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The Kuniworth-Jersey People's War

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Kuniworth and myself will be having a PBEM AAR game using Kuni's War in Russia Campaign.

November, 1940.

After a fine start the European War has become boring, nothing much except U-boats and air raids. The Fuhrer livens things up by inviting beloved Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov to Berlin so he can make some outlandish demands, justifying an invasion of the USSR.


They meet for lunch and diplomatic outrages.


Molotov) "Anyway, we need an ice free port, someplace where we can import and export stuff and do some swimming in water that doesn't freeze up on us."

Hitler) "India has some nice harbors, why not join us in fighting the UK and take a few British colonies?"

Molotov) "India? Ever hear of the Himalayas? No, the boss says that's a lot of trouble to go through. And once we take the place we got the Hindus and Moslems to deal with. We already got enough headaches with the Ukranians and Cossacks."

Hitler) "Okay, so a little crossing of some water and you have Alaska and the whole west coast of North American. I hear San Diego and Los Angeles are nice places for swimming."

Molotov) "Ha! -- Why don't you cross the English Channel and take Britain? Show us how it's done and we'll be glad to follow your example."

Hitler) "Okay, so what do you want from us?"

Molotov) "Norway."

Hitler) *chocking on his veggies*

Molotov) *concerned* "Not all of it, only the northern part. And naturally we'll need a secure railway line getting to our new ports, so we better have Sweeden too -- only the northern half. And Finland too, which is ours anyway."

Hitler) *Receiving first aid*

Molotov) *vexed* "What? Was it something I said?"

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The Ruskie Molotov gets back on his plane and returns to Uncle Joe Stalin.

The Fuhrer, filled with love and good cheer after the visit, calls the ancient warrior, Fieldmarshall Johan von Jersey, out of his fourth retirement. Hitler feels the coming campaign needs someone of the old, perhaps even ancient, school. Hero of the Franco-Prussian War, special adviser to the General Staff in the Great War, the aged Fieldmarshall polishes his spiked helmet and leaves the sanatorium, "The Kaiser calls. I must go."


Hitler) "Well, fieldmarshall, I understand you've been chomping at the bit for a command."

Johan) "Is that what they told you? I was in a sanatorium. Just the other day I told a pretty young nurse how much I hoped that unhinged Austrian corporal will just leave me alone and let me die in peace."

Hitler) *looking at a map, not listening to a word* "Splendid, I knew I could count on you." *leaning forward* "This is a map of European Russia."

Johan) "No kidding, putz."

Hitler) "How would you like to lead my armies in taking the place?"

Johan) "I'm a very old man, why can't you just leave me alone? Russia is cold, I hate the dump, and it's too big. Be smart, make peace with the British so I can move to the Bahammas and die under a beach umbrella."

Hitler) *again, not listening to a word* "That's the spirit!. And yes, you can have the three million troops you've asked for."

Johan) "Where'd you get that from? Ten million -- I'm asking for ten million!"

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The Battle for Russia Begins!

Army Group North

Fieldmarshall Ritter von Leeb HQ


56th Panzer crosses the Nieman River east, takes Kaunas, soviets destroying the city, and attacks 16th Rifles from the rear, reducing it to 2.

41st Panzer crosses the Nieman southeast and takes Vilna, unopposed but also unable to attack Soviet units. Socialist fanatics destroy the city.

26th Corps moves east to attack the already bloodied 16th Rifles across the Nieman, no losses to either side.

28th Corps attacks the 29th Rifles, reducing it to 3 with light casualties to itself.

26th Corps crosses the Nieman to SW of Kaunas, attacks the decimated 16th Rifles, destroying it.

1st Corps crosses the Nieman to N of Kaunas, attacks 10th Rifles, reducing it to 5 receiving light casualties.

2nd Corps attacks the bloodied 29th Rifles, destroys it and advances to the SE.

8th Corps attacks the 3rd Army, reducing it to 1 and moves east.

-- 1st Fliegerkorps destroys the remants of 3rd Army with air attacks.

38th Corps attacks the 10th Rifle across the Nieman and reduces it to 4.

23rd Corps moves NE to Nieman and attacks 10th Rifle across the river, reducing it to 3.

Army Group Center

Fieldmarshall Fedor von Bock HQ


7th Corps attacks 6th Tank Army in Bialystock reduces it to 3 while losing 3/12.

-- 8th Fliegerkorps attacks the Sov 6th Tanks, fights an air battle and reduces it to 2.

5th Corps attacks Bialystock and destroys the remnants of 6th Tank Army.

38th Panzers takes Bialystock, Soviet fanatics destroying the city, and attacks 10th Soviet Army, reducing it to 1.

-- 2nd Fliegerkorps attacks 10th army and finishes destroying it.

57th Panzers attack 4th Rifle, reducing it to 2, and advance to the southeast.

10th Corps finishes destroying the 4th Rifle and and advances to the Nieman River.

13th Corps crosses Western Bug to attack the 8th Cavalry, reducing it to 3 at –1 loss.

43rd Corps finishes destroying the 8th Cavalry and advances southeast.

6th Corps moves southwest to attack the 5th Rifles, reducing it to 3.

9th Corps finishes destroying the 5th Rifles and advances southeast.

20th Corps moves south to attack 1st Rifles and reduces it to 5.

24th Panzer crosses the W Bug to NE of Brest-Litovsk, attacking the 47th Rifles, reducing it to 2.

12th Corps crosses Western Bug to south of fortress city of Brest-Litovsk, cutting it off.

46th Panzer crosses W Bug and attacks the decimated 3rd Air Army, destroying it on the ground.

47th Panzer crosses W Bug to NE of Brest-Litovsk, attacking 47th Rifles, reducing it to 2.

Army Group South

Fieldmarshall Gerd von Rundstedt HQ


48th Panzer crosses the Western Bug attacking 5th Army, reducing it to 1 at –2 losses.

17th Corps attacks the decimated 5th Army across the river and finishes destroying it.

44th Corps crosses W Bug to attack 15th Rifles in difficult terrain, no losses either side.

3rd Panzer crosses W Bug to Pripyet Marshes, attacks 8th Air Army, reducing it to 1.

14th Panzer attacks and destroys the 6th Army, advancing SE afterwards.

29th Corps attacks 6th Rifles and reduces it to 2.

--4th Fliegerkorps attacks unidentified Soviet armor south of Lvov.

--5th Fliegerkorps attacks unidentified Soviet armor south of Lvov and destroys it.

4th Corps attacks 26th Army east of Lvov, reduces it to 1 and moves northeast.

5th Corps moves northeast and finishes destroying the Soviet 26th Army.

49th Mountain Corps moves northeast and attacks 8th Rifle, reduces it to 5 at –1 loss.

Rumanian Front

Fieldmarshall Ion Antonescu HQ


Rumanian Army supported by 3 German corps, maneuver toward River Prut, making contact with 4 Soviet corps in defensive positions west of Odessa.

[ July 22, 2006, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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June 22, 1941

The soviet high command hears about the fascist invasion around 3.30 AM. Timoshenko, Molotov, Kallinin, Kulik, Voroshilov and Stalin meets in Moscow in the morning to discuss the situation.

(Stalin, lighting his pipe) - Comrade defence commissar, what actions do you propose we undertake?


(Timoshenko) - I have personally ordered a general counteroffensive to throw the fascist invaders from our native soil.


(Stalin) - That seem kinda weird since no one have heard from the entire frontline for several hours...

(Voroshilov) - Joe, Semyon knows what he's talkin about, send out Budenny's cavalry and this business will be finished by noon.

(Stalin) - Look, since a couple of hours we got our own Bermuda Triangle on the western border. Everything that goes there disappear and is never heard from again. Does'nt it strike you like a bit odd, heck if I want things to disappear I send them to Siberia.

(Kulik) - Dear premier, let's declare a holy war against that Bermuda Triangle, and sweep the enemy from our territory!

(Stalin) - Nah I've thought this out. Zhdanov up in Leningrad has put up the signal, our own superhero should arrive here in any second.

(Molotov) - You mean...

The door bursts open..

(Kulik, Voroshilov and Timoshenko) - KUNIWORTHSKI!!!!


(Kuniworth) - The one and only. Now what seem to be the problem here?

(Stalin) - Germans have invaded Soviet Russia on a front stretching from Murmansk to the Black sea smashing everything opposing them. 3-4 million troops, thousands of tanks and airplanes are killing everything in their path.

(Kuniworth) - Hm seem kinda not gay(gay=happy) who is commanding their forces?

(Voroshilov) - Reports talk about Johann von Jersey...

(Kulik) - Is'nt he dead?

(Voroshilov) - Apperently not, anyway we had to search the historical museums to find any info on him. Seem this guy has not commanded a single regiment since some skirmish with Grouchy's french near Waterloo in 1815.


(Kuniworthski, looking serious) - Gentlemen, I would not underestimate this man. Von Jersey is a villain, a bad apple that gotta be removed from the apple tree. Don't worry Joe, I will take care of this!

(Stalin) - My army is at your disposal, I can't tell you the relief it brings me that the fate of the nation now lays in the hand of a man in tights.

So the war begins...


All is quiet, but intelligence reports that Finland is about to join Nazi-Germany!


Northwest Front commander Kuznetsov orders a fall back on Riga. Some formations ordered to stay and attacks the german airfields in East Prussia. Germans occupy Kaunas and Vilna.


Pavlov's West Front is shattered before the onslaught and the Biyalostok bulge eliminated. Pavlov retreats eastward to form a stand around Minsk. Red Airforce seriously damaged.



Mikhail Kirponos orders the Southwest Front to fall back towards Kiev. The 3 Panzer Corps of 1st german panzer army is cut off from supply. Although with little effect this may delay the attack on Zhitomir.

Southern Front is retreating to the old Stalin line on river Dniestr. Bessarabia will be abandoned.


Winston Churchill declares support of the soviet Union.


Roosevelt declares support of the soviet Union.


De Gaulle declares support of the Soviet Union.


Meanwhile Bulgaria declares neutrality and Tannu Tuva declares war on Germany. On june 24-27, Finland, Slovakia and Huingary seize the oppurtunity to declare war on us!!! Those swines will pay.

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June 27,

Sir Stafford Cripps arrives at the Kremlin.


- Hello I'm here too see uncle Joe.

The door bursts open...

(Cripps) - KUNIWORTHSKII!!!!


(Kuniworthski riding on an elephant) - That's right Cripps. Joe is at his Datja, he left the business to me. What do you want?

(Cripps) - Uhm, we want the Soviet Union to join the allies.

(Kuniworthskii) - Consider it done. Now I have to go back to the front. Some germans blew up Budenny's sauna near Uman. We are diverting all resources to regain the sauna.

(Cripps pointing on the elephant) - Does it eat much?

(Kuniworthskii) - you mean the Bat Elephant? Nah but it **** like hell.

And so it was that the Soviet Socialist Republics joined the Allies in the war on Nazi-Germany...

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Couldn't find a good color photo of von Leeb, so I had to take what I could get. The Army Photographic Services hasn't functioned properly since Willie Schwartz decided to leave Germany in 1933.

-- Okay, replacing that fine color portrait of some vague Junker fieldmarshall alleged to be Wm Keitel with a grand b&w of the genuine article. ;)

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Thanks SeaMonkey, glad you're enjoying it. At last word the sauna was still in National Socialist hands. It is considered vital that we hold it as FM Johan von Jersey has heard it's waters are youth restoring.



Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, chief of the Abwehr, updates his files.

The Fuhrer ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union to begin on June 22nd and sent a list of grievences to Stalin through the regular mail on June 26th. The so-called document is 534 pages long and ends with a warning that if Stalin does not cooperate in the war against Britain, Russo-German relations will grow even worse.

We are still trying to unravel that part.

June 26th was chosen because it is the birthday of FM Johan von Jersey, Commander Eastern Theater of Operations. Exactly which birthday nobody knows as the fellow has stopped counting them ages ago.

Fragmentary records indicate von Jersey was killed in action in 1815, again in 1866, once more in 1870 and a third time in 1916, retiring from the service after each such event to return from retirement later on. Unofficially he is known to be a vampire, maintaining some semblance of life by feeding on the blood of young virgins. Which is why he earlier turned down positions in both Paris and Rome.


This office has contacted a leading expert on this subject asking how, if the old fellow spends so much time on beaches, sun bathing, he can be a vampire. We are told that the fatal sunlight situation is a myth.

*in his private journal* ++ So, now we have a real vampire running things along with all the still breathing blood suckers who cling to that Austrian corporal. ++

The Fuhrer and this many times decorated centenarian and a half go back a long way.

File Updated 24-6-41 -- WK.


Abwehr file updated on Kuniworth

A shadowy figure, up till now literally inseperable from his, uh, friend, Robin Redbreast.


We have come across him before, in the United States, South America and during our Himmallayan expiditions. Always he is fighting on the side of good and justice and happiness, which he calls "Gayness." We cannot figure out why.

He is a formidable advisary with a huge array of secret weapons, cunning, always coming up with the unexpected.

But we never, till now, suspected that he was actually a socialist. Life is full of surprises.

File Updated 25-6-41 -- WK



Game moves to follow shortly. ;)

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29 June 1941

Luftwaffe reports that the Soviet Air Force sustained severe losses in the opening attacks and is thought to be crippled.


FM Jersey, CinC East, to his Army Group Commanders:


AGN -- FM von Leeb,

Clear those insolent dogs out of East Prussia and advance north to Helsinki, destroying the lot of them. *an aide reminds him that Helsinki is filled with German allied Finns* -- I mean, advance north and take Petrograd. *same aide points to a spot on the operations map* -- I mean, take Leningrad!

AGC -- FM von Bock

Crush that contemptuous little fortress of Brest-Litovsk and drive on Minsk-Smolensk-Moscow. Call me when you reach the Kremlin and it's cleared of booby traps.

AGS -- FM von Rundstedt

Clear that salient, destroy the South Front armies, and proceed to Kiev. Try not to do too much damage to the old churches and other landmarks. Link up with Antonescu, take Odessa and the Crimea. Call me when you reach Rostov.

Finnish Front:

4th F Corps attacks Vyborg to the south and reduces 19th Rifle to 4.

Reserve F Corps SE to N of Vyborg, attacks & reduces 19th Rifle to 3 @-1

2nd F Corps SE into Isthmus att Vyborg & destroys 19th Rifle Corps.

-- Offensive halts north of city.

Army Group North:

East Prussia:

38th Corps attacks Soviet 8th Corps and reduces it to 1

-- 1st Fliegerkorps destroys Sov 8th Corps with air attacks

-- -- It is duly noted that this attack was conducted assbackwards, depriving the infantry of its chance to cross into Russia.

23rd Corps NE attacking 10th Rifles, reducing it to 1

1st Corps NE to w bank of Dvina opposite Dvinsk, att & destroys 10th Rifles to W.


56th Panzer from Kraunas to Dvinsk, takes the city, which is destroyed by the fleeing commisars.

Remainder of AGN proceeds east to liberate the Baltic States.

Army Group Center

-- 2nd Fliegerkorps air attacks Brest-Litovsk garrison; no losses to either side.

24th Panzer attacks Brest-Litovsk reducing 28th Rifle to 5 and proceeds east, revealing Soviet infantry in the Stalin Line defenses west of Minsk.

53rd Corps SE attacking Brest-Litovsk reducing 28th Rifles to 3

13th Corps SE att Brest-Litovsk reducing 28th Rifles to 1

35th Corps to SE att Brest-Litovsk across Western Bug, destroying 28th Rifle Corps

12th Corps N to occupy Brest-Litovsk and replenish supplies.


10th Corps SE occupying section of Stalin Line North of Minsk

57th Panzer SE takes Stalin Line north of Minsk attacks 4th Airborne, reducing it to 2@-1

39th Panzer takes Stalin Line NW of Minsk and destroys 4th Airborne.

Army Group Center:

52nd Corps attacks 8th Rifles reducing it to 4@-1

4th Corps SE attacking Lvov, reducing 1st Cavalry to 4

55th Corps attacks 6th Rifle, destroying it and occupying the position.

17th Corps attacks 27th Rifles reducing it to 6

34th Corps SE crossing Western Bug to attack 15 Rifles, reducing it to 4

-- 5th Fliegerkorps air attacks 27th Rifles reducing them to 3@-1

44th Corps SW back across Western Bug, attacks and destroys 27th Rifle Corps.

-- 4th Fliegerkorps air attacks Lvov, reducing 5th Cavalry to 3

29th Corps SE to E of Lvov, destroying 5th Cavalry, opening city.

14th Panzer W, taking Lvov and attacking 8th Rifle Corps to the west, destroying it. Soviet arsonists make waste the captured city.

48th Panzer NE attacking 15th Rifle, reducing it to 1

3rd Panzer NW re-establishes contack with supply base.

Rumanian Front

Fieldmarshall Antonescu establishes a solid defensive line along the Prut River and awaits further devolopments.

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June 29-july 6

Russian forces continue to retreat to the interior. Heavy losses.


50th Rifle Corps reoccupy Vyborg.


Northwest Front is massing at Riga which is the key to the Baltic states. If we can hold this city, it will buy time for Pskov and Leningrad.


Pavlov's western front is almost wiped out. The survivning forces are trying to delay the fall of Minsk for at least one more turn.


Cautious german advance, we still hold Zhitomir. Kirponos are working on Kiev defences.


Kishinev abandoned, we prepare to take a stand behind river Dniestr.

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Week beginning 6 July 1941

Finland Front

Reserve Corps (10) attacks 50th Rifle (7) in Vyborg reducing it to 4

2nd F Corps destroys 50th Rifle Corps (4) and liberates Vyborg, which is destroyed by the exiting Soviet secret police. Makes contact with Soviet 1st Tank Army (10) to the south and spots 2 Soviets Armies in and east of Leningrad. Digs in and awaits counterattack.


In the Baltic the German 22nd U-boat flotilla makes contact with Soviet subs nw of Talinn.

Army Group North

23rd Corps (11) NE contact w 11th Rifles (7) attacks, reducing them to 5

26th Corps (11) NE into woods @Dvina attacks 5th Airborne (7) across river, no losses to either side.

41st Panzer NE attacks 5th Airborne (7) reducing it to 2 @-1 losses

1st Corps (10) NE crosses Dvina and destroys 5th Airborne(2) @-1 losses

56th Panzer (12) Dvinsk NE attacks 67th Rifle (7) reducing it to 1

Army Group Center

47th Panzer (12) SE attacks Minsk to W reducing 2nd Rifles (10) to 7 @-1 losses

-- 8th Fliegerkorps (12) attks Minsk from air red 2nd Rfl (7) to 6

10th Corps (11) SE attk Minsk to SW reducing 2nd Rfl (6) to 4@-1 losses

48th Panzer SE att Minsk from the north destroying 2nd Rifle (4)

39th Panzer (12) SE Takes Minsk, NKVD destroying city, and attacks 1st Rifle (10)to the NW in Stalin Line reducing it to 5 @ -1 losses.

57th Panzer (11) attacks 1st Rifle (5) in defenses, destroying it and moves to Mogilev vicinity making contact with Pavlov HQ, observing Soviet Army in Mogilev.

9th Corps (12) crosses Nieman River and attacks 47th Rifles (10) in defenses west of Minsk reducing it to 7

24th Panzer (12) SE to woods so of Stalin Line Defenses attacks 47th Rifle (7) and reduces it to 5

Army Group South

4th Corps SE and observes Soviet Corps in Taropol.

48th Panzer (10) SW attacks Tarnopol reducing 49th Rifles (10) to 9

3rd Panzer (12) SW attacking Tarnopol from the West reducing 49th (9) to 6

-- 5th Fliegerkorps (10) air attacks Tarnopol reducing 49th (6) to 5

-- 4th Fliegerkorps (9) air attacks Tarnopol reducing 49th (5) to 3


17th Corps (10) crosses Western Bug and destroys the 49th Rifles (3)

29th Corps (12) W attacks 37th Rifle (10) reducing it to 7 @-1 losses

14th Panzer SW attacks 37th Rifles (7) and reduces it to 2

Rumanian Front

Crosses the River Prut into region Red Army has abandoned and 6th Armata occupies Kisniev, which is destroyed by agents of the Soviet Secret Police.


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July 6-13


Finnish advance on Petrozavodsk. Baltic Fleet bombard Vyborg but no attack made to retake the city.


Battle for Riga continues, russians prepare to fight to the last man.


Defence of Minsk was a disaster, Pavlov evacuates Belorussia.


Germans have bogged down at Zhitomir. We bring forth some Rifle corps to hold the city and get time to strenghten Kiev.


We man the Stalin-Line on river Dniestr, not all formations up to full strength but line looks quite solid for now.

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Thanks Scook, very glad you're enjoying it.

Here's some more photos and, from all of us at the Fuhrer's mountain tea house, the latest Axis game turn. smile.gif

As we say in the Reich, Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

And now ===>


German Subs are mauled trying to shield Finland from a reported Soviet amphibious operation. They seek refuge and the protection of the Kriegsmarine's surface units, which are fishing for sardines in the North Sea.


The Northern Isthmus area is reinforced and no further advances are made as it is well known that this country is only fighting to have returned what is rightfully theirs, stolen by the Soviets in 1940.

Army Group North

Riga is taken after a clumsy assault from all sides that resulted in unnecessary German casualties but also in the the destruction of a Soviet tank army. The 67th Rifle Corps is temporarily cut off east of the city.


Army Group Center


Hammer blows delivered on Mogilev by the 46th-39th-24th and 47 Panzers resulting in the destruction of a Soviet tank army defending the city, which is taken by the 57th Panzer Corps.

Infantry catching up. Massive Soviet reorganization noted to the east.

Army Group South

Tarnopol taken after massive assaults with heavy Soviet losses in the area, including a tank army NW of Kiev.


The 3rd Panzer incurred heavy losses from a Soviet tank ambush in the woods SW of the city. Massive Soviet tank buildup reported west of Kiev. Counterattacks expected.


Fieldmarshall Antonescu consolidates the Kishniev Line and awaits further developments.


And now, live from Prague, it's the radio show everybody is taking about, Wilhelm O'Reichy and the No Tumble Zone.

Good evening my fellow supermen, superladies and superchildren.

Well, another week of invading the USSR has passed, of helping the Finns and Rumanians regain their lost territories, stolen by that false friend Joe Stalin. Another week of watching joyful Russians throwing flowers on our tanks.

And, hey, did we see any so called partisan activity this time around? No. Why not? Isn't it obvious, everybody loves us.

By the way, I sure wish those crazed commisars would stop blowing buildings up as they exit their cities. What's that about anyway?

Coming up after a station break we'll correct some ignorant assholes with opinions different from our own in a free, open and unbiased debate.

Know something? I was just talking with my good friend, Heinrich Himmler and I asked if he knew a single person in all of Germany, heck, all of the Greater Reich, who didn't absolutely love the Nazi regime and he said he didn't. Neither do I.

But in case you're one of those pitiful, moronic fathead untermensh bastards whose grandparents were pigs, one of those cruds who doesn't like our wonderful Aryan paradise, and you would like to voice your stupid asinine views on this fair and objective show, get in touch with me

Care of:

Reinhard The Butcher of Prague Heydrich

666 Punch Your Balls Plaza

Prague, Germany outside of Good Old Germany

And we'll send someone from the Gestapo Social and Welfare Services to pick you and your family and friends up.

And now for a message from our sponser, The Hitler Youth.

Hello superboys. Are you bored just hanging around the house? Ever wonder what it would be like to volunteer to go out and see the world, maybe learn how to construct tank traps in the Ukraine and --


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July 13-20, 1941


Finnish retreat from Petrozavodsk suburbs. No attacks towards Leningrad which is perfectly understandable. The area just south of Vyborg is a killing ground for anyone who enters it.



An angry Kuniworthskii calls up Kuznetsov to ask him about the loss of Riga:

(Kuniworthskii) - What the anti-gay happened there???

(Kuznetsov) - Our whole tank reserve defended the city but sucumbed to overwhelming fascists attacks.

(Kuniworthskii) - But in the name of the great Stalin, how in earth's name do you expect tanks to fight a street war??? From now on it will be absolutly forbidden to sacrifice expensive a´500 MMP a pop tanks for no purpose. This is an outrage!!! Look I know it's fun to opress the latvian people but let the germans oppress tehm too. We are socialists and equality is our motto, it's just fair that they have their share of experience in enslaving some balts.

(Kuznetsov) - Yes Comrade Superhero.

(Kuniworthskii) - Just be sure you burn the damn city down to the ground first.

(Kuznetsov) - of course Comrade Superhero.

(Kuniworthskii) - That's all for know. You should be glad we did not shot you, but considering a new leader cost half of a tank army you can stay for now.


The german juggernaut smashes into Mogilev, steam rolling over the defending army. Russians are working day and night to strenghten the lines before Moscow. Reserve armies will arrive soon.


The world's greatest tank battle commences as russians counterattack at Tarnopol. It will go down in history as the

The great tank battle at Tarnopol July 6-20;


Following the rapid advance of armygroup south the panzer spearheads of von Kleist's 1st Panzer Army begun the attack on Tarnopol defences on july 6. A breakthrough here would not only open a gateway to Zhitomir and Kiev(and thus the whole western Ukraine), but also keep Budenny's sauna safe.

The germans finally took Tarnopol on july 13 unknowing of the russian build up of the tank-formations of Kirponos southwestern front and rushed in STAVKA reserves. However the german launched an preemptive strike destroying 1 tank army and seriously damaged another before the russian attack would commence, however the germans were unaware that this was just a small part of the russian build up.

The russians then on july 15 counterattacked from Uman and Zhitomir in two pincers advancing into the german 3rd and 48th Panzer Corps of the 1st Panzer Army. The tank groups smashed into each other in close combant in the wooded area south east of Tarnopol, heavily outnumbered the german 3rd and 48th Pz armies were utterly destroyed while the remnants of the 1st Panzer Army(the 14th Panzer Corps) was ordered to take up defensive positions at Tarnopol in close connection with infantry support.

Although the russians suffered much more losses in tanks and men this was a strategic victory that blunted any attempt by the germans to take Kiev rapidly. Southwest Front commander Kirponos earned the title "Hero of the Soviet Union" for this action. German tank losses numbered about 800-1000 while russian losses are estimated at 2000 modern tanks of KV-1 and T-34:s.


Burning panzers south of Tarnopol


No action. Antonescu is moving up his forces. The whole Bessarabia now in axis hands.


German 22nd u-boat flotilla sunk.


On july 14, UK occupies Syria.

[ July 24, 2006, 06:01 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Schwerpunkt Ukraine!

The Fuhrer receives word of the disassterous armored losses outside Tarnopol, the virtual annihlation of AGS's armored units, both 3rd and 48th Panzer corps destroyed. Assessing the situation with Fieldmarshal Keital and Colonelgeneral Jodl he at once pronounces "Schwerpunkt Ukraine."



Hanko Port is liberated and the NKVD destroys the docks as they leave.

Army Group North

The panzers are reinforced and replenished as infantry columns catch up. The 67th Rifle is shattered with the remnants of Riga's defenders rounded up in open country.

Army Group Center

Obeying the special Fuhrer Scherpunkt Order, Fieldmarshall von Bock redirects his panzer corps south, taking Bryansk and destroying a Soviet corps that garrisoned the city, which was demolished by the retreating Soviets.

Army Group South

The remaining Panzers are withdrawn to north of Tarnopol as the infantry moves to the North West Kiev region. Fieldmarshall von Rundstedt regroups and reports to Eastern Commander FM von Jersey:

Jersey) -- I tell you, Rundstedt, up till now I though Dunkirk was your masterpiece, but this -- ! I'm at a loss for words.

Rundstedt) -- Goering was the one at Dunkirk who --

Jersey) -- Never mind Dunkirk. Two panzer corps. Two crack panzer corps, gone.

Rundstedt) -- I'll make them pay.

Jersey) -- Never mind that, I want Kiev.

Rundstedt) -- How about you get that Rumanian to break out of Bessarabia and take some of the pressure off my boys?

Jersey) -- Sure, all he'd have to do is crack 2 armies and 8 corps in prepared defensive works behind a major river. But other than that I'm sure there wouldn't be any problem. Remember the plan, Rundstedt? You were supposed to cut south and free things up for him.

Rundstedt) -- Yeah, kind of like what Bock is going to do for me now.

Jersey) -- I'm supposed to make some sort of report to that Austrian corporal. I'd offer my resignation except it's already a standing request. He said he needs somebody on this front with nerves of steel. I'm an old man, Rundstedt.

Rundstedt) -- So am I, herr Fieldmarshall.

Jersey) -- Very well, more exactly, I'm an ancient man, Rundstedt, and I need my rest. No more Tarnopols, no more Dunkirks, just move nice and slow and give me the Ukraine so I can go off and die in peace for a change.

Rumanian Front

FieldMarshall Antonescu decides the Soviet line is impregnable and extends the Axis lines north.

In other news:

The Fuhrer has appointed two governors to keep the locals satisfied in the newly conquered territories.

Governor Martin Moon is to administer the regions north of Pripyets


Governor Matthew Madd is to keep the peace in the Ukraine.


In a speech in Berlin --

At last we have the Bolshevik dogs exactly where we want them. They thought they could run forever but no, my friends, they couldn't.

Colonelgeneral Heinz Guderian has lured the Bolshevik armor into a deathtrap outside of the insignificant town of Tarnopol. There, in the truest tradition of Aryan courage and heroism, the brave men of 3rd and 48th Panzers fought to the last, destroying scores of Russian tanks for every tank they themselves lost, but in the end there were too many of the enemy and our couragous panzerknights were overwhelmed. But fear not, the Bolsheviks have been bled white. Even now fresh offensives are smashing through the rotten state of Russia, arrows on the map moving everywhere -- North, East and South! -- Devouring everything in their path.

Heil Hitler!

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July 20, 1941

A month of action has passed. Heavy losses on the russian side, but a crippling blow for the axis in the Ukraine.


Mannerheim seem to resume the advance on Petrozavodsk.


Riga defenders are all eliminated. Next stop pskov, caucasus reinforcements brought up.



Bryansk, one of the key cities in the Moscow defence are lost, germanm panzers cut through the defence as if it was made of butter. Completly unsuspected move. This serious loss mean that our defenseline now got twice as long as Bryansk is a great stepping stone for attacks toward Gomel, Orel, Tula and the underbelly of Smolensk. Great move by Jersey.


The relentless russian attacks continues and 2 german infantry corps are lost to the huge red tank wave. Russian losses are getting higher but the german army group south totters in front of the colossal onslaught.


US freezes japanese assets in USA.

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One thing I noticed playing this scenario is that

the Russians certainly do have the option of massing

their armor and dealing the Germans a heavy loss in

tanks. In my game with Kuni (with the porked

German supply), I had killed one tank, got another

down to 1, and a third to 6-and half of my armor was

still waiting to be commmitted. I note the Russians

have all 13 of their armor on the board at start-

perhaps Kuni you can cut that down to like 8-10 and

have the rest arrive as reinforcements?

So I don't know noknok-not only do the Germans lose

their precious armor in the south, they also lose

the experience they had, and have to wait 1-3

months to get them back. Which also means the

Axis won't be able to buy extra corps, which means

nice gaps in the Axis line later on.

And in this scenario the going is VERY slow in the

south without the panzers, esp. with the Kiev

forts and the Dnieper lakes. They'll likely have

to do what Hitler did in the real war-send his AG

Central tanks down south to attack Kiev from the rear.

[ July 24, 2006, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: John DiFool the 2nd ]

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

One thing I noticed playing this scenario is that

the Russians certainly do have the option of massing

their armor and dealing the Germans a heavy loss in

tanks. In my game with Kuni (with the porked

German supply), I had killed one tank, got another

down to 1, and a third to 6-and half of my armor was

still waiting to be commmitted. I note the Russians

have all 13 of their armor on the board at start-

perhaps Kuni you can cut that down to like 8-10 and

have the rest arrive as reinforcements?

So I don't know noknok-not only do the Germans lose

their precious armor in the south, they also lose

the experience they had, and have to wait 1-3

months to get them back. And in this scenario

the going is VERY slow in the south without the

panzers, esp. with the Kiev forts and the Dnieper


Yes I'm thinking of merging more mech corps in a possible update for patch 1.03. However it's not that easy to know where to balance it, as I see it there is some reasons that make this happen;

1. Too cheap to upgrade tanks from level 0 to level 2(only 100 MMP).

2. Too easy to operate units. It's only MMP putting the limit, not railcapacity=Russia is in advantage here.

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Appreciated. Glad you like the pictures, but don't put too much money on the Germans as Army Group South is seriously floundering with heavy losses (2 panzer and 2 infantry corps) and they haven't even taken Kiev.

JohnD_Fool and Kuni

As you've been saying, Army Group South has been hard hit far short of Kiev. The odd thing is I handled that front more cautiously than the others but it didn't help. If I play this scenario again for the Axis I'll have to try doing it differently, but I don't see how that can be done unless the infantry is actually placed in front of the 3 panzer corps, and naturally that would never work -- the Soviets would always have strong units in front of them.

I anticipated being forced to turn Army Group Center either north or south and I wanted it to be north. I've always felt that the best plan was to takeout Leningrad first before going for Moscow. But now I have to follow the historical path, which I didn't count on.

What I'm thinking of, as a possible remedy, is to have two types of German infantry units, one of which is 1/3 faster than the other.

The slower type would be 1/3 cheaper and available as replacements ideal for rear areas. They would represent second line recruits being inducted after the first six months of fighting.

The faster type would be the normal cost and available at the start. They'd represent the best of the German Army and would be a little better able to keep up with the offensives.

As it is now, I think the infantry lags a little too far behind the spearheads.

-- The missing German surface fleet is also a problem. Can't see any reason that the Soviets wouldn't be able to have a field day landing troops anywhere they want in both Finland and Germany. Historically I don't think the Russian surface vessels in the Baltic did much more than hover around Leningrad, in some cases being permanently moored, serving as heavy armored artillery batteries.

I'd give the Russians and Germans two surface squadrons and two submarine squadrons each, allowing each to have some usefulness without being able to control the Baltic.

-- -- As for German MPP and not being able to afford to buy units. Why not have an Hungarian HQ and three corps come into the war at timed intervals during July and August of 41. That way the Germans wouldn't have to lay out the expense and would be able to create a useful force between AG South and the Rumanians.

** Historically, even throughout the campaign, the Rumanians and Hungarians held back, always eyeballing the other across their mutual border. In the field, the Germans tried to not have their units beside each other as they'd often skirmish against each other! :D

Of course there's no way of putting things like that in the game.

Kuni, if you'd like to make some changes to the scenario and start again with the new version I'd be glad to do so. -- Or, we can play this one to the end. I don't think the Germans can win, or even go as far as they did historically, but I'll still play.

-- Naturally, you're playing the Soviets much better than they were led in the real Barbarossa, so that's also something to consider.

Off to war. ;)

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As I said the problem here is two-folded;

1. upgrades are just to cheap, editor have not adressed it, so Russia can in more or less one week of gameplay turn all it's units into t-34. That is not good.

2. Russia can operate units all over the board because of no limit to operational movements. Thus you tend to get that all out one big battle as we see in the Ukraine.

I really hope Hubert adress this because as it stands now this is a real problem. If we can't get railheads at least there gotta be the possibility to increase cost of it and upgrades. As it stands now this is a real problem to operational scenarios like this one.

However I probably need to reduce the number of tank groups for Russia in any case. Maybe a reduction from 13 to 10 to start with would work. But it also vital to remember that this is also very much dependent on how hard the axis player strikes the first turn. In our game Jersey chose a cautious path in order to avoid casualties with the result that many of my panzer-groups got away to reinforce. Now that is of course a trade off between different advantages, but due to the no limit on operating this gets axis in a bit of problem early on. It seems.

Regarding the baltic this is more or less a matter of having a good modder create minefields. The russian navy should be trapped there for the whole war, and I don't mind making Hanko the only way out into the baltic. That would make it's strategic value bigger. BUT I'm not prepare to change the OOB in a drastic way due to my wish to keep the scenario as historical as possible in that aspect. There were no major naval engagements in the baltic and no need to introduce it.

Maybe Hungary could get an HQ early on(2nd Hun army commanded by Jany) but I'm not sure what difference that would make though as only present corps is the Hungarian mobile corps.

Regarding speed of units I think it is good as it stands now. Panzers move 4(can't give them more due to diagonal movement would then flung them across the whole board) and Infantry got 2 AP. That means that infantry is moving at half the speed which I find rather realistic.

WHAT you are looking for as I see it is the Mechanized divisions and motorised infantry. That is a valid point and what could be done is to introduce them at a movement Action Point of 3, thus be better to catch up the panzers.

Historically some of the Panzer Corps that Germany fielded in 1941 can very well be depicted as Mechanized infantry, that is a designer choice. Although all of them consisted of at least 1 panzer division they also included motorized infantry divisions as well as regular infantry formations. That would mean less panzer corps for Germany but mechanized infantry.

This would also solve the problem with tank groups on the soviet side. Soviet tank armies could be reduced to say 6(to represent the historical 6 tank armies) and all the mechanised corps on june 41 that lacked tanks could be depicted as Mechanized infantry formations.

I can of course make this change but I gotta stress that the real problem of upgrade costs and operational movement is the true game-balance problems. It is a bit like sc 1, people keep shifting whole fronts back and forth. In the orginal fall weiss scenario for sc2 this problem is a bit smaller as there are fewer cities but it still remain a big problem for a more realistic game.

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I agree 100% on everything you've said. Mechanized corps would serve the purpose. I recall reading that Germany doubled it's number of Panzer Divisions for Barbarossa by cutting in half the number of tanks in each and adding a motorized infantry regiment. I like the idea of having 3 mvt pt Mechanized corps whose role would primarily be to keep pace with the armor and defend newly taken cities.

Great points on the problems in the scenario and, of course, you're right. It's the way the game itself is set up and you've got no way around that. I wouldn't mind having very limited Operating for both sides throughout the entire campaign, perhaps 1 or 2 units each per turn, but as you said, that isn't an option.

Hopefully this will be straightened out.

-- If we're all especially nice to Blashy who knows, maybe he'll talk to Hubert about making a few changes to the editor, such as -- :D


The Fighting in the east has reached a critical stage.

FM Johan Jersey, after observing the bolstering of Soviet units to the south of Briansk, has reversed the Fuhrer's orders and sent Army Group Center's panzer thrusts to the northeast, striking the Smolensk area, destroying a Soviet Army and observing powerful Red Army defensive positions on the route to Moscow. Meanwhile the infantry moves east, closing the gap, the lead elements being within striking range of the main Soviet defenses.

The Luftwaffe flies numerous sorties against the Red Air Force, attacking one of it's fleets on the ground and inflicting unknown, but thought to be extensive, damage.


Army Group North

Proceeds north to Talinn and east to Pskov.

Army Group South

Reorganizes and counterattacks west of Tarnopol, destroying a Soviet Tank Army and an infantry corps through combined air and ground attacks.


The line continues being extended north, linking with troops from Axis Hungary under the command of Fieldmarshall Beregfy.


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