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Kuni's Battle for Russia scenario! Ranchero(axis) vs Kuniworth(Soviet union)

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The best military machine in the world unleashed on the World's largest army

We will be playing my eastern front scenario stretching from june 22nd 1941 till may 9th, 1945. Unit size are corps and Soviet armies. Turns are 1 week simultaneous.

This is the largest military campaign in history and it will be do or die in Russia.

The winner will be the one that holds Berlin, Moscow, Stalingrad, Leningrad before the scenario end date. Otherwise - stallmate.

Ok let the war begin.

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June 22, 1941. Just completed the first turn as the axis player. First impressions are WOW, vast scope and detail. I did not look at the scenario before we started to play, so the events will be surprise. I punched some holes in the front line as expected and took two cities. Soviets are counter-attacking at some areas while pulling back the bulk of the army.

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June 22nd,

total chaos along the frontier. Germans punch towards Minsk, takes Kaunas and Vilna. Russian front has disintegrated. Retreat from Biyalostok(10th Army almost surrounded), 4th Army holds brest. In the south we abandoin Lvov and Bessarabia except Kishined.

We counterattack and kill of german pz corps in the south and damage another in Lithuania. Germans get a first taste of the t-34.

Bulgaria remain neutral.

US, UK and the Free french decalre support of the soviet union.

Hungary, Finland, Slovakia prepares for war.

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June 29, 1941. Minsk and Biayalostok fall, one Yugo partisan popped up, Slovakia, Hungary and Finland join. Trying to push aggressively against the retreating Soviets, but I can already see supply will become an issue early on. Soviet navy bombards the Finnish HQ.

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June 29,

Retreat behind the Dniestr in the south. In the north Minsk falls. The western soviet front has been virtually eliminated to the last unit.

We bombard Finland and holds Vyborg.

In Yugoslavia Tito almost kill the croatian guard unit.

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Question about bombing...both historical raids as well as a random raid are included.

July 6,

Attack on the Karelian Isthmus against Finland.

Panzers are at Mogilev, not far from Smolensk.

Meanwhile we sign a treaty with the UK and Hitler announce that the Yugoslavian state cease to exist.

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july 27, 1941.

German panzers are withdrawing in the central sector.

Finns are pushed back towards Helsinki. They can't stand the pressure of our tanks.

In the north the germans are bogged down. Riga holds and they are far from Talinn and Pskov.

In the south germans are rolling up the stalin line and coming closer to Odessa and Uman.

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Aug 3, 1941

finns are mauled.

Germans are rolling up the dniestr line and near Krivoy Rog, Uman and soon Odessa.

In the north Pskov will soon bee under pressure.

good news though, russians have air-superiority over the central sector!

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