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[Rambo Invitational Tourney] Jesus vs Colin....winner will face Hellraiser for Crown

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AAR nº 2: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

We are in June 1940, 20 turns have been complete.

The mad allied commander has decided to conquer himself the world and has declared war on Norway (occupied some turns ago) and Iraq (will be surrendered in the next turn). On the other hand German Goverment had to declared war on Denmark and Belgium because these goverments were conspirating againts Hitler's wife dressmaker, unacceptable!!! ;)

Axis forces are going into France right now.

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Well, France fell but the British managed to, euh... pacify the Middle East and are now contemplating their next move : stay in Egypt to defend it or pack up and go someplace else.

The Russians are building up their troops but are staying far, far away from the war and the US are still doing nothing, except releasing press notes.

Just the standard start of the game, so far.

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AAR nº 3: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

We are in March 1941 (more or less), 45 turns have been complete.

Spain join the axis!!! :D Full diplomatic effort took big succes when Spain joined axis with an unbelieve raise of 34% from 73% up to 100%!!! I never saw it!!! :eek:

Allied commander is preventing my assault over Norway. He has lost some ships but Kriegsmarine too... Air recoinnance reports two armies next to Oslo: it will be a difficult task...

In africa, the italians has conquered Tunis and Argelia... No news about the british armies in Egypt.

Axis trust a little more in the victory with his new ally!

Russia is 43%.

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I will be updatuing this post: I am Axis

Hurried last minute top secret negotations between the Allies and the Germans fail and World War Two begins. The German demands were the Danzig Corridor and the Scandinavian countries, primarily for the hot Scandiavian babes. The Germans even graciously offered to leave France alone. The Allies countered by offering Poland and Polish sausages, which the Germans have rejected. Talk of a compromise involving a "Swedish women convoy" was found to be just a rumour, although the Germans did offer to put down their swords for a shipment of 30,000 blond women from Norway, but this was swiftly rejected and the Germans crossed the Polish border. World War Two is all Norway's fault.

Meanwhile Poland and Denmark have fallen, and the German sub in the ATlantic gets caught by a Frog cruiser, but may be saved by bad weather.

And I get a major tech hit before 1940! Yaa! : )

May 1940 Update:

The Germans roll through Beglium and Paris is soon under seige. Their secret technology is revealed as an early introduction of the Fock Wulfe 190, which quickly rules the skies over France. meanwhile, paratroopers and marines take Oslo and Norway surrenders to the Axis. The Italians prepare for war.

July 1940 Update:

France falls on the 7th, and the Axis shift forces for the next round of attacks.

German submarine wolfpacks engage a British battleship group off of the coast of Norway and inflict substantial damage. The Luftwaffe engages Canadian cruisers and the RAF off the coast of Brest.

Meanwhile in the Med, British Bomber Command, the Med Fleet, and the Free French Strasbourg pound Tobruk continually. The Italians respond by begining air raids on Malta and sinking the Strasbourg with a combined sub/battleship attack. The battle for the Med Sea has begun.

August-September 1940 Update:

The Germans invade Sweden. Two divisions of patratroopers arriving from Denmark land around Stockholm and two corps rush in from Oslo. It is over in 2 turns.

Meanwhile, off the coast of Bergen the Royal Navy deals a crippling defeat to the Kriegsmarine when they sink two U-boat wolfpacks. Damn them to hell!!!

The Italian Regina Marina continues to fight the Royal Navy off the coast fo Tobruk. The Andrea Doria is crippled by attacks from Warspite and a carrier, and returns to Italy for repairs; the Vittoro is sunk. The cruisers and submarine carry on the fight, crippling Warspite in return. Italian planes continue to bombard Malta.

The reason for Italy's naval aggression soon becomes clear; Italy launches an amphibous invasion of Greece, with Lvl 2 Infantry!

The amphib portion of the invasion does not go well, with the landing Army recieving 70% landing casualties. Even so, the Italians come across the Albanian border with German HQ support and the press the fight. Both greek border armies are surrounded and doomed.

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Hello Sy & Preusse,

I sent my first turn PBEM over a week ago to Sy,

haven't heard anything from you! You alive?

@Preusee --- Neither myself or Hellraiser have heard

from you. If you don't have the energy to press the

"reply" button, how can you game?

Not trying to be rude, I'm sure you guys have

important stuff in life, but I've gotta move this

thing forward.

You have exactly 24 hours to reply with something or

the matches are going to be a loss due to "no-show".

Kindly as I can type it,


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A moment of prayer..................yes it seems that Normal Dude has succumbed to the rampant oppressive call of imperialistic Fascism. The Axis have literally gone wild.

The perverted Nazis not being satisfied with their Norwegian concubines saw fit to add to their stables by back stabbing the Swedes. Rape and pillage from the skies as two full Fallschirmjager corps descend and curiously target only the famous Swedish Spas. HMmmmm???

Well with the loss of such national treasures the Swedes could not go on and so humbly surrendered.

May we pray??.................yes my SC brethren because of all your thoughful prayers the Royal Navy happen to stumble upon a scourge of wolfpacks departing the North Sea area. Through skillful maneuver and devout discipline the evil threat was vanquished. In keeping with that well known British humanity, beachballs were tossed to the helplessly swimming German mariners so that they would not fall prey to hypothermia.

A humorous moment was observed by RN surveillance as the Norwegian concubines were seen in a fit of laughter as their conquerors made the beach with their aspects in a very shrivelled state.

But not all was gay, for in the Med the Italians are pressing forward and testing the Egyptian defenses with naval sorties. Bloody exchanges from both sides leave the Regina Marina with only two very damaged cruiser task forces in the vicinity. Again through skillful coordination of land bombers, carriers and battleship groups, the sea floor is now littered with the hulks of many Italian war vessels.

Not to be intimidated the Italians invade Greece, but initially are repulsed with many casualties. Cut off in the Pindus Mountains from the main force an entire Italian army surrenders and is led off to internment camps. Don't be alarmed my SC brothers the cordial Greeks allowed them refuge in the many beautiful islands of the Cyclades. Obviously the well known mariner skills of the Italians precludes them from making an escape across water.

As the sun sets across what was once a gay Europe, the September skies are foreboding with Luftwaffe air demons striking down even the most defenseless English Sparrows. A darkness settles across the continent and the remainder of 1940 does not look good for the righteous forces of the Allies. But let not your "aspects" be shrivelled my SC brothers, for in the lands of milk and honey there is retribution coming, good people are working, scientists are discovering, and the "Terrible Swift Sword" is being sharpened.

Let us pray.

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AAR nº 4: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

We are in October 1941 (more or less), 64 turns have been complete.

Great and exciting turns have been seen here. As the RN prevents my assault over the british norway i decided to try to get Sweeden. After an unssucesfull initial asault i could see ( :eek: ) that Taohaj had been accumulated tons of troops in Norway because he had the same idea: conquering Sweden!!! :confused:

At the same time, some allied troops landed in Casablanca and Gibraltar corps (under fire from spanish units) were replaced by a new fresh corp.

Despite of all this confusion and the fire of RN, Luftwaffe gave some support to axis forces in Sweden and also with the help of Kriegsmarine could sink 3 - 4 fleets and a air carrier which was annoying me from the sea! At the same time, the lack of supply for allied units in Sweden allow me to take Stockholm the previous turn that Russia entered at war (Russia declared war on Axis).

At present, a full Axis army group is trying to advance over Oslo. Gibraltar is under big pressure from spanish units and italian navy and some italian forces try to increase the pressure over Casablanca (three british units there).

In my first turn in Russia we captured the defenceless Riga (anybody there) and we are taking positions for the followings advances.

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Normal Dude vs. Seamonkey Update:

Jan 1941:

The Western front is mostly quiet, although a British cruiser wanders too close to Benelux and gets dinged by the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine.

In the Med the Italian Navy has rebuit itself from previous battles and strikes back at the RN! A British battleship and cruiser are sunk near Tobruk, with the help of Luftwaffe sorties from Athens. The British med fleet has now taken quite a beating, with only minor damage to the Italians. Meanwhile Italy lands a garrison in Crete. Italy IW is at lvl 2. The Luftwaffe and Royal Air Force clash over Crete and Tobruk, minor skirmishes.

Other preparations are classified at the moment, to be divulged at a later time.

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AAR nº 5: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

We are in April 1943 (more or less), 103 turns have been complete.

"We need tons of blood!!!" - That's the first words that the President of the Red Cross told in his conference this afternoon in Geneva.

Dozens of battles have been appearing since the last report. The overall situation is something like a stalemate:

The red army tried to cut the two german groups of armies in Poland running across a corridor at the north of Hungary. After some weeks of battles dozens of units were anihilate, including two HQ. Besides, the brave Filand army resist at Helsinky the attack of two powerfull armies.

More minor battles has been produce in Scandinavia, where allies hold the middle north meanwhile the axis control the south.

In a quick movement, some west allies units landed at the north of Germany and took Hamburg. Later US forces landed around Brussels conquering the city. However, in the last turn, new groups of german armies are encirclement this units and OKW expect to suppress them during the next weeks...

Despiter the critical situation, the OKW trusth in the Victory!

Go, go, go!!! ;)

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Originally posted by DAK_21PzDivision:

AAR nº 5: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

<snip> <snip> <snip> <snip>

Once again, I wonder if my opponent talks about the same game that I do !

The REAL situation is that the Germans never got further then Riga and Minks and that Minsk is even back in Russian hands ! The Germans didn't even try to recapture Egypt and the Middle East, so those 35 MPPs go to the UK every turn...

On top of that, alot of the German troops are commited to the continuous harrasement of the British in Scandinavia and Germany, of the Americans in the Low Countries and of some Russians in Finland and the Balkan.

In the mean time, the Russian are building up the most formidable warmachine that has ever been build and is waiting to march west !

The only draw-back at the moment is the German airfleets. I got the same problem that I have in all games : I grossly underestimate the importance of airforces :( But I am learning !

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AAR nº 6: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

We are in July 1944 (more or less), 139 turns have been complete.

After more than two years of bloody combats, the German Army controls all the scandinavian hexes!!! During the last weeks a strong amoured offensive with the support of Luftwaffe has become in the complete destruction of the ground allied units!! A great success, Hitler is euforic!!!

Meanwhile the German commanders tries to hold the line in Romania and Hungary, were thousand of russian are assaulting the axis allied lines. Fortunately for us, the Luftwaffe is giving the right support and, at this time, only one mountain hex has been conquered by the red commander.

On the other hand, our spies has detected more than 6 airplanes in england and 2 - 3 more bombers... must OKW be prepared for a new D-Day??

And the last news, the italian fleet almost controls the atlantic ocean with the support of some subs, which are hitting the british supply lines...

Very nice game! All the movements must be planned carefully!!! tongue.gif Go, go, go!!!

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