)

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@Sir Jersey --- I already had you covered after his ILL-logical insane post. You're Made, no reason to go backwards with such folly of ToJo & OttoBunta. When you're on the West Coast / Idaho, give me a call...you can have a nice feast with the family, enjoy some fellowship in grace.

Germany stuff 6,000,000 Jews into ovens, murdered another 6,000,000 civilians for whatever reason, & all the other deaths/destruction via war, etc... Then these clowns post,"Oh, Fritz wanted to hold a picnic in Palestine". They aren't sorry, just sorry they lost. Time doesn't change hearts, only divine power of you know who. Then this Europeans diss on our country today...Whatever.

That's why I'm me, because of Him,


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Brother Rambo,

Thanks, and as always, appreciated. The post is kind of illogical and insane, especially as it will be locked in about forty seconds. :D

Same here, when you're on the east coast please give me a call and I'll show you the wonders of the Garden State. Actually, after you've seen them, you'll wonder why they call it that. ;)

Actually, it really is pretty beautiful when the sun breaks through, as it's doing this afternoon.

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That's the most plausible thing I've heard yet, Liam. The past few years I've emailed people who used to post here and asked them why they stopped. A lot of them said something like, "I don't know what it is, but when I go there I get kind of crazy. That doesn't happen anywhere else." Of course not, it's only here that our Howling comes together. :D

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"We're just a bunch of WW2 psychonuts, probably all reincarnated from that era."

Aptly acknowledged Liam.

And let us not forget the lessons.

"it's only here that our Howling comes together."

And we're all the better for it, John.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

That's the most plausible thing I've heard yet, Liam. The past few years I've emailed people who used to post here and asked them why they stopped. A lot of them said something like, "I don't know what it is, but when I go there I get kind of crazy. That doesn't happen anywhere else." Of course not, it's only here that our Howling comes together. :D

That happens to me anytime I hear Bush, Rice, Cheney or Rumsfeld... oh and Fox News of course.


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I'm not with anyone....and I think the whole bunch "stinks", there is a global stench arising from the so-called leaders/inhabitants of this planet, and no one has a lock on the odor.

Ashame man seems to constantly forget the lessons of the past. Progress is really slow in a revolving door.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

... no reason to go backwards with such folly of ToJo & OttoBunta.

It's a pleasure to be your 'enemy'. smile.gif

// Start Ramboy imitation mode:

Dumbos hate Indians.

Dumbos hate Vietnamese.

Dumbos hate Iraqis.

Buntas have more willpower than Dumbos.

God is on the Buntas side.



// End Ramboy imitation mode.

You got it? smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

No, not strange. I'm just defensive because of the bias against what I believe about history & other things.

Now come on. Anybody who calls himself Legend in one post and then is pious in the next post has to be at least a little bit strange.

It wasnt meant to be an insult.

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Lets see;

You apologize to Taojah.

Others ask why?

Taojah accepts your apolgy.

Some others do not and think you're wrong for issuing it.

Is it time to apologize for giving an apology with a side note that the apology in no way was a reflection of negative feelings to any other forum members nor a retraction of your personal apology to Taojah?

Am I following this at all? What were we talking about anyway?

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That about sums this thing up. :D


Appreciated, I feel redeemed. smile.gif

SeaMonkey and Liam,

I agree. Bush and company have gotten to the point of being genuinely scary. But let's not discuss it here, where it's completely off topic (I don't mean this particular thread, of course, which was never really on one! :D ). Let's take it over to SCBuntaland, where can talk politics the way it ought to be talked, like were in an old Bavarian beer hall and, uh, okay, poor example. :rolleyes:

Brother Rambo, David Chapuis, Ottosmops, and all the rest of us who are either Dumbos or Buntas, let's all reconcile our differences and get together -- yes, like in the photo, that's a start. tongue.gif


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No reason to set any record straight as none of that was ever insinuated. Glad you don't live in fear and all the rest.

When it comes to certain administrations, I live in fear and yes, I think we've got Alibaba and the Forty Thieves in power and we can't afford them. I don't think either the nation or the world can afford much more of them, and I don't seem to be alone in that view. None of which is particularly relevant to anything here.

Kouzin Kuni,

Medications? Oh, I thought I forgot something this morning. :D

Brother Rambo,

Here's Vito in happier days. ;)


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I really don't why any one should be apologetic for what the Nazi's did or would have done. When you review what Japan did, no better. Except bleeding hearts make excuses for there behavior.Because of there old ways. And a lot of people have misgivings of Stalin being a good heart when in fact he murder millons as well. And since the end of WW2, we still have genocide wars going on. Some say is there right, or there religion to do this. And in todays Tv's or satallite commucations s**t still happens. So what Germany may have tried or not tried. No one will know for sure. We should be grateful at least we did stop them. What we should be ashamed of, is whet we have not done since WW2. Blaming the goverment for there lack of response is our fault. When people can do whats right and have a few idiots out say the majority wants. Want attention, feel needed, I am sure Cindy the worst mother ever to live in a while could help you. As far as religious quotes. I tired of them, since those who say them are the one's you should watch out for. And all I wanted was to see any new advice on game.

Where's my rum and coke

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