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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

scribblings from a layman

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ok, first things first: sorry if anything here has been mentioned anywhere else before. lazy me. ;)

a) Romania lost territories to the USSR in 1940 just like finland. While we see the finish part, there is no romanian counterpart. :confused:

B) would be nice if the USSR would get once in a while the ability to go to war against minor countries even while not at war with the axis

c) players should get the choice if they want to conduct burnt earth or not.

d) on the other hand in 1944-45 it should be possible for the retreating german player to conduct this barbaric practise everywhere (poland, france, germany etc.)

e) diplomatic chits are a nice addition to the game.

diplomatic pressure (clash of steel-like) should be an option as well (with chances that the pressure backfires...)

f) invasions into occupied territory should be possible as well, just like in history

g) why is there a limitation for anti-air? shouldn't it be possible to protect every land tile?

h) any chance that we can get mullberries and / or dunkirk 1940-like retreats for units at coastlines even while there is no harbor to be used?

i) it would be nice if subs would be allowed to dive every few turns (so that they would not be on the map for a turn. maybe combined with the ability to move one or two steps from their old position. could be lost if the enemy wins the race antisub/advanced-subs)

j) victory message should be improved. this black screen is a bit shoking, and then boring.

what about adding some 50 pics for each side, randomly presented if the game ends, maybe variations if marginal / major victory or stalemate

k) some kind of score would be nice when you quit the game. at least some mocking from the ai about the players performance or somee kind of wing commander-remembrance like message a la "they'll be waiting while you sleep" while you save your game (save & quit). ;)

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B) would be nice if the USSR would get once in a while the ability to go to war against minor countries even while not at war with the axis.

Nice idea - USSR can DOW Romania, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Baltic States, Finland. Of course, they are conseqences to each decision.

DOW Iraq or Iran then Turkey becomes more pro-Axis!

Attack Finland too early and Baltic States may join Axis!

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