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Intercept enemy air fleets for specific target?

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I have asked this question before but then game development was in early stages and I got foggy answer. So I’ll ask again: Will player be enable to give order to intercept enemy air fleets for specific target?

Let me explain - In SC1 air fleets intercepted all attacking enemy fleets in their range no matter what target enemy fleets was attacking. In SC2 I would like to give order that my air fleets intercept only enemy air fleets if they will attack specific target, for instance – my armor unit in capitol.

I DO KNOW that will be different options like escort, intercept, don’t intercept etc. but when air fleets will be on intercept duty this option will be working the same like in SC1 (intercepted all attacking enemy fleets in their range no matter what target enemy fleets attack) or we will have more options like one what I asked above?

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I really like vveedd's suggestion!. I too would like my defensive air-fleets to defend just the targets i want defended in order to maximize my protective air-screen.

Instead of wasting my defensive airpower on every and any target!. In SC2's case , this may not matter anyway...since all targets are in some fashion industrial output points...thereby making all targets important!.

I would prefer to have a resource production value based on territory ownership....and then....place my factories wherever i liked ... even UNDERGROUND!.

Then the deployment of air-defence forces could be used to its maximum potential.

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I would prefer to ....place my factories wherever i liked ... even UNDERGROUND!.
Its expensive to move factories underground.

In SC2 terms that would be like spending 500MPP (about the cost of a battleship) to give an industrial resource target the ability to ignore the first 4 (?) points of damage from a strategic air attack. Now, the question is - if this option were available would players use it?

I think not if the cost to do so is 500MPP+.

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Best thing about slaves; you don't need to feed them much. If they die, you just get more. They are a renewable resource.

How exactly would you go about this? Would slave labor be considered part of industrial technology, or would there be another way to apply labor to burying your resources?

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I'm certian that calling the Luftwaffe in to protect a target area would be a great benefit. That or the RAF, USAF, or Red Airforce. You could really focus say on protecting that UberValuable HQ that you're afraid may be targeted. You could force protection on Vital Targets, rather than that Corps on the coast. One uses this tactic all too often also.. They hit a corpse tongue.gif to drain dry an Airfleet, then they strike the airfleet after it's been depleted. It shows no intellect on the part of the Air Unit...

If you force protect what you want, or certian tiles. At least you do not lose air on unwanted crap.

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Originally posted by Liam:

One uses this tactic all too often also.. They hit a corpse tongue.gif to drain dry an Airfleet, then they strike the airfleet after it's been depleted. It shows no intellect on the part of the Air Unit...

If you force protect what you want, or certian tiles. At least you do not lose air on unwanted crap.

EXACTLY because of this reason I suggested this option for air fleets.

Hubert, I am glad that you like idea and I hope that you will integrate it in SC2 soon. To my humble opinion this option will improve gameplay a lot.

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Alright, I'm with you guys on this feature, but let us consider some simulations of the feature with the present mechanics.

If you want to protect a certain tile from air attack just station enough AFs in the vicinity to assure it. You don't have enough AFs, then you don't deserve the liberties of air superiority (your AFs got bounced).

Yes, the soak off attack is a viable maneuver. Ever heard of a diversion or an intercept(the counter-intercept) before the AF gets to its destination?

And as far as deploying an air unit in "harm's way"(forward), I usually back it up with at least one other AF for the intercept(the counter), usually a strong one with lots of experience. Good reconnaissance will identify "forward deployments".

In short, just because you designate an AF for CAP, doesn't mean it will be a successful mission.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

If you want to protect a certain tile from air attack just station enough AFs in the vicinity to assure it. You don't have enough AFs, then you don't deserve the liberties of air superiority (your AFs got bounced).

I agree but what if you play with limited AF settings? Actually my original idea included option to protect units only but this tiles idea is not bad also.

Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Yes, the soak off attack is a viable maneuver. Ever heard of a diversion or an intercept(the counter-intercept) before the AF gets to its destination?

I agree again but in SC 1 map was too small for this. Don’t know about SC2 map. It looks much bigger. The best solution will be that we have in SC2 extra turn to determine intercept duties like in Third Reich game but game mechanics (concept) do not support that.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Why dont you have a box pop up to ask the player if he/she wants to intercept. I found this playing the demo of sc1 (ordered game arriving soon) that because i had no hq and had to intercept, my air fleet of 2 against a british and free french fighter i was being ripped apart. So i had to pull the 2 bach and reinforce while rommel and the other fiter was taking sweden. last turn got 1 air tech they hurt 2-1. Rommel takes over 4-0. Also the refusal to intercept could be if you are out classed in plannes on d-day to save them from then intercept loss so they can attack on your turn full strength. Also the attack could be on a unit without air support.

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