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Weather clears, Russians brace for the usual slaughter in the East. In the West the Allies continue with their Med. operation, taking Tunis. Slowly ratching up the pressure......

So far the British paras have not been silly enough to drop in front of a German Tiger unit. Long range paras are too useful to waste!

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The russians feel the brunt of the luftwaffe.Rostov feels the full fury of the attack.One of the russians guarding around sevastopol is foolish enough to come see if we are guarding the mines.We are.The commies around stalingrad had better get ready.The forts will only prolong the inevitable:GERMAN VICTORY.

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Rostov indeed rolled over easily. Can certainly believe Germans will win without W. Allies intervention but UK is effective and you've yet to see the US in action. And Stalingrad is well fortified.

This turn is admittedly quiet. UK continues with Med. Ops. and general policy of harassing Italy.

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Policy of attacking Italy continues. British do a well executed Torch with lots of air support and take Sicily. American armour attacks Italian engineers fortifying on the French-Spanish border. russians continue to prepare for the battle of Stalingrad.

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Russians continue to hunker down and pray for the W. Allies to bite. Punishing air assaults by Axis continue - Axis air force not only numerous but high tech.

Americans attack into France from Spain supported by rather splendid new tanks, some US air and UK long range carrier. Lose an army but make progress and start to clear Axis fortifications (facing the wrong way!) and detroy a few entrenched corps.

British continue to destroy Italian position, more landings in North Africa plus air assaults on stranded Italian army.

Its going to be an interesting end to the year (we are mid '43).

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I think my italian engineers must have been drinking to much french wine and had their brains somewhere else(brothels)when they built those forts.Thats two major mistakes i made.Colin is capitalising on them.He is playing a very good allied game.

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I think its hard to build forts that stop the Allies in this game - I have naval supremacy so if he built them the other way round I would have just amphibed round or struck elsewhere.

Germans have now operated a serious force into Paris region to face the Americans building up on the Iberian-French border. Amercans are cautious for a couple of reasons I'd rather not mention at this point - but one is they have succeeded in indirectly slowing the assault on the Soviets which was their main mission statement.

British are a bit quieter, but continue to pick on the Italians in North Africa. Their carriers are going to have to be more cautious now Axis air power is heading West.

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Axis DoW Vichy and destroy US Corps and damage Bradley HQ with paras. But US and British fight back - loss of a para and Tiger by Germans,. Axis air formidable, pounding Russia and US, but maybe not so strong on the ground, the US is doing pretty well to hold its ground.

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Launching counterattack in west.Allies stronger than i thought.I have noticed that when i attack with my aircraft his rarely shoot back.Mud has come to the east and forestalled my planned offensive on stalingrad.Russians will be VERY hard to dig out.

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Allies pull back from France into Spain in the face of the German onslaught. British continue to clear North Africa and Russians keep digging into the Stalingrad megopolis.

The Americans bought time and lost a few units but killed a few too - it was a good value operation, I didn't seriously expect to win Paris this time around. His air is ferocious but this is the first year the Russians didn't get hammered.

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Finally the silence is broken.The luftwaffe with new and first rate flyboys launches a massive attack in the west resulting in the total desrution of 1 brit airfleet and the crippling of two others.Should the others stay within range they to will be destroyed.They are also trying to convince turkey to join thier side.We will try snd put a stop to this.

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