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AAR Timskorn (Allies) vs. Rambo (Axis)

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Here is the pic from the winter offensive:


Allies are on the defensive big time now. UK and US still pretty much have their entire military intact, but must make any future move count. Russians lost a lot of troops but have plenty for defense, the only problem now is that Germany has super mega-rockets that can fire 6 tiles away and which can literally destroy an entire division with a couple of hits. Sitting around and defending isn't the greatest option anymore.

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Not as much as it should have. Looking back on it, the strategy sounded better than it was. Because my forces were so spread out I lacked the necessary punch to finish off more of his units. Not only that, but the supply line for the northern flank of the attack was too stretched. If I were to do it over again, I would have amassed the troops in the north behind the line near Rostov. That way there would be a higher concentration of units in a single area, allowing me to hit a single unit 3 or 4 times a turn instead of once or twice.

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June 4, 1944 ---

-There is no D-Day, France continues to be Bunta.

-There is no UK units in Ireland or on the Island.

-Bergen is UK, with HQ & couple ground units working as terrorists in the mountains. Defenders in Oslo have been prepped. Not sure if anymore naval units are in this isolated port of Bergen. We have pulled back our sub & 3 cruisers patroling the area formally owned by the UK.

-Russia, we continue to press, hitting Rostov trenches...killer armour, corp, & army....sounds like a trifecta. Rocket pops supply at Rostov. Italian bomber even takes a run on it. Vonngera or whatever was also taken.

-Allied air power is somewhere in Africa, which Allies own. There were many air units in Spanish Morrocco, but they flew out of my rocket range in Spain.

WMD are quite deadly now. Shooting range of 6, Elite status smile.gif

LF is deadly too, experience maxed, popping units whenever they are in range. Currently, LF & Italian fighters are in Russia. I've got forts all over the game board. France, Russia, etc. Since the Allies are in Africa, meetings have been held on the defense of Italy or mainland targets there. I'm expecting the Yanks to land somewhere.

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July 1944: Russians are fighting to the last man and making the Axis earn each inch they take. Mud and snow can't come fast enough.

UK and US forces make their landing in Spain. British hit Valencia hard and easily take the city over. US has trouble landing in Portugal but reinforcements are en route. UK/US need a foothold on the mainland at this point and to divert some of those megatron beams away from the Russians.

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August 1944: Russians in the south are barely holding the line. Those left behind are merely there to do what damage they can and hold back the advance for as long as possible. In the north, Russians under Zhukov re-organized and have pushed on Moscow again.

In Spain, the Allies have arrived in force. Portugal is liberated by the US, Valencia by the British and a German Army in Madrid has been hit hard by the British 7th Armored. Two German Corps and an Italian Corp. are gone. The Allies have the advantage of long-range air support in the region and look to finally create a solid second front on the mainland. We’ll see what JJR plans on moving back over to face them.

In Norway, UK units still hold strong and hope to keep an ever-present threat to Oslo there. Rostov and Voronezh has been taken and the next German goal will be the Caucasus and Stalingrad.

I won’t be home tonight to send my turn, will have to wait until tomorrow night.

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August 20th, 1944: Spain is liberated! The US and British establish a strong foothold on the continent as they make their way towards France and the elaborate maze of fortifications that German slave labor have constructed in the five years since war broke out.

In Russia, Stalin is wallowing in Vodka as he drowns his worries away and ordering rash decisions. Russian forces in the north destroy a Corp. at Moscow but don't have enough to take it. German rockets directed their fire to the north and have done some damage. In a desperate move, the reds storm southward towards the howling rockets. A Corp. is ambushed and nearly destroyed, but a Red Tank division follows up and hammers a 13 strength rocket down to 7. A small victory for Allied troops everywhere who've been tormented by those monstrosities.

Stalingrad holds and the Caucusus reinforce. The Germans look weak in armor as they advance, showing almost all Corp. and Army units. I'm sure they are planning something, as I know he has more units available...somewhere. JJR may be planning an invasion somewhere, or preparing his troops for the upcoming battle in France.

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October '44: Russians hold the Caucuses, Moscow and all the cities behind it. Rostov, Stalingrad and Voronezh are the three that have been most recently taken. Winter should give the Russians time to stall the Axis advance and buy more time.

In Spain, the UK and US have a large air and land force that begins its march into France. In order to counter German rockets, Allied air now has a very long reach and is able to pound on a rocket entrenched near Brest, forcing him to op-move it away.

Brits are still operating in Norway, and now German units and an HQ are arriving to deal with them. A lone Italian Corp. sneaks past a US cruiser and lands at an undefended Tunisia. Lame, but we'll take it back.

Fun game so far, looks like it may go the distance.

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Early 1945:

-Allies are trying to advance from Spain in the middle of winter. Bad idea, rockets in trenches & the mountains wipe any advancer out, instantly. W/O air cover, Allies can't do squat there.

-Russia, advances made in the South. It's slow, but's forward. Reds putting feelers out in the North. I'm entrenched with forts everywhere, no issues. LF very strong. Rockets 15 Elites, with +5.

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Yep, for marginal. I'm not sure but with London you'll probably get a higher victory condition or should.

Minimum for Axis victory is Moscow, Paris, Rome, Warsaw, and of course Berlin.

Don't need Stalingrad or London, unless you took Moscow and lost it and Stalingrad became capital.

Sheesh...now I'm confused tongue.gif .

Just get Moscow and hold on to Paris!

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Early '45: German rockets have literally turned into zap guns. Two Corp. and an airborne unit instantly destroyed. ZZZZZZZZAP. It's war of the worlds in France right now, literally. The beams are searching for targets and incinerating the flesh of many thousands of brave men who only know their doom is near by the sound of the beams heating up.

But still they push on. Allied air units get clear weather and run strafe and bombing runs against the German superweapons in France's southern mountains. A 15 strength rocket is dropped to 7 and will need to be op-moved from the area or face total destruction next turn.

Russians swarm Voronezh and re-take the city. The German unit at Stalingrad is facing a horde of angry reds all alone and a Russian corp. takes a bite out of a German rear-guard HQ to the south. A city is lost in the Caucusus but the Russians are dug into the mountains and will force the Nazi's to take every square inch with blood.

In Norway, British units destroy a German Corp. that was shuttled into the area and look to finally press on Oslo and reclaim the country.

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Yes, intense battles on all fronts. German counter strike North of Stalingrad with LF. Kill a unit, several damage another, and take a pop shot at a third. German Army heads north, Corp remains in Stalingrad, slightly damaged (str 6 & 7 for those units). LF is South of Stalingrad, was intended to head South, but instead needed to swat those flies.

In Southern Russian, we kill a tank, the hard way, with ground troops. We took damage, but didn't die with that kill. Slow meat grinder.

@Volhuwitz (or whatever), Reds are countered, we send 2-Armies & Panzer, kill a corp. His decision to press there or not.

In France, we tighten up. Everybody goes to bunkers which are thru-out the landscape. Massive Allied Air power makes it dangerous to leave cover. We reinforce & move rockets away from his air range.

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The Russians are in a fight for their life. Two bad turns in a row for Allied air, can only strike at short-range targets. In Norway Brits lose an Army but reinforcements have arrived in the form of a seasoned bomber and fighter group, along with the recovering Corp. in the Norwegian mountains.

Russians pull back from Stalingrad and don't press at Voronezh. We are ever-present though, and Voronezh will have to be fought over again. The Caucusus are slowly receding. Allies in France need to push hard and fast soon and let airpower rip apart everything that stands in the way.

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For all the time he's played SC2 too. Shame. Shame I say!

I think it's May or June '45: Russians are on the defensive. We still hold Caucusus, Voronezh and Stalingrad but all very tenuously. He has concentrated all of his air and rockets in Russia to try and finish them off.

In Norway the Brits score another kill, this time against a German Army. It's becoming a meatgrinder up there for Axis troops now that air support has arrived.

In France the Allies begin their push. With bomber and naval support, German-occupied cities are being leveled to zero in preparation for our advances. After that, a nice long strafing of the target units is in order with US fighters and then the mop-up with land forces. We are steadily moving in!

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Since Volhuwitz is such a popular subject, I decided to headcrack it & take it back. 2-Armies & a Panzer are able to mop things up after 2 WMD rockets soften it up.

Gronzy is now Bunta. I'm not worrying about victory conditions, I'm clearing that nest of Commies out of those Southern Oil wells.

In France, we hide in forts scattered thru-out. Engineers continue to build more.

Norway is a nasty place. Commando Brits fight on with some aircover...I've got the Island, but I can get them to chill out their missions.

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